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When you have a Subsitute in school what do you guys usually do?

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When you have a Subsitute in school what do you guys usually do? Empty When you have a Subsitute in school what do you guys usually do?

Post  Kobe. Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:47 am

- Well the other day we had a subsituted called Mr.Rogers XD (that made me think of that show...Mr.Rogers XD) So yeah I skipped the first half of that class and then went to lunch and finally went back to the class so I was all like(This was before I knew who the teacher was) "HEY THAT'S MR.ROGERS, HE USED TO TEACH AT MY OLD SCHOOL!" So he was all cool with it he said "Yo man whats up?" I was like. "Nothin' much." He was like "What class you suppose to be in?" I was like "This one XD" So he told me to just take a seat and what not, So then this Awesomely epic teacher begins to rap ^. ~ I was having a Jizzfest in my pants.......He is the most awesomest subsitute ever.
(Maybe it's because I'm black XD)
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When you have a Subsitute in school what do you guys usually do? Empty Re: When you have a Subsitute in school what do you guys usually do?

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:49 am

My last substitute...His name was cowboy bill.His real name o.o
His first name was cowboy.I laughed.But he was REALLY strict.
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When you have a Subsitute in school what do you guys usually do? Empty Re: When you have a Subsitute in school what do you guys usually do?

Post  Abby Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:55 am

xDDDDDDD We had a substitute for art yesterday, but he coaches the basketball, so Mr. Winehold [xDDDDDDD] Yea he's cool. Well were playing kickball in gym today. (Mr. Winehold was substituting xD) And this popular comes up and asks me if I had lice. So, I say yes, because I fuckin do, but then I tell her not to tell anyone. And she goes and tells her fucking best friend!!! It spread through the scholl like wild fire and now everyone knows! I was just like, "Screw you Autumn!! Wtf bitch! That's embarrassing!! Why the hell would you tell people?!?!" She also got in trouble, with her dad, for making a cool table. He was just like, "No." And everyone that supports me in Autumn is bitch was like, "If uncool people aren't allowed to sit at the cool table and we won't let you sit with us, then where are you going to sit?" Yea. Well I just needed to vent.

That is a really funni post and you won't regret reading it!! ^.^
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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When you have a Subsitute in school what do you guys usually do? Empty Re: When you have a Subsitute in school what do you guys usually do?

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