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Random semi-angry thoughts.

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Random semi-angry thoughts. Empty Random semi-angry thoughts.

Post  Andyyyy Sun May 15, 2011 10:04 pm

They're probably not going to be as angry as what I actually feel right now, because I know I'm going to edit this a lot and try not to sound mean >.<

People are so fucking oblivious to the world around them, it disgusts me. They just care about themselves; so fucking self-centered. What about your friends? Do you even care about them at all? Do you even bother to ask them now and then how they're doing, if they're okay? No, of course you don't. You're too obsessed with fixing your hair and your make-up to notice anyone around you. You'll learn one day, I'm sure you will. You'll learn that your friends are more important then your appearances, and then you'll feel like absolute shit. Because you failed to be even a slightly decent friend, they're gone. Forever. And of course, you're the one to blame.
Three years ago yesterday, my best friend Lexi killed herself. I was the oblivious one, sure I was.. what? Thirteen? Twelve? But I was the one who didn't care, who didn't bother to comfort her when she needed it. I've never really forgave myself for this; Everyone always tells me it isn't my fault, because she never seemed the least bit sad, but it's always the happy ones that have problems. In her suicide note, she mentioned me. Not a big chunk of it, but she said sorry. That's all. After all that, she was the sorry one.
I still can't really believe she's gone. I spent the last of my money on flowers for her, and went to her grave yesterday until I was kicked out of the cemetery. I sat there alone all day. Singing. Crying. Wishing she could come back. You never really appreciate anything until something tragic happens, it's true. I just wish I wasn't such a shit friend.
It's also why I'm not really friends with that many people anymore. I don't want to be responsible for another's death, again. I try to help people if I think they need it, but other than that, I try not to get too close. So, I don't know. If you're reading this, and I've been shutting you out for a while now, this is why. It's nothing personal. I'm just a paranoid fuck.
you've got the hang of it.

Posts : 392
Join date : 2011-03-14
Age : 26
Location : new yawwwk

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Random semi-angry thoughts. Empty Re: Random semi-angry thoughts.

Post  Taylor Mon May 16, 2011 2:29 am

Andy.. you know I'm always here for you. I promise that I'm not going to "die on you" and even if I did, you wouldn't be the cause... It'd either be uh.. Issac Newton, or another one of my shitty friends who doesn't care. & If I could've flown out to New York to visit her grave, you know I would've, but my mom is psychotic & I really can't afford it. I miss her, too. You aren't the only one. If you ever need to talk about something... Well, yeah, I'm here.
& What is your signature about... what happened to the date, and the nice lovey lyrics. Do I have to kick Charlie's ass?
alright, now keep going.

Posts : 665
Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
Location : Chicago

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