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Update/Rant/Idefk anymore.

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Update/Rant/Idefk anymore. Empty Update/Rant/Idefk anymore.

Post  Jenna Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:39 am

Hey guys! I just wanted to rant/update you all and shit like that, so.

Tomorrow, my brother's moving in with us. Like my parents are going to get him tomorrow and he'll be living with us for a year or so. I miss him like crazy. I love my brother. We're pretty much the same person. Like you guys don't understand. I haven't seen him since Christmas because he was still living back in my hometown, but now he's gonna be living with us. It kind of sucks, like the situation, but I'm ecstatic that he'll be around more often, y'know?

We have no money. Like we're barely getting by. My parents and sister's phones are turned off because they couldn't pay the bill. It's whatever to me, because I don't have a phone (which pisses me off). My mom said it was either their cell phones or the internet, and she chose wisely and picked to pay the internet bill. Smart move. Anyways.

School starts back on Tuesday. That wouldn't be so bad, if I actually had friends going in. I have pretty shit teachers, and I'm not looking forward to having headaches everyday. For my freshman year, I'm taking honors biology, honors history, algebra, english 1, french 1, ROTC, and at the moment visual arts, but that should be changed to drill soon. They wanted me to be in accelerated english, but I'm like,"Nigga, no," and so I'm not. But it's whatever. Oh, and STEM, which is this computer class that wouldn't be bad if I didn't have the worst teacher in the entire school. Legit, no one likes this ratchet ass hoe. It's bad.

I don't know, I'm just not ready to have to deal with this shit yet. I hate being at home, but I hate 99% of my town, so. I don't know. It's whatever.

On another note, my best friend in the entire world, Emma, came over and spent the night, right? Good, that was the most fun I've had all summer. It sucks that she's a year below me, but I'll manage. I can make it work for a year.

They say your high school years go by pretty fast, right? Sweet, I'll be counting down.
I'm great and you're jealous.

Posts : 1488
Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 25

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Update/Rant/Idefk anymore. Empty Re: Update/Rant/Idefk anymore.

Post  Taylor Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:37 am

No, I believe what they say is that high school is the best years of your life. And that's a ton of bullshit. I mean, I would lie to you and tell you you'll have fun this year, but you probably won't. I had the worst teachers ever and no friends in my classes, I got harassed every day by this faggot kid Juan. It was pretty much the worst year of my life. So I'm not going to lie to you.
It went by REALLY SLOW. But in my personal experience, your first year at any school is the slowest. Each year after that goes by a bit faster, and your last year there should be a breeze! By the way, unless your school is twenty times better than mine education-wise (which wouldn't be hard to be, because my school's a piece of shit) then the work really isn't that hard. Granted, I only had one honors class, and while I did get homework every night, it was the easiest shit ever, and I never had below a B in any class.
So yeah.

Also, I can totally relate on the money issue. We might lose the house soon. I mean, my mom's been saying that for so long, but I think it's serious this time. She's thinking about cancelling our home phone, cus she has this free government phone or whatever. Mine's probably going to get cancelled soon, and we might have to get rid of the TV. Lucky for me, she CAN'T get rid of internet, because it's how she needs to pay her bills (there's a fee if she does it over the phone, and a BIGGER fee if it's through the mail).
alright, now keep going.

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Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
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Update/Rant/Idefk anymore. Empty Re: Update/Rant/Idefk anymore.

Post  Jenna Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:23 am

School's easy for me. All I have to do is barely do the work and I can keep up my 4.0 GPA. Like, that's how easy it is for me. I'm really smart, but I just don't even give a fuck. Like everybody while I've been growing up has wanted me in the special classes (as in super advanced classes), but every time I was tested, I barely missed it because I didn't take the test seriously because I didn't want to be in them. They've also said that if I kept going how I am, I could get into those top ivy league schools, which I think is a bunch of bullshit. Maybe it's because I don't know what the hell I'm doing with my life and I could give a fuck less where I go to college, but I don't know. And I know that this next year is gonna be shitty for me. Everyone tries to sugar coat everything and say that it gets better, but it doesn't. It'll still be a piece of shit.

The only reason we're not gonna get kicked out of the house is because my dad is working a lot more than he was. Which kind of boggles my mind because before, he wasn't working as much, still getting paid the same amount, and we were doing fine. And now, all of a sudden, we have no money whatsoever. And it makes me wonder where the fuck it's all going because we were doing fine. I mean, we didn't have much extra money to do stuff, but we were still doing fine and all the bills were paid on time and all that shit. I just don't fucking understand.

But my brother will be here any moment now, so I'm pretty excited.
I'm great and you're jealous.

Posts : 1488
Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 25

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