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Why my school is fucked up..

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Why my school is fucked up.. Empty Why my school is fucked up..

Post  Guest Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:43 am

Well, to start this off, Mr Kimmey, our math teacher, and Mr. Egan, both give students nicknames. Mr. Kimmey gives them embarrassing, and quite retarded nicknames.
Ground. [I don't get this one.]
Spike. [haha. that's Adam's! But Adam.. it doesn't make any sense. O.o]
Piric Victory.
Maharaja. [I'm not sure how you spell that. O.o]
Jimmy John's [racist bastard. >.>]
and then my nickname, which was invented today;
Taylor Tinkle Sailor Soldier.
I don't understand this at all. I think it's like.. a song, or something from a cartoon or some shit. IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!
None of my friends get it either. SO FUCKING CONFUSING.

And Mr. Egans names, they're just... weird;
Sticky Ricky. [lmfao.]
Coco Puff.
Joe Luis.
LOU! [he screams every time he says the name, so I thought the all-caps and the exclamation point where necessary. xD]
Madman. [XD I love this one.]
and.. I think that's it.
Oh, and mine; TAYTAY!
And he says it really creepishly. O.o

Also, we're eighth graders. we know what we should and should not do, yet every time someone [and most of the time it's only one person] does something wrong they make everyone sit through an hour, or two hour, long speech about how what they did is bad. They don't care if we heard it before, we're hearing it again. ._.


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Why my school is fucked up.. Empty Re: Why my school is fucked up..

Post  Guest Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:33 am



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Why my school is fucked up.. Empty Re: Why my school is fucked up..

Post  Abby Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:34 am

Power to you! My friend's school is really bad. It's full of quoting her "sluts and drug dealers" Its true of course her classmates went to jail for selling drugs. Plus my school is fucked up way worse. The meanest teacher in my school used to be an underwear model(Now she's like 50 -shudders-). And one of our teachers was insane (he's really old). And another got fired for... well messing around with students. Oh, and I don't want to be rude or anything, but it's full of retarded people! I sit there in class all day long answering every damn question! Oh, and the underwear model gives us nicknames too, but like as a grade. The 6th grade are her little chick-a-dees. The 7th grade are the chicks. And 8th grade makes no sense. It goes chick-a-dees, chicks and then suddenly the 8th graders are the big and bad? I mean wtf? Yep that's it.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Why my school is fucked up.. Empty Re: Why my school is fucked up..

Post  Guest Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:36 am

The school I'm going to next year sounds like that one. I swear.
It's terrible. The teachers are all douches, the students are all dealing, or think that they're really ghetto and start fights with everyone. Everyone is pretty much a moron.. it's just.. so terrible. ._.


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Why my school is fucked up.. Empty Re: Why my school is fucked up..

Post  Abby Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:41 am

Haha aside from the teachers my school is like a private school, only its not. >.<
ugg explaining stuff makes my brain hurt. Anyway no one starts any fights, we never curse (well...) and we walk to together in the halls like a bunch of cool people. Plus only like 36 kids go to my school. It's a small school.. xD
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Why my school is fucked up.. Empty Re: Why my school is fucked up..

Post  Guest Wed Sep 29, 2010 6:57 am

That is small. :O


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Why my school is fucked up.. Empty Re: Why my school is fucked up..

Post  Abby Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:15 am

Yeah, nd we in a different school for construction. Got the entire 8th grade class in one room. It's only forty people, though.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Why my school is fucked up.. Empty Re: Why my school is fucked up..

Post  RastaaaRuby Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:17 am

Whoa snap.
My school is pretty good compared to you guys.
My school is supposedly in a 'rough' neighbour hood, && we're a decile five school. We have druggies and shit, and gang members but we have all the Islanders from church, who are like fucking huge.
Like all the guys from the first fifteen rugby squad are all
MASSIVE and they watch out for everyone, y'know 'cuz they're prefects and stuff. Most of 'em are straight from the Islands (Like... Samoa and Tonga and stuff) so they're all up with the village traditions and respect and stuff.
If that makes any sense, lol.
And my school is fucking massive and we hate all other schools in the area, lol.
So if someones getting attacked by kids from another school, like 20 guys will go help and beat the shit out of the guys from the other school, even if they don't like the kid getting beaten up.
you got this down pat, bro.

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Why my school is fucked up.. Empty Re: Why my school is fucked up..

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:23 pm

I remember when I lived in Maine and the whole school was k-12 and it was only like...300 kids at the most.I think I'm just being generous with the number though.
But my school now SUCKS.
My teachers don't give me nicknames or whatever except 1 WHICH I WILL NEVER SHARE.
Anyways,awhile ago a teacher got arrested at school.He was...doing something with the students.
And then they looked pretty bad.
And another because he shot someone...
We have drug dealers too,and the TEACHERS KNOW this.They just like,brush it off if it's not in their classroom and I'm like WHAT THE FUCK.
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Why my school is fucked up.. Empty Re: Why my school is fucked up..

Post  Abby Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:00 am

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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