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Love me, someone!

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Love me, someone! Empty Love me, someone!

Post  Fennec Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:09 am

Pleeease. Lizzi needs. A one one one!
liek hay gurl

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Age : 26
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Love me, someone! Empty Re: Love me, someone!

Post  OutlawTorn Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:28 pm

What are you thinking, sweety?

Any ideas? Anything been tugging on your creative strings, or been on your mind lately?

I'm open to discussion and brain storming. I work well in almost any genre or setting, so don't worry about that.

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Love me, someone! Empty Re: Love me, someone!

Post  Fennec Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:36 pm

Blegh. Don't call me sweety. It's weird when guys do it.

I'm a writer too, and I've been working on my own novel lately. (Not that I'm gonna go telling about it to most people)

I'm not good with plots based on books. I don't have a bunch of awesome plots stocked up. This is what I have.

1)Guy stumbles upon a bunch of villagers in the forest, and they have tied up a girl they suspect to be a witch and are going to burn her at the stake. She is actually some sort of other mythical creature and the guy will save this poor damsel in distress. From then on... it's a free for all. They go on a bunch of wild adventures and almost die a bunch of times. La dee da.

2)There is a house, for those who are supposedly ill, but really they have powers, and the people running the house plan on killing them slowly with meds and things.
(So, basically, they're supposed to be in a mental home)

And that's what I have.
liek hay gurl

Posts : 13376
Join date : 2011-02-17
Age : 26
Location : Internetville

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