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My life at current in a few simple words.

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My life at current in a few simple words. Empty My life at current in a few simple words.

Post  Fennec Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:14 am

So.. when will you stop ignoring me?
When will you call, or come over to my house?
Or even remember I exist?
You really are wearing down my last nerve, making excuses...
Telling me you don't feel well or saying you're busy when...
We both know you just don't care.
Fuck this.

So... when will I stop feeling so isolated when I'm being surrounded?
Why do my friends feel like strangers, people who don't know me at all?
I wish it would stop. It's... painful.
Trying to ignore that feeling in my heart that I'm alone.
That I'll always be alone.
And then there's that secret that I can never tell.
Not even to you.
liek hay gurl

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Join date : 2011-02-17
Age : 26
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My life at current in a few simple words. Empty Re: My life at current in a few simple words.

Post  MidsummerMermaid Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:12 pm

A sad right I think a lot of people would empathize with, hope you're feeling better by now. I love you

Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-10-25
Location : SF

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