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Hidden child

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Hidden child Empty Hidden child

Post  fangluv1089 Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:15 pm

Okay so I have written a book and I am going to put it on here as a test. Now I will try my hardest to update a chapter or two every day and I need people to tell me what they think AKA sucks, good, horrible etc. Now I won't stop this story half way like my other one because I have this one fully written out and plan on getting it published so this is just a test to see how well it is though of Thx. Oh and I know this is similar to beyond the shadows but the idea is branched from beyond the shadows. So thanks for reading love you all and please tell me what you think of the story so I can adjust it do not be afraid to be brutally honest Thanks
alright, now keep going.

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Hidden child Empty Re: Hidden child

Post  fangluv1089 Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:20 pm

To all of my friends and my family who waited patiently while i babbled on and on about my book.
And to Madison who listened to me rant about the book.
I love you all.

chapter 1.
The ground smirked at me from where I stood at the top of the forty-eight story
building. The wind whipped my cinnamon hair into my face and i sighed as I pushed it away. I heard the sirens blaring and people shouting at me from below. The small
smirk that escaped on my thin ruby lips couldn't be helped. Some days mortals were so easy to trick. The last command for me to get down was given and thats when I jumped and let my wings show.
Women screamed, men swore, dogs barked, cats hissed, and time froze. I
opened my wings and let my leathery/soft feathers and powerful muscle and bone lift
me into the air just before I hit the ground. I couldn't help but laugh at the frantic
people below as I flew into the night sky. Of course my mood was dampened when the sky began to pelt me with freezing rain, soaking my black shirt and size six jeans and plastering them to my tiny frame.
When I got inside a very pissed looking Jason was waiting on me. His tall frame was stiff with anger. I gazed into his green eyes that normally were friendly but right now were hard and showed anger. Even his dark brown hair seemed to be stiff over his left eye with tension.
“Why the hell were you caught flying on the news?” He demanded in his deep british accent, I shrugged and walked to my room. I have never spoken a word in my life. Not one. I just donʼt, end of story. Also my name is Hazarel, but people mainly call me Hazel. I have my wings due to the fact that my now deceased parents made a deal with the devil. Now I am cursed to live forever. Also I have to live off of my Watchers blood, nothing else will sustain me the right way.
There isn’t much more you need to know about me. Just that I’m known as an Avenging Angel. Also that I live alone with Jason who is my Watcher. If there was more I wouldn’t tell you anyways.
alright, now keep going.

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Age : 28
Location : you arent going to find out

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Hidden child Empty Re: Hidden child

Post  fangluv1089 Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:27 pm

chapter 2

I now stand in front of the Grand Council of Elders. They are a bunch of old farts that rule over the Avenging Angels.Their wrinkled, graying faces are all contorted into anger, well all except Beatrice’s. I really don’t think knows where she is at, or why she is there for that matter. Either way they are not happy today, due to the fact that my little stunt is blown all over the news
“Hazarel your wings are a gift not a publicity stunt.” Tabatha, the oldest member chided me. I just shrugged as if blowing the secret of the Avenging Angels is nothing. To me it was just that, I had done worst. Jason stood near by looking in my general direction, he was not happy with me either. The watches all turned into a group and began to mutter to each other. I caught a few snippets of their conversation.
“.....Dangerous to all of us.....”
“.......Remove her wings....”
They all whispered Beatrice’s name a the same time and I smiled. Talk about comic relief.
“Okay don’t do it again, for now you are on probation. We will be watching you.” Tabatha informed us after about twenty minutes of debating. She waved me and Jason away and I was glad to finally get out of there. I was now mad, it was just a little stunt for crying out loud!
I rolled my eyes and walked out of the macabre stone room that held Avenger meetings and punishments, and into the posh polished building that held the meeting room. I sighed and punched a wall. Stupid elders with their stupid rules.
“Do you need to eat?” Jason asked me. Probably recalling that I haven’t eaten in about a week. I shook my head feeling slightly shocked. Why would I eat in such a public place. I may be a rebel but I’m not that indecent, or insane for that matter.

When we got home I felt exhausted for no reason. I went straight to bed. I didn’t even bother to put on my pajamas. When I woke up, Jason was no where in sight. Instead Eva stood in my room almost silently. She smirked at me and pulled me up from my sleeping position.
“Good morning sleepy head!” She practically yelled. I flinched feeling slightly hung over. She smiled hoping I would speak for the first time, I just shook my head.After about the third break in, I stopped questioning how she got into my house. I mean really we had changed the locks multiple times and even had safety bars on the windows and a security system. I guess breaking in was one of Eva’s hobbies.
I stood up and went to go shower. When the scalding water hit my wings and back, I smiled and let my muscles relax. Eva is short for Evessa. She is one of the most random Avenging Angels you can meet. She, like all of us, has a slim frame. For the most-part she is tan, and has long black hair that reaches her mid-back, she hates to wear it down tho.
There are many of us,
and we mainly have had an ailment in our life and our parents signed a deal with Lucifer to keep us alive. However in that process they have gotten themselves killed. Tho, a few of the parents made a second deal thus killing their partner to gain eternal life. Anyway now the avengers are trying to overcome the mess that our parents have put us in.
I jumped and turned off the water when I heard a crash. I do believe that Amy is in the house, she had a habit of destroying things when he was in the house. When I walked into my living room five minutes later dressed in my day clothes, Amy was trying to put my TV screen back together. I smirked at her frustration at the broken glass and strode over to help her. Eva stood in a corner holding her breath she had a problem with blood, always made her sick. I waved her away and she left the house to go find her watcher.
I gave Amy a questioning look and she smiled up at me sheepishly. Amy is short for Amethyst she is what we call a young one at the age of twelve and a half and has short spiked out black hair.
“I tripped.” She muttered I rolled my eyes and wrote down on a slip of paper that we needed a new TV. Jason walked in and tried his best to ignore the ruined television. He muttered a few swear words under his breath and handed me a sheet of paper from the Grand Council of Old Farts.
“You are taken off of probation to do a quick rescue, four avengers have gone missing. You, Amethyst, and Evessa need to go retrieve them and take out their captors.” Jason informed me while Pulling Amy away from the now flaming and destroyed TV. I nodded and went to my room to pack. I heard Amy complaining as Jason threw her out too.
alright, now keep going.

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Age : 28
Location : you arent going to find out

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Hidden child Empty Re: Hidden child

Post  fangluv1089 Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:22 am

Chapter 3.

I stood on the frozen tundra that was the destination of our mission. Unbearable pain laced my legs; I glanced down and screamed at my shredded legs. Eva and Amy lay in bloody heaps at my feet I covered my mouth and stepped back. A man in a black and red suit stood a good bit back. He smirked at me and drew the claws that had killed my friends.
I jerked awake with a gasp and threw off the too hot and heavy covers of the hotel bed. Jason stared at me from the couch he was sleeping on. I smiled weakly at him and shook my head. Jason walked over to me and wiped away the few stray tears that had escaped my eyes and took my hand to keep it from shaking.
“Do you need to feed?” Jason asked me I nodded reluctantly. He brought his wrist to my mouth and I bit into his waiting flesh. When the blood hit my tongue, my instincts kicked in.
“I heard screa-oh-h” Amy half yelled when she ran in holding her sword. I broke from Jason’s wrist and watched Amy turn beet read at catching us feeding. To many avenging angels, feeding was as intimate as sleeping with someone.
Amy was still young, so she didn’t know how to react, so she just began to sputter apologies and left the room. I, on the other hand, burst into hysterical laughter and fell off of the bed. Jason helped me up and handed me his wrist once more. I obeyed his silent command to continue and drank until he passed out such was the normal procedure. A frown escaped on my lips as I pulled the large covers on over him and went to go take a shower.
When I slid my pajama bottoms off I had to stifle a scream, my legs were bloody and scratched. After I realized this, I went into a robotic state. I turned the water on and sank in not even feeling that it was scalding, or that it was stinging the cuts in my legs. The water took on a red tint and it reminded me of Elizabeth Bathory, I mused lightly how I didn’t even have to worry about growing old like she did. After a few hours I realized that the water was freezing and stood up and got dressed.
When the sun began to rise, I went out for a quick fly. I kept feeling like I was being followed and watched. When I landed, a man with long red and black hair waited. He had pale skin With veins practically pushing out of his skin. He wore a jet black suit that looked as tho it was made of beetles crawling in unison on his skin.
“Good morning Hazarel.” He said in a deep voice. I nodded in acknowledgement to Lucifer and sat on a near by boulder. He smiled and began to play with a silver ring on his hand. When his red eyes finally found mine again he frowned.
“Are you going to save my missing children?” He asked seriously. I nodded and stood as he approached me and placed a hand lightly on my arm.
“My dear obedient daughter, be quick but keep your wits.” He told me and disappeared in a mini dust twister. I shook my head opened my wings back up and took off heading back for the hotel.
When I got back, Amy was in a heated argument with Eva. Jason and the other watchers watched as Amy and Eva went full angel and began to screech at each other.
I slammed the door behind myself to catch their attention. By now Amy’s wings had a skull design in the middle, it showed that she was ready to kill. Eva’s wings showed a knife design as she challenged Amy on. I glanced at Jason and rose an eyebrow
“They’re fighting over a hunt.” He explained. I nodded and sat down to watch the fight that quickly turned into a fist fight. Eventually, the two girl’s watchers broke them up. I rolled my eyes and stood up, when I glanced at Jason he was already texting two other avengers to take o the hunt. We needed to get moving anyway.
“Go pack your things. I will check us out.” Amy’s watcher, Vincent, told us and walked out the door. I strode into my room and began to repack my things in my bag. After ten minutes we were on the road and ready to officially start the mission.
alright, now keep going.

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Age : 28
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Hidden child Empty Re: Hidden child

Post  fangluv1089 Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:23 am

Chapter 4
I watched Jason ask the french secretary for six plane tickets to Alaska, where the mission was to be. He smiled when the woman got a dazed look and handed over the tickets without further question. That’s right, Jason has powers, all watchers do. Their powers mainly consist of compulsion, speed-healing, and telekinesis with their charge and other watchers. They have other powers but those depend on themselves.
We were boarded in first class and were drinking monsters and other various energy drinks. I learned after twenty minutes that it was a bad idea to give Amy energy drinks. Because she jumped up and began to run back and forth in the plane isle.
“Please sir, madame control your child!” A man dressed in a Tux- that was too small for him -yelled at us. He had a fat squat form and a bright red face. Amy stopped running And looked directly at him with a small angelic smile on her face. I frowned knowing that this couldn’t be good.
“They aren’t my parents! Also I will calm down when you stop shoving Twinkies into your mouth fattie!” She yelled and took off again. The man spluttered like an idiot and made a ‘humph’ as he turned his back to us. I glanced at Jason and we both began to laugh. The plane began to descend and Amy went flying backwards until we heard a crash.
“Yet another airline we are banned from thanks to Amy.” Vincent mused. The plane touched down and the pilot came on over the intercom to thank us for flying with that airline and to have a nice day.
We glanced up when we realized that Amy wasn’t walking beside us. When she did get off the plane, she had a metal pot on her head and a spork stabbed into her arm.
“Did you know they had a kitchen?!” She asked with wide excited eyes.
alright, now keep going.

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Age : 28
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Hidden child Empty Re: Hidden child

Post  fangluv1089 Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:23 am

chapter 5
Amy smiled up at the security guard that walked off of the plane. He did not look happy at all.
“Ma’am, we are going to need that pot back.” He told Amy.
“ But I need it incase I fall while flying.” Amy complained.
“Uh-h excuse me?”
“You will have to excuse our sister she is delusional.” Vincent said.
“I am not you......” Amy was cut off by Vincent putting his hand over Amy’s mouth. She growled and bit him and he frowned at her.
“Amy, you have bitten me before.” He told her as she released him and continued to mumble underneath his hand.
“....In a far away place......Hear you scream......Plankton.....Germain Shepard...........curtain......bucket of wasps.....and a sword.” We managed to understand. By now the guard had gotten the pot back and walked away. Amy was trying to chase the man and get the pot back so Vincent got some chloroform and a cloth from his medical kit. We used that in times of emergencies, like when we needed to be stitched up or something along those lines.
“Such language.” Eva muttered. We watched as Vincent put Amy under and picked her up bridal style.

We now stand in the frozen tundra known as Alaska. A shabby, rundown house stood alone near by and we knew that was the place that held the others. We started into the house and for the study. When we walked in, I almost heaved. At first glance of the room it looked quite beautiful. Colorful books lined the mahogany shelves, plush chairs sat in a semi circle within the room the floor even had a natural green shade to it. All was well until you reached the huge contrast of the beautiful homey looking study. The others were on the wall, tacked up by their wings and wrists. The scene eerily reminded me of butterflies tacked in a display case. Hope had her head hanging and glared at the floor, she shouldn't have even been here she was too young to even be out of her watchers shadow. The blood from the others ran down the walls and to the floor, some dry, some fresh staining the carpet making the natural green look like that of a battle field that held no survivors. The stench alone of those long dead had me feeling sick.
I almost swore, one of the young ones hung too. She was barely six and she was dead. Amy was sobbing behind me but by now I was so lost to rage that I didn’t care who did this. I wanted to kill them slowly and painfully just like the young one had died.
“Get them down.” Jason commanded and we went to work knocking them out and pulling the railroad spikes out of their wings and the nails out of their wrists. Then something hit me right between my wings. I gasped in surprise and turned to fight. However all of my fight left me when I saw who it was.
alright, now keep going.

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Age : 28
Location : you arent going to find out

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Hidden child Empty Re: Hidden child

Post  fangluv1089 Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:53 am

Chapter 6.
The man from my dream stood grinning at me. The teeth that showed were rotting and pointed. His face looked like a piece of skin stretched over cheek pointed bones. His eyes were a foggy blue that were dilated to the point of a pin prick. Lastly he was tall and thin once again it looked like his skin was stretched over pointed bones and his back hunched over and bumped from his back bone pushing at the skin.
I frowned and got ready to fight, as did the others as clones of the man filed into the room. Within seconds the room was filled with grunts an swear words. I felt a claw hit my shoulder and glanced down at the gash.
“Shit!” I yelled Everyone in the room, including the enemies, froze and the room went silent.After about six seconds common sense came back to everyone and the room erupted into fighting again. After about twenty minutes the men were dead or dying.
“Scout the place.”Jason ordered. I took the basement with Jason and Amy, Eva was getting the others who were alive to the van and cremating the ones who were dead with the help of Vincent and her watcher.
I heard a whimper coming from a back room. When I opened the door three children sat huddled in the center of the floor. They had tear streaks running down their faces and they were dressed in potato sacs. I looked at each of them and saw a small girl with brown hair holding a baby that couldn't have been more than a few months old. The oldest looking one was a black haired by who had them both held in his arms. They were all filthy and looked under fed and deathly skinny.
I carefully walked over to them and held my hand out to them like one might do to soothe a wild animal. Amy was right behind me and doing the same thing.
“It’s okay we won’t hurt you.” Amy said in a soft voice the girl sniffled and bit her lip. They were still young all younger than six by the looks of it.
“Is it over?” The oldest boy asked. I nodded and stepped closer to them, when I did they began to shake, I pulled off my coat and handed it to the boy. Amy did the same thing and handed hers to the little girl. She smiled and wrapped herself in it.
The oldest stood and looked me straight in the eye.
“Will you help us?” He asked I nodded and grabbed Jason’s coat and handed it to him and he wrapped the baby in it. He handed the baby to me and took my free hand the girl took Amy’s hand and we led them out of the house. Quickly only wanting to get the hell out of there.
alright, now keep going.

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Age : 28
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Hidden child Empty Re: Hidden child

Post  fangluv1089 Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:08 am

chapter 7

We now sit in my house. I have decided to adopt the three kids and remodel my study and two storage rooms to be their rooms. Abaddon is the oldest at six and he is getting the biggest room. Macererial is four and she is getting the second biggest room. Matthew gets the smallest room and we have yet to build him a crib. He is the youngest at just four months old.
Macee is already referring to me as momma, Eva as her aunt, and Amy as her sister. Abe is still on the cautious side around us but I have caught him calling me mom from time to time.
I stood from the couch to help Eva cook. Basically I cook the side dishes, I can’t cook anything else.
“Kids dinner,” I called out to the house. About five minutes later Macee, Abe, and Jason who was holding Matt walked into the dining room. When we were half way through dinner when a man that is one of lucifers messengers walked into the kitchen. He was pale with a wrinkled face he looked a lot like a pug to me. His ears were pointed at the end like an elf's and he had a pretty muscular build. I stopped questioning how he got in after the fourth break in, as I did with Eva. He glanced between the kids and myself several times with a perplexed look on his face.
“How?” he asked.
“How did you line these plates up so evenly?” He demanded. He then grabbed a plate from Macee, dumped the food on her head, and began to rub his face on the plate. Macee tried to get the plate back but the demon began to cry when she did. She jerked her hand back quickly and gave me a questioning look.
“Do you want the plate?” I asked.
“Yes!” He answered quickly and hugged the plate to his chest. I rolled my eyes and went into the kitchen to get a wash cloth for Macee. Why carl was in my house still remained a mystery. I don’t think Lucifer needed anything. I guess he was just lonely.
I walked out holding cake and clear blue plates. Jason jumped up instantly to help me and Carl stared at the plate in awe.
“Those plates.” He gasped and grabbed one.
“It’s so cool everything is so-o blue!” he said as he held one up to his eyes.
“I guess you can have that one too.” I said, he smiled and tucked the plate away into his satchel.
“Oh my gosh, this table cloth is so soft can I sleep on it. And this floor its so shiny and smooth!” He said and dropped to the floor and began to rub his face on the floor
“Is he on ecstasy?” Macee asked. I glanced at her wondering how she knew about that. I shook my head and cut the cake. Jason had left the room to get a second plate for me and the others were watching Carl rub his face on the floor. Jason glanced at Macee with an odd look on his face.
“How do you know about that?” He demanded.
“MTV.”she said with a shrug and stole Abe’s biscuit .
“Oh Hounds of Hell are on their way.” Carl said and went back to rubbing his face on the floor. Instantly I picked up Mat, and grabbed Macee’s hand. Jason was already leading Abe and the others to the door. We didn’t stand a chance against Hounds with Amy and the kids around.
Hounds of Hell are basically over grown, over muscled, Great Danes with rancid sharp teeth. And those teeth can rip into metal better than the Jaws of Life. The claws could rip steel apart just with a little touch of pressure. The eyes were keen and they could see anything, the hearing was better and they could hear a feather hit the ground.
When I threw open the door, three stood waiting and growling. I handed Mat to Amy and and picked up Macee.
Abe had run to the kitchen to get a knife. When I heard him yell out, my heart sank. He ran back in looking scared.
“They are all around the house!” He exclaimed. I nodded and bit my lip.
“Are we gonna die?” Macee sobbed into my shoulder. I shook my head and glanced around the living room. Then an idea hit me like a ton of bricks.
alright, now keep going.

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Age : 28
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Hidden child Empty Re: Hidden child

Post  fangluv1089 Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:34 am

Chapter 8
There over the fire place hung my old blades. I hadn’t used them in years. And there they sat gleaming patiently in the dull light of the fish tank. They were waiting on me as always.
I set Macee down and walked to the blades. The straps wrapped around my wrist and stabbed into my flesh. I gave a small cry of shocked pain but otherwise smiled.
“Hello my darlings I have missed you.” I purred to the blades and faced the hounds with a new light to my eyes. I could feel a muted bit of power to my being already.
“Oh-h you are in trouble now.” I distantly heard Jason say. He pulled Macee back as I began to attack with the true fury of the weeping widow. When I was deep into the battle I heard a crack that sounded like minor damage. Almost like a plate being stepped on.
“You. Broke. My. Plate.” I heard Carl snarl then he was running through eliminating every Hound that was left. I was shocked not knowing that the messenger could take on that much . He faced about twenty hounds and had them down in almost the blink of an eye. The kids watched just as dumbfounded as I was at the fact that he took out more in seconds than I could in hours.
After about an hour, every threat was gone and Carl was curled up on on my kitchen table sleeping while he hugged the table cloth to his chest. The house was a complete mess. Blood spattered the walls. chairs and tables were broken, the TV was on fire, and it looked like a bomb exploded in my living room with a mushroom cloud following from all of the dust and smoke from where Carl had set the couch on fire.
Macee glared suspiciously at my blades. I smiled kindly at her and began to detach them, ignoring the pain they left on my wrists in their wake, and began to clean them.
“The rent might go up a bit.” Jason informed me as a chandelier fell from the ceiling.
alright, now keep going.

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Age : 28
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Hidden child Empty Re: Hidden child

Post  fangluv1089 Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:41 am

Chapter 9
It is the day of Halloween and all of us are trick-or-treating. Macee is a fairy, Matt is a tiger, and Abe is batman. I smiled as Macee pulled me towards a random house. I would leave the talking to her.
As we walked, Carl grabbed my skirt and muttered something about chocolate he was dressed as a little dog with socks as ears. After a few hours, we headed to the new safe house. All three of the kids were tired.
At about five in the morning I was doing paperwork for Lucifer when I head Macee yelling for me. I found the source of the yelling outside on the six story roof.
“Look mamma I can fly just like you!” She yelled and jumped off of the roof. I gave a scream and opened my wings then I jumped up and caught her.
“Do not ever do that ever again.” I told her sternly she gave a small nod and I sighed. When we got in I took her straight to bed. After a few minutes I heard whimpering coming from Eva’s room.
“Do you need me to call Hazel?” I heard Eathen ask. After a few minutes my name was called and I jogged in. Eva was holding her throat looking ready to cry. Something was definitely wrong.
alright, now keep going.

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Hidden child Empty Re: Hidden child

Post  fangluv1089 Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:57 am

Chapter 10
The ambulance rushed Eva to the hospital. We followed in a van that was bought for the purpose of getting the kids around. When we arrived we ran to the waiting room where we were stopped.
“She needs her Tonsils removed.” A doctor told us simply.
“Wait here while we operate.” he said.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After a few hours Eva was able to be seen. At the moment I was the only one around her. Amy was with Vincent, she needed to feed, Jason and the kids were in the basement cafeteria, and Eathen was back at the safe house. We had sent him back after he tried to punch a doctor.
I walked into the room to see her. She was out cold and would be drugged for a while. I sighed and sat down, and jumped when I heard a gunshot and a scream. Jason ran in looking panicked.
“Did the kids come through here?” He asked. My eyes widened and I jumped up and ran out of the room. Jason followed me, or at least tried to.
“No stay with Eva! If anything goes wrong get her out of here.” He nodded reluctantly and went back into her room. Vincent ran by looking even more panicked.
“I lost Amy but the kids are on their way out.” He told me I nodded and took off. As I ran I saw abandoned bodies and dying shooting victims.
I came to a screeching halt when I saw Amy surrounded by shooters. They were all seedy looking and I was curious as to why the hospital had let them in. I heard a clear whimper from her and frowned when I heard the true reason for this attack.
“Where is Hazel?” One of them demanded, Amy shook her head saying that she didn’t know. She screamed out when when he shot her in the stomach. Now I was mad. I pulled the blade from my boot and threw it. The blade lodged itself into the back of the leaders ear near his head. He screamed and looked for the source I gave a high pitched whistle and he turned to face me.
“Your a bitch.” He snarled.
“Aren’t I tho?” I asked and took off. Four pairs of foot steps followed me and I smirked. Amy was safe, for now.
alright, now keep going.

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