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rant/update about school and stuffs.

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rant/update about school and stuffs. Empty rant/update about school and stuffs.

Post  Taylor Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:45 pm

So when I get my schedule I found out I had lunch with a friend of mine (let's call her C). I was pretty excited about this because last year I didn't have lunch with anyone that I really knew, and ended up sitting with a random person from my class. But the first day I was completely alone.
So, I was talking to her about it a while ago, and I asked who had our lunch and she kind of made a weird face and then she said it was the girl I had gotten into an argument with earlier in the summer. I'm sure you all remember her. (we'll call her S). I ALSO HAVE IT WITH SIR-CREEPS-A-LOT.
So I was like... Okay, what are we going to do?
And C says "Welllll I'm not going to sit with you every day."
And I say "So I'm going to sit alone....?"
and C says "I mean I want to sit with S and I'm probably going to sit with her the majority of the time and she really doesn't like you at all anymore"
and I say "so why is it fair that I sit alone because she was a shitty friend? I mean you sat with her all of last year, and unlike me, she made a bunch of friends last year. I'm sure she knows other people in our lunch. I don't."
and C says "yeah but I still want to sit with her. I'll talk to her about it maybe we can all sit together?"
and I say "you seemed to be pretty confident that wasn't going to work a few minutes ago but okay, let me know what happens."

I've tried to ask her what's going on and she isn't replying. So as of now, I'm siting alone at lunch pretty much besides a few days a week, and since sir-creeps is in my damn lunch I know he's going to bother me.
Not to mention S is in my chemistry class. I do now another person in that class, but with my luck I'll have to sit by S. Every other class I've had her in (when we were friends) we always got seated next to each other because of our names. :/

Also I was at this venue again tonight, and the dude I like's band was playing. When he got there he literally said hi to everyone but me and I was like............ o k.......
I'm pretty sure he was trying to avoid me half the time. And then he just complained that the girl HE liked wasn't there.
I'm not even friend zoned at this point I'm like beneath that.
like acquaintance zoned.
alright, now keep going.

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rant/update about school and stuffs. Empty Re: rant/update about school and stuffs.

Post  Fennec Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:52 pm

Wow. That. Sucks.

Sir-Creeps-A-Lot should get a life and those friends of yours are jerks. C should try and sit with you at least half the time since she knows you and S don't get along.

And baaah. I have a personality thay most boys find hard to handle. Hopefully, there will be some cute, weird boys in my ninth grade this year. I need a boyfriend. Soon I'll become a lesbian if I can't find a guy who likes me.
liek hay gurl

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rant/update about school and stuffs. Empty Re: rant/update about school and stuffs.

Post  Taylor Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:05 pm

SERIOUSLY. He has a girlfriend too. And yeah. I mean if she doesn't that's just bogus honestly. If it comes to it, I'll seriously sit in the bathroom my entire lunch. There's a bench and I can listen to my iPod the entire time.

But I don't know man. I really hope I meet someone this year. I'm so sick of being single. Like come on out of all my friends I'm the only person who's never dated anyone or never been kissed.
alright, now keep going.

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rant/update about school and stuffs. Empty Re: rant/update about school and stuffs.

Post  Fennec Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:15 pm

I kissed a girl at my seventh grade dance. I didn't like it.
liek hay gurl

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rant/update about school and stuffs. Empty Re: rant/update about school and stuffs.

Post  Taylor Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:25 pm

A friend of mine tried to kiss my cheek once and I was like I'm seriously going to slap you if you do don't.
I don't know all my friends like do these little lesbian things like one time they were doing this spin the bottle with each other and I was like yeah not doing that.
alright, now keep going.

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rant/update about school and stuffs. Empty Re: rant/update about school and stuffs.

Post  Taylor Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:14 am

God damnit, I thought I updated this last night?
Okay well. Last night I was shown two tweets that S posted.

“I had this dream earlier about someone I’m not friends with anymore…. Honestly, I miss her a lot. Hopefully we can reconnect sophomore year and eventually accept each others personality changes.”
(the ..... separates the two lol)

Now obviously I don't want to assume anything, but the person who sent it to me was positive it was about me, and I'm pretty sure it's me too. Which I really don't understand. I'm not sure what to do because after she treated me, I don't want to be friends again, but at the same time I do miss her too and we should at least be civil with each other? So maybe I am going to sit with her at lunch. Maybe.....
alright, now keep going.

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rant/update about school and stuffs. Empty Re: rant/update about school and stuffs.

Post  Fennec Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:28 am

Well, I'm not the awesomest at giving advice, but I'd say try sitting with her at lunch a few times. If she turns out to be a bitch, then just walk away.
liek hay gurl

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rant/update about school and stuffs. Empty Re: rant/update about school and stuffs.

Post  Taylor Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:36 am

Yeah... I think I'm going to ask a few of our mutual friends what they think. If she's genuine about what she said, then I'll try to start talking to her again. If not..... well....
alright, now keep going.

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