Roleplaying Without The Rules.
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So, helpful advice?

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So, helpful advice? Empty So, helpful advice?

Post  Fennec Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:27 pm

I'm the one giving it to you! (:

So, I don't know if it's an internet glitch, a site glitch, or a glitch with someone's computer. But I've been hearing that some people don't always see the red lights saying someone posted on a roleplay or in a thread. If this happens to you, maybe try and remember who posted last, and see if the username is different when you look at who posted (if anyone has) while you were gone. I know when I turn off my device, and someone posts while I turn it off, I don't see the lights for some reason. So this is what I try. (See explanation before this please. :3)
liek hay gurl

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Age : 26
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