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I have an idea for a roleplay...

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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:12 am

Right, so, I have an idea for a roleplay, but I wanna know if people actually like it and will join it, just so I won't be wasting my time putting all my thoughts down into a plot, editing it, etc. I'm in a Harry Potter kick, so it's going to be a Harry Potter roleplay.

Okay, so, basically it's gonna take place during Harry and all those other people's kid's 5th, 6th, or 7th year at Hogwarts. So, like, it would be like, Albus, Rose, Scorpious, Sirius(I think he was Sirius.... He might have been James.... I dunno), but not too young, like Lily and the other Weasley child(forget his name, but I know it started with an H......). And, we would also need some made-up characters, too. Just to even out the genders just in case anyone wants romance mixed in there. I probably won't pair, though, just because someone may not want romance in there. I am COMPLETELY open for any suggestions, because I REALLY want to do a plot like this, and I want it to be on-going. It's been QUITE a while since I've had a REALLY on-going roleplay, and I think this one would go far if people actually tried and like the idea. So, tell me if you like the idea and you're up for joining, give me suggestions, all that jazz.
Thanks. :3
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Andyyyy Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:55 pm

I would definitely join!
And the H child, I believe it was Hugo? I could be wrong, but that's what I thought anyways... I might have a few ideas that I can add tot his if I think about it for a while. So, I'll get back to you on that part, but yeah. I'm definitely up for it.
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:13 pm

YES! HUGO! THAT'S IT! That was killing me. What's sad is that I Googled all the names before I typed all that, and I totally forgot.
And, thanks. I usually can just think of plots right away, but I think this one is a bit more complicated to write out, considering the fact that it's not your average 'boys: blah blah blah, girls: blah blah blah' plot, or a plot that doesn't really specify the boy's or girl's roles in the plot. You know, the kind that's sorta like the summary to a book.
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Andyyyy Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:18 pm

Haha, I'm glad I could help! & that's perfectly fine, I have terrible memory as well, I think have something down, and then I find myself regretting 'x'ing out the tab that I was getting information from ._.

& I know what you mean about that, too! I always feel like I either write too much, or make it way too vague. Sometimes I think it's better to leave a few things out & let people ask questions than to write too much, because I've found that most shy away from long (& usually the most creative) RPs on this site. But I don't know, maybe that's just in my case....
Anyways, as for twists, maybe we could do something like the tri-wizard tournament?
I know it would probably be extremely unlikely especially after Cedric's death, but perhaps they could have gotten more security and such this time around?
Or, something like.. even though The Dark Lord is gone, people are still teaching their kids his ways, and there are still a group of Death Eaters waiting to strike?

I'm kinda brain-dead right now, so that's all I got. I'm pretty sure I stole some of that too, so if someone who's reading this realizes that, I'm sorry. >.< Sometimes, I read things, and forget that I read them, and think they're my own. xD
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:47 pm

I know what you mean. I love original plots. A lot of them are plot ideas that NO ONE has ever thought of before.
And, those are actually good ideas. We could probably have something happen at the Yule Ball or something...
And don't worry, I'm braindead, too. I'm just remembering thinking of plot ideas while I was on vacation this week. Which reminds me, I really need to write out a plot for my I Am Number Four idea.... Which I really need to remember... >.< That would help a lot. Haha.
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Andyyyy Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:53 pm

Yeah, exactly! I'd much rather do something like that than the boring ol' romance things that keep circulating with just a few things that are different than the one posted before it... I mean, I can't count how many plots I've posted on here that just rot away with a bunch of views & zero replies. It's really quite upsetting, I don't know why I waste my time typing them up anymore, honestly.

Yes! That'd actually be pretty cool! Hopefully, other people also enjoy creativity and join this...

& haha, it seems that all the creativity I've had has been sucked away from doing nothing over the past few weeks... Like it or not, at least school gave me a few ideas.
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:18 pm

I usually get plot ideas when I finish a book, I see a good movie, or just from random song lyrics that I think sound good. But, other than that, when no one joins those, I do one of the unoriginal romance roleplays for the sake of roleplaying, or I ask people if they wanna do a One on One, because those are usually more fun if the person actually knows what they're doing.
I hope people will join when they get on tomorrow(or today, it could be both). If they don't, do you just wanna make it a One on One? I guess that way I wouldn't have to write out a plot, because we'd already know what we were doing and how it would work out.
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Andyyyy Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:24 pm

Yeah, I usually take things from books & movies & don't even realize it. Like, the insomnia aspect of Fight Club & the dreams being reality in Nightmare On Elm Street resulted in a plot of mine once. When I re-read it, & thought of those I was like.. damn, I fucking stole a plot didn't I?

A one on one sounds alright with me. I kinda prefer one on ones to group role plays sometimes, because it's just easier that way.. I don't know if that makes sense. But you know, you never have to wait for someone else to reply. & You're both completely aware of what you're doing. Sometimes, I swear... some people just DON'T understand the plot, but they refuse to ask questions. They just assume they know everything, and that really irks me.
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:46 pm

I know! This one time on Meez, I had just spent 30-45 minutes writing and editing an Across The Universe plot, and I had to shut down the whole entire thing because ONE person didn't know what the fuck she was doing. It was like she didn't even read the setting, she didn't understand the plot, or anything. I told her that she messed up and it didn't go by the setting, so she tries it again, and it was worse than the first time! I was sooooo pissed off.
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Andyyyy Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:53 pm

Oh lord, I would've thrown a fit.
I like to think of myself as a generally happy & nice person, but honestly, sometimes people just get on my last nerve & I kick them out. Usually, I'll give anyone a shot but.... you know, it's just way too much sometimes.

I absolutely hate when people start before I post the setting. I have it all made up in my mind, I hit send, and then I found out someone already made a reply. How? They had no clue what the setting was going to be, & Half the time it's just extremely different than what I had in my mind! Just... God, I can't even explain how much it ticks me off.

& I'm sorry, but I hate when people reply with one sentence. How unoriginal & uncreative can you be? Oh, your character sat down, did she? Great! Amazing! My mind has been blown! & Role player of the year goes to-

I'm sorry, I'm getting carried away now, haha. But yeah, some people just... I don't know WHY they sign up for RPing sites. If you can't write, no offense, I don't think you should have an account on here. It's just extremely rude to the other people who take this seriously.
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:59 pm

It's fine. I know exactly what you mean. And I hate how, when people do that, you're forced to do pretty much the same thing, most of the time, because you have absolutely nothing to work with, which results in the roleplay dying.
And I feel exactly the same way, because you're just sitting there like, "This is probably the worst roleplay ever" just because someone doesn't know what they're doing. It's just so..... asdfjtgwhhjir. >.<
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Andyyyy Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:31 am

Yeah! Exactly! Like, I'm not saying that I'm the best RPer ever and that I always reply with paragraphs upon paragraphs, but at least I try. I mean, when all you give out is one sentence, you're not exactly trying, now are you? I just usually quit replying at the point, which I think I shouldn't do, but I don't want to lash out at them so it's easier that way. But then, they persist & continue to bump the RP a billion times >.<

I've had that feeling more times than I could count... It's just.. TERRIBLE.
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:38 am

I know! I don't like being mean to people, I really don't, but OH MY GOD. Those people just make me want to be a serial killer that only kills bad RPers.
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Andyyyy Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:47 am

Haha yeah, I understand!

Anyways, do you think this'll end up being a one on one? If so, how many characters would we each have? I'm fine with playing a lot, I'm just wondering.
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:52 am

Yeah, since no one has replied since I posted this, I'm pretty sure it'll be a one on one.
Uhm, I was thinking that maybe we could have either one or two of each(made up and the others) character, whichever is fine with you. I don't mind playing a lot of characters, either, so whatever you want to do.
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Andyyyy Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:54 am

Sounds fine to me!
If you don't mind, I'd like to be Scorpius. As for any of the other children, I'm fine with whoever.

& luckily, I have a few OC's from this era, because I tried writing a fanfiction of it once... God, that was terrible. But, I have characters!
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:19 am

Yeah, that's fine. I was wanting to be Rose, anyways. Ahaa. Because Ron is amazing. xD
And I totally just forgot that I was writing a reply, that's brilliant. Uhm, so are we having one of each or two of each?(Just wanting to make sure)
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Andyyyy Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:23 am

I was thinking of two of each. But if you preferred one, that'd be fine too.

I apologize in advance if I reply late now. I'm reading Fight Club & sometimes I get distracted & forget that I'm doing other things... Plus, I should be eating soon, so that'd explain it if I randomly log off.

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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:28 am

I was thinking two, too, but I wasn't sure what you wanted to do.
And that's fine. I get distracted, like, all the time. Especially when I'm on YouTube. Ahaa.
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Andyyyy Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:17 am

Haha, alrighty.
& Gee, seems I got really distracted, sorry about that. >.<
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:28 am

It's fine. I shall go post the RP now. c:
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Andyyyy Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:30 am

Alright. I must warn you that I'll have to go photo hunting so this may take a while.
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:35 am

I'm the exact same way with most of this stuff, so it's no problem. xD
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Andyyyy Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:09 am

Alright well. I had found all of the pictures, and now I lost them all. xD
Anyways, will you be posting this soon then? haha. I thought you were posting it, well.. a long time ago, but?
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I have an idea for a roleplay... Empty Re: I have an idea for a roleplay...

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:11 am

I did. Haha. Here, let me put a link.
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