Roleplaying Without The Rules.
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Vampire looking for some prey...

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Vampire looking for some prey... Empty Vampire looking for some prey...

Post  Lord Alex Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:36 am

So I was thinking about a little rp. I will play a vamp and I would like a few people to participate. Fairly simple concept. The group will end up in a remote place with no way to leave. There will be buildings filled with various things. The reason the group goes to the place is for some sort of party or to do something interesting.

What will happen will be a little different. My vamp will be a very interesting guy and he will want to get to know everyone before just hunting. Maybe he won't hunt you. Maybe he will like you. Someone may very well get turned before the game is over.

I can play in the evenings so if people can be around the game can move right along sometimes. I realize here people just talk about rps and not so much games and that is what this is. No rules just some freeform fun.

If you are interested speak up and we can talk about your character a little. I would also love any suggestions about what exactly the group is doing up at this place. It can literally be anything.

Lord Alex
Lord Alex

Posts : 27
Join date : 2012-06-07

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Vampire looking for some prey... Empty Re: Vampire looking for some prey...

Post  Jessica Ruiz Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:19 pm

Count me in Mi'lord ^^
Jessica Ruiz
Jessica Ruiz

Posts : 26
Join date : 2012-06-09
Location : Sunny SoCal

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