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So i have some new plot ideas that are Original but i dont know if anyone would join them :3

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So i have some new plot ideas that are Original but i dont know if anyone would join them :3 Empty So i have some new plot ideas that are Original but i dont know if anyone would join them :3

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:18 am

So ive come up with two new plot ideas and if you want to do one of them just reply here or message me.

Curiosity Is A Killer

This one another one i have but its not fully developed it more of a string of suggestions put to basics

Somebody has tinkered with Things Man Ought Not, or opened a portal to the Mean People Dimension, cracked a wall at the state prison, or summoned an ancient Babylonian god into a penthouse. Before the Characters can even think of confronting the source of the trouble, they must deal with the waves of trouble already released by it: monsters, old foes out for vengeance, curious aliens who think cars/citizens/McDonald's hamburgers resemble food, and so forth.
Some Plot Twists: The Characters can't simply take the released badness to the mat; they have to collect it and shove it back into the source before it the adventure can really end. The Characters are drawn in to the source and must solve problems on the other side before returning to this one. A secret book, code, or other rare element is necessary to plug the breach (maybe just the fellow who opened it). A close cousin to this plot is the basic "somebody has traveled into the past and messed with our reality" story.

Clearing The Hex

Its mid 1600s in London (we can change te place later if you want) and evil creatures roam the earth. They feed off the lives of humans leaving their bodys to deteriorate or transform into the creatures. The guy works for a group of people called Pan.T.H.eRs (Protecting The Human Race). He meets our girl abandoned in a dungeon. Shes obviously been tortured quite a bit.The guy takes her back to the head quarters of the panthers. After being cleaned up and analyzed you find out she works as a human (yet not so human) antidote to the sickness the bad creatures hold. If she uses this power to much it could kill her. They go on a bunch of demon slaying missions and find out some cool stuff . . . . Ba da boom!
WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 2672
Join date : 2011-08-21
Age : 26
Location : The Planet Gallifrey

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