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A Collection of Poems I've Written [somewhat] Recently.

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A Collection of Poems I've Written [somewhat] Recently. Empty A Collection of Poems I've Written [somewhat] Recently.

Post  Jenna Sat May 12, 2012 8:07 am

Basically, this is just a few poems and whatnot I have written in the course of this past year. I have a lot more I've written, but I'm only gonna post these for right now. So, here you go.


Never have I ever...
Felt so alone
Been so sad
Been so stupid.

Never have I ever...
Wanted someone so badly
To just cry all the time
Needed to die.

Never have I ever...
Needed you so badly
Craved you so badly
Loved Missed you so much

...As I do now.


It kills me to fake it
To pretend I never loved you
When I did ten thousand times over
Still do love you
Always will love you.


You wear a mask
You wear it well
In hopes no one will ask
"Are you okay?"
So you won't have to lie and say
"I'm fine."

We're all actors,
We're all good ones too,
You can fool anyone
Even just for a moment
That you are in fact okay.

It pains you to fake it,
You only want to cry,
When you're falling apart,
No one will know
All because of that stupid mask you wear.
All because of those stupid walls you built.

So take off your mask,
Kill your walls,
Break down and cry.
It'll be okay.


You're an actor,
You're a wonderful one
But does it really count
When the only play you've been in
Is life?
You hide your pain,
You choke back your tears,
You go to sleep weeping silently
But everyday you hope no one can tell.
Your puffy, red eyes
Covered with make up.
No one can see through,
They see what you want
Whether they're blind,
Or just really don't care,
Does it matter?
Do you even care anymore?
You wish,
You plead,
You hope,
And every 11:11,
You wish someone could see,
See through your act
And you hope they would tell you it'll get better,
Because it will.
It'll get better
And you'll get some sleep tonight.


It's the same shitty thing
Every shirt day.

Same shitty house
Same shitty town
Same shitty friends
Same shitty parents.

It's just another day wasted
In this god forsaken place
Just another second, minute, hour
Wasted living like I'm not alive
In this washed up town.

This is more like free writing, but I'm putting it here anyways.

I was there in the middle of the night every time you cried help. I gave you advice on all your stupid boys. I helped you through everything. Anything and everything you needed or wanted, I was there. And you told me you'd do the same.
So where are you?
When I need you the most,
Where are you?

This IS just free writing

Does it hurt to know I won't be there? Does it sadden you to know how badly you hurt me? Do you hate seeing me just as much as I hate seeing you?
I sure fucking hope so.
I hope you regret it all.
I hope you want to cry when you see me. I hope you miss me just as much as I miss you. I hope you want me like I want you. I hope you hate yourself like I hate myself. I hope you need me like I need you.

But hope gets you nowhere, right?
I'm great and you're jealous.

Posts : 1488
Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 25

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A Collection of Poems I've Written [somewhat] Recently. Empty Re: A Collection of Poems I've Written [somewhat] Recently.

Post  babydoll16508 Sat May 12, 2012 12:44 pm

I like them all besides I got confused. Other than that, they were pretty relatable.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
Location : Pennsylvania

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A Collection of Poems I've Written [somewhat] Recently. Empty Re: A Collection of Poems I've Written [somewhat] Recently.

Post  Jenna Sun May 13, 2012 2:03 am

I tried to make it easy to differentiate between the different things.

But thank you. :3
I'm great and you're jealous.

Posts : 1488
Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 25

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A Collection of Poems I've Written [somewhat] Recently. Empty Re: A Collection of Poems I've Written [somewhat] Recently.

Post  babydoll16508 Sun May 13, 2012 2:33 am

It was more on my part than yours. It's because the first two have similar themes, I think.
But you're welcome. Smile
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 14004
Join date : 2010-09-12
Age : 27
Location : Pennsylvania

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