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The hidden child

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The hidden child  Empty The hidden child

Post  fangluv1089 Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:59 am

No parents, wings, and you have your entire life paid for. Awesome right? Until the catch comes in, that catch being that you are a creation of Lucifer and if you step out of line, you die. Well I guess I am destines to die then huh.
alright, now keep going.

Posts : 579
Join date : 2010-09-22
Age : 28
Location : you arent going to find out

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The hidden child  Empty Re: The hidden child

Post  fangluv1089 Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:59 am

Chapter 1.

The ground smirked at me from where I stood at the top of the forty-eight story
building. The wind whipped my cinnamon hair into my face and i sighed as I pushed it away. I heard the sirens blaring and people shouting at me from below. The small smirk that escaped on my thin ruby lips couldn't be helped. Some days mortals were so easy to trick. The last command for me to get down was given and thats when I jumped and let my wings show.
Women screamed, men swore, dogs barked, cats hissed, and time froze. I
opened my wings and let my leathery/soft feathers and powerful muscle and bone lift
me into the air just before I hit the ground. I couldn't help but laugh at the frantic
people below as I flew into the night sky. Of course my mood was dampened when the sky began to pelt me with freezing rain, soaking my black shirt and size three jeans and plastering them to my tiny frame.
When I got inside a very pissed looking Jason was waiting on me. His tall frame was stiff with anger. I gazed into his green eyes that normally were friendly but right now were hard and showed anger. Even his dark brown hair seemed to be stiff over his left eye with tension.
"Why the hell were you caught flying on the news?" He demanded in his deep british accent, I shrugged and walked to my room. I have never spoken a word in my life. Not one. I just donʼt, end of story. Also my name is Hazarel, but people mainly call me Hazel. I have my wings due to the fact that my now deceased parents made a deal with the devil. Now I am cursed to live forever. Also I have to live off of my Watchers blood, nothing else will sustain me the right way.
There isn't much more you need to know about me. Just that I'm known as an Avenging Angel and that I have to listen solely to what Lucifer and his council of old farts tell me to do. Lastly I live alone with Jason who is my Watcher. If there was more I wouldn't tell you anyways.
alright, now keep going.

Posts : 579
Join date : 2010-09-22
Age : 28
Location : you arent going to find out

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The hidden child  Empty Re: The hidden child

Post  fangluv1089 Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:17 am

chapter 2
I now stand in front of the Grand Council of Elders. They are a bunch of old farts that rule over the Avengers. Wrinkled, graying faces are all contorted into anger, well all except Beatrice's. I really don't think knows where she is at, or why she is there for that matter. Also she isn't really that old maybe early thirties. Either way they are not happy today, due to the fact that my little stunt is blown all over the news.
"Hazarel your wings are a gift not a publicity stunt." Tabatha, the oldest member chided me. I just shrugged as if blowing the secret of the Avenging Angels is nothing. To me it was just that, I had done worst. Jason stood near by looking in my general direction, he was not happy with me either. But he was my watcher and it was his job to keep me safe as possible.

"Surely you can't count this against her too much? I mean they are already saying that it is a blown up prank that was all stage and electronics." He said stepping forward. Tabitha sighed and shook her head.

"Jason this was incredibly dangerous. She could have gotten all of us hunted and killed. You as her watcher should realize that she could have gotten herself hunted and killed." She growled. He nodded and glanced at me.

"I understand this but the fact stands that she hasn't been and neither has anybody else. according to media no one is going to bring up anything dangerous to any of the Avengers or watcher councils health." He said his voice taking on a more business like tone. Tabitha sighed and made a hand gesture and the Elders all turned into a group and began to mutter to each other. I caught a few snippets of their conversation.
"...Dangerous to all of us..."
"...Remove her wings..."
"...Pickles!..." They all whispered Beatrice's name a the same time and I smiled. Talk about comic relief.
"Okay. The actions committed by the accused shall not be repeated and for the actions taken today Hazarel Jones is probation and we will be watching to ensure that said actions will not be repeated and the temporary probation will be followed out." Tabatha informed us after about twenty minutes of debating. She waved me and Jason away and I was glad to finally get out of there. I was now mad it was just a little bit of fun.
I rolled my eyes and walked out of the macabre stone room that held Avenger meetings and punishments, and into the posh polished building that held the meeting room. I sighed and punched a wall. Stupid elders with their stupid rules.
"Do you need to eat?" Jason asked me. Probably recalling that I haven't eaten in about a week. I shook my head, slightly shocked. Why would I eat in such a public place. I may be a rebel but I'm not that indecent, or insane for that matter.
When we got home I felt exhausted for no reason. I went straight to bed. I didn't even bother to put on my pajamas. When I woke up, Jason was no where in sight. Instead Eva stood in my room almost silently. She smirked at me and pulled me up from my sleeping position.
"Good morning sleepy head!" She practically yelled. I flinched feeling slightly hung over. She smiled hoping I would speak for the first time, I just shook my about the third break in, I stopped questioning how she got into my house. I mean really we had changed the locks multiple times and even had safety bars on the windows and a security system. I guess breaking in was one of Eva's hobbies.
I stood up and went to go shower. When the scalding water hit my wings and back, I smiled and let my muscles relax. Eva is short for Evessa. She is one of the most random Avenging Angels you can meet. She, like all of us, has a slim frame. For the most-part she is tan, and has long black hair that reaches her mid-back, she hates to wear it down tho.
There are many of us and we mainly have had an ailment in our life and our parents signed a deal with Lucifer to keep us alive. However in that process they have gotten themselves killed. Although, a few of the parents made a second deal thus killing their partner to gain eternal life. Anyway now the avengers are trying to overcome the mess that our parents have put us in.
I jumped and turned off the water when I heard a crash. I do believe that Amy is in the house, she had a habit of destroying things when he was in my house. When I walked into my living room five minutes later dressed in my day clothes, Amy was trying to put my TV screen back together cutting her hands in the process. I smirked at her frustration at the broken glass and strode over to help her. Eva stood in a corner holding her breath she had a problem with blood, always made her sick. I waved her away and she left the house to go find her watcher.
I gave Amy a questioning look and she smiled up at me sheepishly. Amy is a shortened version of Amethyst she is what we call a young one at the age of twelve and a half and has short spiked out black hair.
"I tripped." She muttered I rolled my eyes and wrote down on a slip of paper that we needed a new TV. Jason walked in and tried his best to ignore the ruined television. He muttered a few swear words under his breath and handed me a sheet of paper from the Grand Council of Old Farts.
"You are taken off of probation to do a quick rescue, four avengers have gone missing. You, Amethyst, and Evessa need to go retrieve them and take out their captors." Jason informed me while pulling Amy away from the now flaming and destroyed TV. I nodded and went to my room to pack. I heard Amy complaining as Jason threw her out too.
alright, now keep going.

Posts : 579
Join date : 2010-09-22
Age : 28
Location : you arent going to find out

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