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Update? (pointless words to fit the limit)

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Update? (pointless words to fit the limit) Empty Update? (pointless words to fit the limit)

Post  Taylor Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:32 pm

My last update on here was really depressing, so hopefully this one will be less depressing, because I've got some good news (kind of?)

Alright well, third quarter just ended yesterday for my school. I'm pretty sure my grades were good, for the most part, but I'm not sure lol. I might be failing gym, because my teacher takes away class points when you're absent, or, since we were doing swimming, we use to many personal days (which I can't control, neither of them), and the only way to make up those points is to run after school. Yeah well, he didn't show up after school this entire week so I couldn't make up points ;-; I've got next quarter to fix it though, as long as I get like a B at least, and pass the final I'll be good for the semester grade.

The only reason I even show up to school anymore is to see this guy, which is pathetic, and it's not even like I'm dating him, or even talk to him a lot, but there's literally no other motivation I have, and at least I'm GOING. I haven't missed a day since like... January? Maybe February, but that's really good for me, because I usually miss like a week every month. And that was seriously fucking up my grades.

My aunt has become a really immature... well, for lack of a better word, BITCH. She's lying to my mom about things I've said to her so that I'll get in trouble. She purposely does things to piss me off (she's even said out loud "I hope this PISSES YOU OFF" wtf?). She doesn't respect me at all, but DEMANDS that I show her the utmost respect. She calls me pathetic and worthless, tells me I'm going nowhere in life. My mom ALWAYS takes her side, no matter what's going on, she doesn't even bother finding out. She just immediately tells me I'm wrong.
I've honestly considered running away a few times, but that would only be more problems for me. Idfk.

There's probably something I'm missing, but whatever, let's just move on to the only good news I've got.

Today I'm going to a concert for my favorite band, so yeah. Pretty fucking stoked for that. It's The Wonder Years, The Story So Far, Transit & Polar Bear Club. (TWY is my favorite). Concerts are literally all I have to look forward to anymore, besides summer lol. They're the only place I seriously feel happy. I just let all of my emotion out and lkerjgdf. It just feels good, I'm not sure how to explain it.

I'll post the merch & any pictures I take when I get home tonight, I guess.
alright, now keep going.

Posts : 665
Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
Location : Chicago

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