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School >.<

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School >.< Empty School >.<

Post  Morgan Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:42 am

So I started my Junior year a week ago, so last Tuesday. My schedule is okay.

  1. AP US History (My teacher is a cutie and really nice) and AP English 11 (My english teacher is super nice) -These class switch every day so I have history one day and then english. It's okay so far. I had to do a project and present it and I have bad stage fright and freaked out and yeah. But at least I did it. I also have this class with my best friend who I spent all summer with.
  2. Creative Writing -This teacher freaks me out because she is like all over the place and yeah. But it seems like an easy writing class. My friend Lauren sits with me and today we walked about the school all class.

-Then I have lunch and my lunch is fucking stupid and hard to explain so I won't even start. The only thing I understand is Wednesday we have an hour and 15 minutes for lunch, which is awesome!
    3. Journalism 1- The teacher is really cool and tiny and cute. She is a little old lady but she like doesn't care if                        you have your phones out and stuff. All we have done is watched a movie. One day we had a discussion about Twerking and Dubstep and yeah.
    4. Earth Science 2 Astronomy and Oceanography- The teacher is my step mom's cousin so she is pretty nice. I also have this class with my best friend, the one I have my AP classes with. 

Then today we did nominations for homecoming since our home coming dance is the 28th of this month. My friends and every one thought it would be cool to nominate me, so now my name is down and I'm apparently running for homecoming princess. Im not popular at all so Im hoping people don't vote for me.

I got asked to homecoming though! My best friend/Ex boyfriend/possible boyfriend asked me. He also asked me to Junior/Senior prom and that isn't until May. But yeah Im kinda excited. 

Ive had a lot of boy drama and stuff. There are so many guys that are like 'OMG MORGAN!" and I don't like it. like okay, there is...

  • Trevon -I love him. He is the one who asked me to homecoming <3 Also my Varisity Football Player <3
  • Austin- He is in my fourth block and we went to the street festival together on saturday and he kissed me and I was like "Whoa!" so now he like wants to date me and I'm like "noooo."
  • Mikey- I went to the football game with Mikey on friday but he had to leave when people tried to fight him. He is on the JV team and this was a Varsity game. So Mikey ditched me and thats when Austin got involved because we kinda talked at the game. But Mikey told me yesterday he doesn't know if he likes me but talked about how I was 'his' on saturday and yeah. Its super confusing. We talked at lunch and it was really awkward and we only hugged once sooo, I believe we are just friends. I hope so.
  • Tyler H. - He is really sweet and I don't know. He knows I only see him as a friend.
  • Tyler W. -He moved like 4 hours away and we dated and yeah. Not again.
  • Romero- We talked over the summer. He is 19 and I don't know. Im confused with him too
  • Jonathan- He random ally started texting me today and liking my pictures on instagram and is all like "OMG YOURE SOOO PRETTY" and yeah. I just found out he goes to my school but I never ever see him.

Trevon is the only person in this list that I like. oh, Im 5'1 and he is like 6'9 or something I don't know. All I know i she is super tall. We have been best friends since 6th grade when we had band together. He sat behind me and played trumpet and I played flute and now he is a Varsity football played and we are still super close.

I think that is all of my high school/ boy drama. Now you all are aware of my life! Please tell me about yours! I feel like I haven't talked to you guys in forever!!!
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School >.< Empty Re: School >.<

Post  Fennec Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:04 am

My classes:

Period 1: Spanish. Not fun. I took Japanese last year, but now I can't switch until December, which is going to mess my shit up. The teacher is still learning English herself. NOT FUN.
Period 2: World history. Very fun. We learn about old civilizations and shit. The teacher is cool, too, and there are only eight kids in the class.
Lunch. Self explanatory. Ninth and tenth grade eat lunch with sixth grade.
Period 3: Geometry. Teacher is hilarious. Problems and notes are easy. I have it with my bestest friend.
Period 4: Lang. Arts. Stupid old teacher lady. Whatever.
Period 5: Physics. I have a suspicion the teacher is always drinking whisky from that cup of his, but hey. Easy enough.
Period 6: Orchestra. THE NEW TEACHER IS GOING TO HAVE US PLAY A THEME FROM DOCTOR WHO. And he's hot. So yeah. I want to marry him. <3
And then I take a nice van-ride home, because there are only two hundred kids at my school and Halo Transportation is cheaper. We ride in vans.
liek hay gurl

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School >.< Empty Re: School >.<

Post  Taylor Thu Sep 12, 2013 3:28 am

first off: TEACH ME YOUR WAYS. guys avoid me like the plague, I'd like some male attention for once.

as for my classes
First: APUSH. The teacher seems okay, but she gives a lot of work, and to keep this short I can't say I love the people in my class.
Second: Honors Pre-calc. Teacher is really eccentric and laughs at her own (note: UNFUNNY) jokes. Math is my weakest subject but she seems to be an actually good teacher.
Third: Lunch/Supervisory. Both with unpleasant people. I should also mention that my lunch is at ten in the morning.
Fourth: AP 2D studio art (really AP photo). I got my old photo teacher again and I love her!! But I feel like with all the work from my other classes I'm not going to be able to excel in photo and I don't feel as strongly about it as I did last year.
Fifth: AP Bio. The teacher is scary and the class is really hard. We had our first test a few days ago and I got a C and that was the highest grade in the class. We've had a fair amount of work and she said that we haven't even STARTED the real stuff yet.
Sixth: AP English. I have a really awesome teacher for English this year actually, he basically talks the entire period and he's pretty funny. We're doing non-fiction the whole year though which I'm not excited for, and he gives us sooo many essays (third week of school and we've already had five essays). Every assignment we do has to be typed which is a problem for me because I don't have a printer.

Other news;
Yeah I don't know if y'all remember the guy I liked last year or how he was avoiding me and all, but he now calls me a cunt and a fat bitch on twitter and is generally a huge asshole. (when I said I wanted male attention, I guess I should elaborate, I want some positive male attention)
That's  it my life isn't interesting honestly.
alright, now keep going.

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School >.< Empty Re: School >.<

Post  Morgan Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:18 am

Honestly, I don't like any of the attention from guys. Like it freaks me out. Today at lunch I had to avoid Austin, Jonathan and Tyler H. Austin tried to kiss me and Tyler hugged me at the end of the day and I never saw Jonathan. The only guy that I like is Trevon and I saw him like a lot today and gave him a hug every time. I talked to him last night about how I felt about him and, well basically last year after me and Thomas broke up I ended up talking to Trevon and he asked me out and I said yes. Mentally I wasn't ready to date and a week later I broke up with him and broke him to pieces and he doesn't want that to happen again. This was the conversation last night.

Trevon- Hmmm I Mean Yhu Will Get Yhur Chance Again ... But Jus Keep Doing What Yhur Doing Cuzz Its Gaining My Trust .. Yhur Lucky iLoveYhu Cuzz I Dont Usually Give 2nd Chances ! Sooo B Happy

Me- And I love you. I've been single since the me and you thing and I've figured everything out I know where I want to be.

Trevon- And Where Is That ??

Me- With you. I never realized how happy I get when I see you. Like I'm being 100% honest with you. I've never been able to look at my friends and say that I like someone and I looked at three people today, dead in their eyes and said I liked you and that I was wrong for what I did and that I wish I could take it all back.But I have to go. I'm not suppose to have my phone. I guess I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully.

Trevon- Byee Morgan n Jus Tell Me Wea Yhu Wanna B Wen I See Yhu

And I was going to tell him today but my friends were there and so where his and we weren't alone. He also doesn't have a phone because he broke it. 

School is ehh.. I had a take home quiz today for APUSH hat is due tomorrow even though I don't have that class and I had to write a essay for english. This is only the second week of school too. All of english and history essays have to be hand written. It will not be accepted if it is typed or emailed, Unless you are absent or sick and you email your work in. Oh and I think I kinda understand our lunch schedule now. We have like 1600 students in our school. We have the main building, Field house (Gym, health, drivers ed and Spanish classes) Hornet Tech building (Its some computer building class thing that has its own building, and then our AG building. We also have trailers because the school is over crowded. So, I think this is lunch.

Monday- If your first block is on the top floor or basement you go to your first block for the first half of lunch and when the bell rings you go to lunch. If your class is on the main floor, culinary arts, AG building, Hornet tech or field house, you go to lunch after second block and when the bell rings you go to your first block.

Tuesday- If your second block is on the top floor or basement you eta lunch first and then go to your second block when the bell rings. Main floor, AG building, Hornet tech, Culinary arts, and field house stays in their second block and when the bell rings goes to lunch.

Wednesday- We have a whole hour between second and third block for lunch.

Thursday and Friday- I THINK is the same as Tuesdays. I don't know. Ill figure it out tomorrow. But Thursday is based off of your 3rd block and Fridays off of your 4th. 

My school is whack.

And sorry for the red font... because I was coping and pasting my conversation the colors were different and it was annoying me and I couldnt fix it so I went with red font! Woo! It could have been yellow, but I thought I wouldn't hurt your eyes too bad today.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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School >.< Empty Re: School >.<

Post  Taylor Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:44 am

I'm sure I wouldn't love attention from guys I don't like but it's better than either being hated by guys for no reason or being invisible lmao. But aww that's cute I hope things work out between you two!!! Also your lunch schedule just confused the heck out of me haha.
alright, now keep going.

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School >.< Empty Re: School >.<

Post  Morgan Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:07 am

Lunch confuses me too. All I know is me and Trevon have Tuesday lunch, Wednesday lunch and I think Friday lunch together.

School >.< Screen11
Thats Trevon (:

 School >.< Screen10
And I think we all know this is me (:

I have no pictures of us together because my dad is super against interracial relationships and everything. And Trevon doesn't want my dad to think we are dating when we aren't because of pictures and make it where we can't see each other. He wants to meet my dad though when we start dating, if we start dating -fingers crossed-
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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School >.< Empty Re: School >.<

Post  Fennec Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:18 am

I'm sort of invisible to guys, too. Other than being that weird girl that does funny squats. I really wish I had at least one normal guy who thinks I'm sort of cute. xD Preferably not a sixth grader.
liek hay gurl

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School >.< Empty Re: School >.<

Post  Sprx_GotFlame Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:12 am

-pops in with a cloud of smoke-

Ah, hello.

To stay on the subject of schooling, I'm home schooled. So that's fantastic. Usually.
I would like to add... Can I join the invisible club?
All the guys I know are either related to me or my brother's best friend who is a total asshole.
I have one guy friend, though. Nothing romantic there.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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School >.< Empty Re: School >.<

Post  Taylor Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:23 am

You better send me pics as soon as you take one together!!

But ooh man I always wanted to be home schooled but I don't think I could take my mom teaching me, now a lot of stuff is online but I don't think my mom would want me to be home schooled anyways.
But yeah guys kind of suck, even platonic relationships with them, for me, seems impossible.
alright, now keep going.

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Post  Morgan Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:02 am

Haha yes! As soon as I talk him into taking a picture with me I will send it to you! Im 5'1(ish) and he told me today that he is 6'4. We had lunch together today so that was fun (:

I wish I was homeschool. It just seems better then public schools. I was going to do all my junior year classes online this summer but we didn't have the money to day so, so I didn't get to do that D:
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Post  Taylor Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:44 am

Yay!! And jeez what a difference haha

Yeah I don't really have money for online classes and I was going to take some classes during night school or summer school this summer but each semester is $175 and yeah that's ridiculous.
alright, now keep going.

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School >.< Empty Re: School >.<

Post  Jenna Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:55 pm

okay i already had this mostly typed out once, so this will be a shorter version bc im lazy.

we're on a/b schedule. meaning we go to one set of classes one day and one set the other day.

a day:
1a: general music. love the class. it's easy. teacher's great.
2a: accelerated english 2. the class isn't hard, the teacher's alright, but i hate all of the people in the class.
3a: honors chemistry. my favorite class. the teacher's wonderful. i'm the only 10th grader, and the rest are 11th, except for the one senior.
4a: drill. varsity jrotc.

b day:
5b: honors world history. hate the class, hate the teacher, i'm failing.
6b: rotc. it's alright. i love rotc, just not that class.
7b: honors geometry. it's awful. everything about it is awful. it's my least favorite class.
8b: drill, again.

these are also shortened explanations of the boys. if you're curious and wanna know more you can message me or text me about them. they're in the order they came into my life.

chance: dated for about a month at the beginning of the summer. that was awful. i broke up with him for being clingy. he's still trying to get back together with me.

ronny: we talked for a while. he got back together with his ex before anything happened.

zach: dated for a week, but i broke up with him bc ronny came over and i realized i still liked him.

ronny: he's back. he acted all sweet for a couple of days and then stopped talking to me. like he'd go 3 or 4 days without talking to me but i still liked him and still believed we were gonna get together. i was pretty dependent on him. he's completely gone now, though, because of some other bullshit that went down.

braddon: hes the only senior in my chemistry class. hes wonderful. im trying to get him to like me bc hes cute and funny and awkward and junk. so yea. but we're really good friends anyways. he's still in the picture.

(insert about 10 guys that arent relevant that i talked to)

sam: not really too serious about him, but he's pretty serious about me. which kind of scares me, but whatever. he needs to decide if he's gonna ask me out or not so i know what to do with austin.

austin: he's the most recent. we hung out last friday and went "ghost hunting" with a couple of his friends, which was pretty fun. then we made out in his jeep. (bc im apparently a bit of a whore) he took me home. on the way home, we got pulled over by the police for him speeding, but he didnt get a ticket, so cool. then we hung out again saturday, but he wasnt home on time so he got grounded. last night while i was at the football game, he called me once and texted me once, so i guess he's ungrounded, but i dont know for sure. so anyways, yea. he's the only one i'm even remotely serious about atm bc hes really cute and hes adorable and such a loser. and he's 6'2. which is good for me, since i'm 5'9. and he gives really good hugs and such.
tl;dr version: austin is fabulous and i'm trying to get it

(okay, believe it or not, but i had a lot more typed about EVERYTHING on here, but my computer shut off when i was almost done typing it so this was a way shortened version.)
I'm great and you're jealous.

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School >.< Empty Re: School >.<

Post  Jenna Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:58 pm

ALSO. if anyone wants a way girly, i need to stop being so fucking lame version of austin's story, i'd be glad to send it to you. haha.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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School >.< Empty Re: School >.<

Post  Fennec Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:05 pm

Me, please, momma. :3
I like hearing about everyone's boy stuff. Once one of my best friends got a boyfriend, I knew I'd be waiting a while for any guy to be interested in me.
liek hay gurl

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School >.< Empty Re: School >.<

Post  Morgan Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:46 am

Homecoming is coming up and I still need a dress! Its the 28th of this month and Ive found two dresses so far. Also, Trevon and I have lunch together tomorrow so we might take pictures together. He gave me one of his shirts on Friday and I love it! I also went to Taylor Swift's Red Tour with my best friend (: We saw Ed Sheeran and he is PERFECTION! We screamed when he sung our favorite line from his song You need me, I don't need you. "They say Im up and coming like Im fucking in an elevator." WE DIED! But that is a different story. Lots of drama and laughing and I have a cut from a chair attacking me. Haha

My Dresses-
School >.< Screen12
School >.< Screen13

Picture from the Concert (We drove there and drove home at like night time haha. We ran to her car because a girl a few years ago got abducted and murdered at that arena and we were not getting split up or stuck in traffic. But this is me and my best friend Emily, and yes I was rocking red lipstick!)-
School >.< Screen11

Me in Trevon's shirt. The first picture shows how big it is on me. I got bored and had string and hair ties so I tied it back and then tied the sleeves so they didn't fall to my elbows and the second picture was the result. He loves the fact that I love wearing his shirt. Ive worn it every night when I go to bed <3 GUYS IVE NEVER FELT THIS WAY BEFORE! I THINK IM GOING INSANE!!
School >.< Screen14
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Post  Sprx_GotFlame Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:45 am

I like the red one... but that could just be me not being a fan of the bedazzles and floof... and my general attraction to black and red...
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School >.< Empty Re: School >.<

Post  Fennec Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:50 am

I think you should wear the blue dress. It'll leave some of your curves to the imagination, and I think blue would look really nice with your hair and eyes. :)
liek hay gurl

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School >.< Empty Re: School >.<

Post  Morgan Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:25 am

I went to order the dresses today and the blue one they didn't have my size anymore. So I got the red one. PLus thats the one Trevon wanted me to get anyway. We didn't take pictures together today but we talked at lunch and I died laughing at the conversation me him and my friends all had. When walking to third block he held my hand <3 Im talking to him now and he said he was going to kiss me but was too nervous.
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School >.< Empty Re: School >.<

Post  Morgan Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:48 pm


Ive ordered my dress like I said in the last post. I got the red and black one. Trevon is wearing a black and red as well. We still aren't dating, he said he is waiting for the right time to ask. He has been walking me to class, or as far as he can because most of the time my class is on one end of the school and his is on the other. He can't be late to class or he will get kicked off of the football team /: His friends always swarm around him and Friday at lunch one of his friends was standing really close behind me, but I didn't notice because I was talking to my friends and Trevon got pissed, pushed him away and wrapped his arms around me and told the guy "Back away from my girl." Tomorrow is going to suck though because I don't have lunch with Trevon and don't really know anyone that has that lunch other than Emily and her asshole of a boyfriend Max and then Nicole. 
I took school pictures on Friday, and mine actually isn't that bad. Trevon refuses to show me his because he is a meanie head! Haha. But I really want bangs again. I'm scared to get them cut though. My aunt says if I can get the look I want by using bobby pins then to just do it that way. I don't know /: And me and Trevon keep forgetting to take pictures together. 

My School Idea, Kinda pixilated but oh well.
School >.< Screen16

How I want my hair to look. I basically want bangs (A fringe) like Kalel Cullen. 
School >.< Screen15

My friend Sara also loves playing with hair. We have 3rd and 4th block together and she sits behind me in 3rd block. Half of the time she just sleeps but she was bored and started playing with my hair. The picture on the left she did before I had to go take my school picture so she ended up taking it down after she did it. And then the fishtail braid it took her like 45 minutes to do and I left it up for the rest of the day.
School >.< Screen16
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Post  Morgan Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:49 am

For those who are still keeping up with this, I went to the JV football game tonight. Trevon plays on Varsity so we got to hang out. We sat together and I was exhausted so I just kinda snuggled into him while he watched the game. We talked a lot and laughed. His friends were really nice to me too. One of those Luna Moths landed near me and I freaked out and he saved me! He got a cramp in this leg and got up to stand up and stuff so I put my feet where he was sitting and he just picked me up bridal style and moved me. He knows about my history of self harm and knows I use my hair bands to cover them up, but they also dig into my skin leaving marks. He plays with them and moves them around now so they won't leave marks and stuff. He taught me things about football and I had a really good night. He walked me home it was amazing. We took pictures together so now you guys can finally see us together! We were sitting in this picture and he still had to bend down a bit.  I think we are pretty cute <3 But we still aren't official. He knows I hate waiting so he finds this really funny. He told me that he is prolonging this because he knows how it drives me insane. But I told him no one could make me stop wearing my hair ties on my wrist and he was like "Well your boyfriend can." So, he just hasn't asked yet.

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Post  Fennec Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:52 am

You two are adorable. That is just all I can say. :3

On an unrelated note, I need you to post on our thread.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Morgan Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:01 am

Thanks (: We try to be adorable together. I told him he didn't love me and moved away from him and he pulled me back over to him. He is a teddy bear and I love him <3

And I can't tonight. About to go to bed. I have a terrible migraine that I've had for two weeks
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Post  Morgan Sun Sep 29, 2013 11:05 am

Homecoming was tonight and though me and Trevon didn't take pictures together there are lots of pictures of me. I wore 4 inch heels and looked amazing! Haha. At the end of the dance he walked me to my moms car, I almost fell but he helped steady me! He met my mommy and step mommy and then asked me out!! So! I now have an amazing boyfriend <3

School >.< Screen22
My Attire <3
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Post  Morgan Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:50 am

Last night was our Homecoming football game. Of course I went since Trevon would be playing and the field is two minutes down the street from my house. I went with my friend Emily and her brother Austin and meet up with some other friends at the game. Normally I walk around and talk to people and never watch the game but me, Emily and Austin all sat down and watched everything. We started off bad, letting Fluvanna get a touchdown but right after that we made the most amazing touchdown ever and after that Fluvanna couldnt catch us again. The final score was 49 Orange - 25 Fluvanna. We won our homecoming game! It was way beyond amazing. After the team gathered with Coach Malloy on the field and everything Trevon looked over at me and laughed and came over and gave me the biggest hug ever! Even though he was all sweaty I didn't care (: Like always the team walked back to the sidelines and drop off their helmets and talk to everyone and Trevon came back over to me and kissed my forehead and said "I told you that you were my good luck charm." And you know how in the movies, right after the team wins the guy always give the girl the most amazing kiss ever and you're just like Phsss, that never happens WELL! It happened to me and was just fucking amazing! He kissed me and picked me up and spun me around, it was beyond amazing. We talked for about ten minutes and he told me I should go home because it was late and he doesn't like me walking home alone, but he had to ride back to the high school on the bus. So basically my night was amazing. I came home and got on Facebook and posted on his wall:

Just being at the game tonight and actually watching the game and jumping and smiling every time we got a touch down made my night, but knowing that after the game I got to see you made it so much better.  When I knew that we would win this game I just thought about how happy you would be and it made me super excited. Hugging you even though you were hot and sweaty gave me butterflies. I'd do it all over again, and will do it all over again just for you. In my eyes you always winner, but I win even more because I have you. 
-Love, your number one fan and girlfriend 

And then I sent him a message that said:

I love you so so so so sooo much  You don't understand how excited and happy and proud of you I am right now. I love you to the end of the world and I'll always be your number one fan, I promise.

I'm just so happy guys.. Like I haven't been this happy in a long long time. Like Ive said before, he knows about my scars and my history and everything and he made me this bracelet and gave it to me to wear instead of my hair ties to cover up my scars.

Im sorry for being complete gushy and lovey but its how I'm feeling currently. I finally feel like I'm wanted somewhere and I finally feel loved.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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