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Good tips about going into high school?

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Good tips about going into high school? Empty Good tips about going into high school?

Post  Fennec Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:12 am

Sooo, my eighth grade year just ended. I consider myself an official high schooler. We start the year again in september. Anyone got some tips for high school?
liek hay gurl

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Good tips about going into high school? Empty Re: Good tips about going into high school?

Post  Morgan Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:25 am

I was a freshie last year.
DONT SLACK! I fucked up my GPA this year because I didn't do any of my work.
Whatever you do DONT get involved with drama. I mean you shouldn't anywhere but your first year in high school don't get involved.
You will lose friends once you get to high school Everyone does. Don't let it get to you. It destroyed me when I lost my friends but then I made new ones and realized that the ones I lost where never my friends in the first place.
My friend says Stay away from senior boys! They all assume you want the D.
Just stay onto of you're work and everything. If you're planning on going to college you cant afford to fail any class. Don't be afraid to admit to a teacher that you need a little extra help. When you take notes, take detailed ones because most of it is right from your test. Don't cut corners, the more work you do the easier it is to understand.
And number one for you Lizzi.
No roleplaying durning school.
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Good tips about going into high school? Empty Re: Good tips about going into high school?

Post  Fennec Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:31 am

I go to a middle school. 6 through 10. So we don't have senior boys. (:

And hey! I usually only roleplay when my teachers let me, or if I'm done with my work.

And I've never gotten involved with drama on purpose. But if someone is spreading crap about me, I stop it.
liek hay gurl

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Good tips about going into high school? Empty Re: Good tips about going into high school?

Post  Morgan Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:35 am

My middle school was 6-8 and high school is 9-12 but still. Once boys and sexually active they think every girl wants the D haha.
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Good tips about going into high school? Empty Re: Good tips about going into high school?

Post  Fennec Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:40 am

None of the boys I know have tried anything with me, so they must be hiding it really well.
liek hay gurl

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Good tips about going into high school? Empty Re: Good tips about going into high school?

Post  Jenna Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:28 am

"Stay away from seniors; they all assume you want the d."
Lies! There are plenty of sophomores and juniors that assume you want the d, too.
Example: Last school year, when I was in eighth grade, a senior (he is now graduated) and a sophomore (he'll be a junior) both wanted me to send them nudes. Granted, one of them was attractive and I had a crush on him (I did NOT send him nudes though. And I'm talking about the sophomore, if you were wondering), but that's beside the point.


I recently went to freshman orientation (by recently, I mean this past Tuesday) and they gave us tips like:
-Don't trust seniors for directions. They'll tell you a class is in the basement or on a floor that doesn't exist. (There's a huge joke in our school about there not being a third floor, lol.)
-Suck up to your teachers. Like legit, even if you don't like them, be nice to them and whatnot because at the end of the day, they have power over your grades.
-Use staircases that most people don't use. (If you have more than one floor, that is.) For example, at my school, there are the main staircases (they're off The Commons, and there's one leading up to each side of the floors) and there are back staircases. Well, the back staircases are at the end of the math and english halls, so most people don't use them.
-Do NOT stop in the middle of the hall for pretty much no reason ever. People will murder you.

And there's just a bunch of obvious things like that that if you follow, you'll have an easier time.

Also, there are TONS of videos like THIS one that you can watch that have useful tips. Like seriously, just search 'tips on surviving high school' or any variation, really.

On another note, I start school on Tuesday (the 7th). Bleh, freshman. Sad
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Good tips about going into high school? Empty Re: Good tips about going into high school?

Post  Morgan Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:13 am

I start September something and still have summer work. Kill me.
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Good tips about going into high school? Empty Re: Good tips about going into high school?

Post  Taylor Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:51 am

I'm pretty sure those two covered almost everything, but I do have a pretty important tip. Now I don't know if this will even apply to your school, but if you have counselors, or anything like that, just someone who can change your schedule for you. Then if you're stuck in classes with someone you don't particularly like, or just with dumbasses, seriously, GO TO YOUR COUNSELOR and get switched. Even if that means going into harder classes. I didn't do that and I regret it soooo much.
Even if you aren't doing anything else, it's going to be a huge distraction for you.
alright, now keep going.

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Good tips about going into high school? Empty Re: Good tips about going into high school?

Post  Fennec Sat Aug 04, 2012 10:02 am

If I don't roleplay at least once during my school day, I'm not joking when I say I'd go mad.
liek hay gurl

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Good tips about going into high school? Empty Re: Good tips about going into high school?

Post  Taylor Sat Aug 04, 2012 10:04 am

Well then do it during lunch or something? I mean, future-wise, high school is way more important than middle school. You can't afford to have distractions and to not pay attention. You'll be seriously lost lol.
I really don't think you'll go mad, though. It's not going to be necessarily easy, but just remind yourself that when you get home you can RP all you want to.
alright, now keep going.

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Good tips about going into high school? Empty Re: Good tips about going into high school?

Post  Jenna Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:27 am

My school is pretty strict on what they'll change your classes for. Like if you need an elective changed, you can SOMETIMES change it at the beginning of the year (like me, it'll get changed because it's an instructor approved class, meaning they pick who's in it, and the instructor will get me in it). And if you want to be in honors but didn't sign up for it. I swear, if my english class is filled with people I hate, I'm getting switched to accelerated english, because I can.

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Good tips about going into high school? Empty Re: Good tips about going into high school?

Post  Taylor Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:46 am

My school is pretty strict too, but it's worth upgrading or downgrading a class to get out of seeing certain people sometimes.

alright, now keep going.

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