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Advice. For those in high school.

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Peyton Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:21 am

I have just graduated this last year and I am beginning college.
Everyone is posting about their first days of school and a lot I assume are just starting high school, or have been there for a couple of years.
When I was younger, I wish I would have had someone to tell what it was I needed to do or avoid while starting out as freshmen meat. So, I've decided to give you guys some advice.

So here it goes.
Stay out of the drama! I repeat STAY OUT OF THE DRAMA. It's going to be hard and I know that because, who doesn't like to gossip every now and then? Just, don't. Don't even think it. This will consume your life and you'll start to do poorly in class.
Also, people who gossip about others get gossiped about. So, if you don't want people saying things about you that aren't true for the rest of your high school life then DON'T GOSSIP. FOR GOD SAKES. PLEASE. DON'T.

When you need help, Ask. At first you may feel stupid, or you may feel like a loser because everyone else seems to know what they're doing. But, I am willing to bet my life that half of the people in that class you're confused about are just as confused and lost as you.
If you don't ask questions so that you can figure out what to do. You A) Wont do it OR B) Do it poorly. Both of these things lead to disaster. ASK QUESTIONS.

Girls, don't get hung up on those silly boys. They may be cute, or funny, or popular. But don't. Now, I'm not saying don't date but, there are a lot of things that get in the way when dating in high school. Most boys are looking for Sex. So be careful. If they're distracting you from your schooling then they aren't worth the time.
Pay attention to the boys who become your friends first. If you like them, and they like you it will happen. Don't let yourself be that girl in the movie who pines after the popular boy and is forever unhappy. This isn't a movie and most of the time the popular boy you're waiting for will only treat you like garbage.
Let the relationships come to you, don't push yourself to be in one just because you want to be dating boys.

FOURTH and MOST important:
Stick to what you believe in. Like what you want. And don't worry about what others think of you. I know that's a hard thing to do, but you've got to try. I don't want to preach about it, but, try to stay away from all the drinking, sex, and drugs. I didn't do any of hat while in high school. I don't believe those are things we should be doing. It only leads to you have trouble in school and in life in general.
I've seen so many people drop out because of weed.
So many people get hurt because of alcohol.
And I've seen about people in a 500 kid high school get knocked up. Don't be those people.
Sorry, getting ranty. But, hey. Think of this.
If you're honest and you stay true to yourself you'll get the right friends. Don't worry about the people you aren't friends with because they're too dumb to see that you're amazing.
be yourself and the right people will come to you, you'll make it in high school and teachers will most likely adore you and therefore help you when you ask.

Okay so to recap:
Stay out of drama
Ask when you need help.
Be careful when trying to date. It's not the end of the world.
and last but most important:

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Fennec Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:26 am

Yay. Thank you. I have officially become a ninth grader today, and a high schooler. WHO'S COOL?! HIGH SCHOOL!

liek hay gurl

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Peyton Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:28 am

Wrote this with you in mind.

Stay classy.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Taylor Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:35 am

(I realized I just wrote a huge response to everything you just said but I'm bored and procrastinating my chemistry homework so enjoy my ramblings and I'm half awake if that counts for anything) I'm in Sophomore year, and I mean I've heard most of those things before, and I never think any of it's going to apply to me. But IT ALWAYS DOES.

Like last year I got sucked into so much drama. Honestly, I mind my own business and I don't talk bad about people unless they've given me a SERIOUS reason to, and even then I don't badmouth them to the entire population. And I STILL got sucked into drama.
And I never ask questions, most of the time I get it, but when I don't I honestly don't know what to ask. I'm really bad at explaining things, and my teachers always just repeat the exact same things over and over because I can't figure out exactly what is wrong.
I've actually never liked anyone who was popular, I only like guys that I'm friends with/have been friends with for a while, and still no one likes me back. I do try to not get hung up over them, but it's not really easy. I have more important stuff to worry about, but most of the time it genuinely bugs me that I like guys that are basically losers and even those guys don't like me (I like them because they're losers too. SIGH). Plus I'm the only person I know that's my age and has never even held hands with a guy.

I think the last thing is like the only thing I ever do. I mean most of the people in my classes see me as probably really creepy or something, but I don't care. (I mean, I care, just not as much as most people I guess). I'm also straight edge (it's a bit more than this, but essentially no alcohol/drugs/promiscuity) and I've gotten a lot of people that hate me for it which I don't really get, but oh well. I definitely don't want someone to be friends with me thinking I'm a different person.

But yeah, maybe this post will be a reminder that I need to learn how to ask questions and stop liking dumb boys!

I'd also like to add, which is something that I learned the hard way last year was that people really are going to change. You may realize that your friends really arne't people you want to associate yourself with, and you will NOT walk out of high school with the exact same friends. It happens to everyone, and it's tough to lose a close friend, but I guess in the end it's probably for the better. And if a friend is upsetting you, you should definitely speak up about it. Don't let anyone walk all over you, and even if speaking up ends the friendship, at least you know that they really weren't someone you could count on (I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE I'M JUST RAMBLING)
alright, now keep going.

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Fennec Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:45 am

I know for a fact that I can totally trust two of my friends never to get into naughty stuff. You just mention the word penis around them and they axe murder you. I mean, my best friend is a really good manga artist and she draws them with very small, non existent boobs and baggy clothes. And they act like disapproving mothers when someone talks about drugs.
liek hay gurl

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Peyton Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:46 am

This makes perfect sense.

About the whole asking questions thing. Just because you can't explain it right there on the spot doesn't mean there is no hope. Stop, breath, and think it over. Make sure you figure out how to get across what you mean before you try to verbalize it.

Trying to speak an unformulated thought is much harder than having one that you've thought about for a while and THEN trying to explain it.

Another thing is, if you're not sure what you're going to ask, wait. See the teacher after class. It may seem like they're attacking you because they have a class full of kids that don't want to be there that they have to keep on track. Trying to help one kid while the whole class waits isn't what a teacher wants to do. Come in early or stay late to ask them your questions or get your thoughts out there.
No one wants to be put on the spot, and no one wants to have to crunch all the help they need into a little amount of time. Just slow down, think, and ask.

Hope that made sense. XD
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Taylor Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:51 am

Not really talking about friends being into "naughty stuff" but just in general you may start to not like how your friend acts, no matter how it may be. Conflicting personalities, not as much in common as you thought, etc.
I'm too tired to think
do I even make sense Lizzi.

And unfortunately most of my teachers aren't available after school, and my school doesn't allow us to walk through the halls until 10 minutes 'til the bell rings which is barely enough time to get to my locker and put everything away, and then go to my class. But I guess next time I'll just stay after class for a few minutes or something. My one teacher though is just really confusing, and a few of my friends have tried asking him questions and we still have no idea what he's asking us to do lol. (a.k.a. why I'm procrastinating doing my chemistry homework)
alright, now keep going.

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Fennec Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:57 am

I'm gonna have to dissect a pig in biology this year...

I dissected a frong and a shark in seventh grade.
liek hay gurl

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Taylor Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:01 am

For AP Bio, which I'm most likely taking next year, we have to dissect cats :c
I'd be okay with dissecting anything but something I would have as a pet, it just makes me sad lol.
alright, now keep going.

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Peyton Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:02 am

Well I mean, if you're ever going to use this in the future you're going to have to dissect worse than that. XD
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Fennec Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:14 am

My hands are meant only for a bow and violin strings. Not yucky slimy pig guts.
liek hay gurl

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:16 am

you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Peyton Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:19 am

We're the same age...and I'm almost 19 XD
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Fennec Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:28 am

Isn't Alex like, 22 though? So you were never the oldest, Grandma Vicky.
liek hay gurl

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:42 am

I'll be 19 the 24th. And shut.Up.LIZZY....PEYTON IS JUST AS OLD AS I AM
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Peyton Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:45 am

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Fennec Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:05 am


You spelled my name wrong. Again.

And you've known me since about fifth grade. :3

So how can you not know how to spell my name?

liek hay gurl

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Advice. For those in high school.  Empty Re: Advice. For those in high school.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:12 am

Unless I like,am actually focusing. Second day back and I have assignments for everything. COLLEGE BITES T-T. PLUS EVERYONE IN MY CLASSES ARE....ARIELKJDSASA;DLJASJD;JASD;LJASDJKL;ASDKLJAS (Well not everyone but most of them and then this professor just doesn't know how to teach!)

That means you'd have to be married to Alex, which doesn't work xD
I'M GRANDMA NOT MARRIED TO ALEX :D xD (Since he's the grandfather.)
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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