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holy crap.

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holy crap. Empty holy crap.

Post  Taylor Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:00 am

so do you guys remember that time that i ranted about my friend who was really obsessively clingy with her boyfriend of like two weeks? lol. well a good while ago they broke up, three days later she's dating someone else, and now she invites him everywhere.
i made plans with her to have a misfits marathon (we were going to watch all the new season's episodes & bawl at the last one) but she just sends me a message and she's like "hey is it okay if dan comes with me for a few hours he won't stay over but i never see him omggmggmmgg"
bitch you see him every day.
i don't even like him, no he can' come over to my house.
she's also not coming until midnight because she wants to hang out with him from now until then.
jesus christ.
she's seeing him tomorrow, so she's making me wake up early so my mom can drive her home so she can "sexify herself" (her exact words).
i want to kill her.
i hate when my friends are in relationships, they're so fucking stupid.
yes, i am really bitter btw.
alright, now keep going.

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holy crap. Empty Re: holy crap.

Post  Abby Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:00 am

This is why my boyfriend is a giant stuffed banana that I won at Dave and Busters. Forever Alone. Sad
I guess that's also kind of why I barely have any friends. :/
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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holy crap. Empty Re: holy crap.

Post  Taylor Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:22 am

At least you have a stuffed banana, I have literally nothing lol. & I'd like to think that I have a few friends, but they never talk to me & when they do they just annoy me... so it's easier to have none, I'd just like to feel like I have some, that's why I keep them around.
I'm a horrible friend lol.
alright, now keep going.

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holy crap. Empty Re: holy crap.

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:48 am

That's why I'm so glad that my friends are the kind of people who are just like, "Bitch, my friends come first, you can go fuck yourself if you don't like that." I'm like that, too. So it all works good. :D
But why would she even ask if he could go to your house? It's like, "Bitch, if you want to hang out with him so bad, then you don't have to come. I don't need you and your obsessive ass 'needs' in my house." >.<
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
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holy crap. Empty Re: holy crap.

Post  Taylor Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:59 am

I wish my friends were like that. So badly. I mean it's totally different if your boyfriend & your friends get along really well, and you two aren't going to act all lovey dovey and fucking retarded. People need to make time for their boyfriend & their friends, not combine the two. & LOL, she gets the idea that everyone loves her boyfriend because everyone says their a cute couple, but I think they're a really weird looking couple & I don't like him at all. It might just be the fact that I'm so bitter because I want a boyfriend even though I really don't because it's probably going to give me more stress, that I hate every couple lol. Like there is literally only one couple that I can stand because they act like friends, and they don't make out in front of me. You wouldn't even know they were dating, really.
alright, now keep going.

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holy crap. Empty Re: holy crap.

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:57 am

Yeah My boyfriend asked me to go skating with him friday but Sauske asked me to spend the night and i was like Sorry Chicks before dicks then he was mad for a little bit but hell get over it because my friends always come first :3 Plus she asked first anyway so . . . .
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WalrusFaces (Layla)
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holy crap. Empty Re: holy crap.

Post  Taylor Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:17 am

Yeah, exactly. If someone asks you to hang out & you say yes, you can't just cancel or makes changes last minute because someone else asked you to hang out. they should've asked earlier. i mean seriously, i think what ticks me off the most is that i never hang out with my friends, because if i don't ask them, which i hate doing, i would never leave my room. & they always cancel last minute. i invited two people over & neither of them are here. i ordered a large ass pizza & i swear to god if they cancel & i wasted my money on that i will kill someone. lol.
alright, now keep going.

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holy crap. Empty Re: holy crap.

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:44 am

Yeah, last year before me and my boyfriend started dating, people were always asking if we were dating, and this year we are dating, and everyone that thought we were dating last year are suddenly like, "I did NOT expect that to happen, like omg." We hardly ever talk, actually. xD I never have people over at my house, because my family just sort of sucks, so I always go to someone's house. Ha, I would probably kill someone too.
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
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holy crap. Empty Re: holy crap.

Post  Taylor Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:53 am

Haha, did you like him when people asked you that? must've been so awkward xD. But yeah, I usually don't like inviting people over, but I have a really nice basement, like I usually just go down there and listen to music and write & stuff. It's really relaxing and it's the only room that isn't really hot in my house so I love it, and to be honest all my friends houses either creep me out or have too many stairs so I'm like... No, I don't want to go thereee. But yeah, she ended showing up, but my other friend didn't & she only had one slice of pizza. OH WELL, LEFTOVERS. <3
I love pizza so much, seriously.
alright, now keep going.

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holy crap. Empty Re: holy crap.

Post  Jenna Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:41 am

I'm sorry but when I was reading all the comments and such I laughe and smiled. And they weren't even funny. Probably because I was thinking about how if they was me she was being stupid to I'd just cut her and be down with it. 
My boyfriend (until you know, Kian comes around. ....I mean.. ...uh.....>_>) is my body pillow. We have the best relationship ever becsuse the nigga don't talk! And he's snuggly. <3
When I'm in a relationship with someone I don't have to be with them all the time. Seriously, this one relationship over the summer lasted for like, two or three weeks and we saw each other ONCE. I don't have to see them a lot as long as we text or talk on the phone or Skype or something like that. 
And I barely have any friends that I want to hang out with so it doesn't really matter. 
I'm great and you're jealous.

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holy crap. Empty Re: holy crap.

Post  Taylor Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:29 am

Haha, but yeah, clingy people is a huge turn off. If I ever actually meet someone and they try to talk to me nonstop and won't leave me alone i'ma be like UH NO.
But it won't matter because I doubt I'm going to meet anyone where I live ololol.
I seriously hate everyone here. ;-;
alright, now keep going.

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holy crap. Empty Re: holy crap.

Post  Morgan Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:33 am

Im with Jenna. Me and my cousin were reading the replies last night busting up laughing. I think its because everyone on here, or almost everyone here are smartasses. But thats why I love you guys!!!
I mean I have friends that are like that. They have to be with their boyfriend 24/7 and I only see my boyfriend every home football game when it is football season, every sunday, and now every other friday for youth. Today I hugged him and he went and played drums and basketball after service and I went and hung out with my friends. We aren't around each other 24/7 and I still love him.
I CANT STAND people who are clingy as shit.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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holy crap. Empty Re: holy crap.

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