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I Dunno What To Put As A Title. All I Can Think Of Is 'I NEED ADVICE AND TO TALK ABOUT ALL THIS!'

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I Dunno What To Put As A Title. All I Can Think Of Is 'I NEED ADVICE AND TO TALK ABOUT ALL THIS!' Empty I Dunno What To Put As A Title. All I Can Think Of Is 'I NEED ADVICE AND TO TALK ABOUT ALL THIS!'

Post  xPrincessZoex Sun Oct 24, 2010 6:35 am

I need advice. And just generally to talk to friends about this who AREN'T close friends...Who DON'T know who I'm talking about and don't have oppinions on certain people.

Basically....To start from the beginning. I'm sixteen and have a good group of friends, fairly close to me, around ten to twenty close to close-ish friends. Lately one of my friends, male friend, moved away but he still visits regularly. Just before he left, I realised I started to have feelings for him but i didn't dare say anything because for one a LOT of people think and say he's gay, which he denies completely...And the more I think about it...He really isn't. And two, he's my best friend and I wouldn't wanna wreck that. And three I was surrounded by a huge group of friends so I didn't really have time to speak to him on his own.
As time went on, I never stopped thinking about him and liking turned to love. Now I am head over heels for him. And I count down the days until he comes to visit. But I don't know what to do. If I should try to be brave and tell him...Or just not tell him and hope it goes away, or just make do with close friendship with him.

And now, I got flirted with for AGES by this guy. And he asked me out on a date. We went out, kinda awkward. And when we were speaking about it afterwards, he tells me that he wants to be friends. Yet he flirted and such with me for days and days before we went out. Confused by guy physcology here? XD

So I just dunno what to do. I understand this isn't a big problem lol. I mean me myself I've had a LOT worse in my life...But it's just cracking me up not being able to TELL anyone about it. Even if I know someones READ this I'll feel better....Hell even just typing this is making me feel a lot better.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I Dunno What To Put As A Title. All I Can Think Of Is 'I NEED ADVICE AND TO TALK ABOUT ALL THIS!' Empty Re: I Dunno What To Put As A Title. All I Can Think Of Is 'I NEED ADVICE AND TO TALK ABOUT ALL THIS!'

Post  Abby Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:34 am

Okay I started liking my best friends second cousin. He's a really great guy, but It's a long distant friendship, just like you. But, all my really close friendships are long distance, so I'm used to it. It kinda depends how often you see him. I mean I gave up on Peter because I only see him like twice a year, maybe three if I'm lucky. But it's not like I still don't have feelings for him, I just gave it up. The problem with me is I seem to fall for guys who I either have no chance with, or live farther than 100 miles from my house. So, I haven't been on many dates. I don't really get boy phycology. When something like going on a date turns into a friend happens I just throw my hands in the air sometime like screw it.
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I Dunno What To Put As A Title. All I Can Think Of Is 'I NEED ADVICE AND TO TALK ABOUT ALL THIS!' Empty Re: I Dunno What To Put As A Title. All I Can Think Of Is 'I NEED ADVICE AND TO TALK ABOUT ALL THIS!'

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:27 pm

Zoe, I think you should forget about the guy who was flirting with you as more than just a friend and concentrate on what to do with your best friend who moved. Something like this happened to me once and before I could tell the guy how I felt, he told me. But I'm not sure if that will happen in your situation and I don't think you can stand waiting. So, I think you should tell himhow you feel when you guys are alone and see what he says.

♡ Alicia ♡
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I Dunno What To Put As A Title. All I Can Think Of Is 'I NEED ADVICE AND TO TALK ABOUT ALL THIS!' Empty Re: I Dunno What To Put As A Title. All I Can Think Of Is 'I NEED ADVICE AND TO TALK ABOUT ALL THIS!'

Post  xPrincessZoex Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:37 pm

Thank you both. It's helped so much just to talk about this with people who don't know exactly who I'm talking about ^~^ I do see him often enough, he visits about once every two months or so for a week or two. But I still dunno if I will be brave enough to. I'm such good friends with him, have been for YEARS and I wouldn't wanna wreck it...But thanks again for the advice. Smile
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I Dunno What To Put As A Title. All I Can Think Of Is 'I NEED ADVICE AND TO TALK ABOUT ALL THIS!' Empty Re: I Dunno What To Put As A Title. All I Can Think Of Is 'I NEED ADVICE AND TO TALK ABOUT ALL THIS!'

Post  Guest Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:58 am

kitty_dead wrote:Okay I started liking my best friends second cousin. He's a really great guy, but It's a long distant friendship, just like you. But, all my really close friendships are long distance, so I'm used to it. It kinda depends how often you see him. I mean I gave up on Peter because I only see him like twice a year, maybe three if I'm lucky. But it's not like I still don't have feelings for him, I just gave it up. The problem with me is I seem to fall for guys who I either have no chance with, or live farther than 100 miles from my house. So, I haven't been on many dates. I don't really get boy phycology. When something like going on a date turns into a friend happens I just throw my hands in the air sometime like screw it.


I would say something, but I think the other two have pretty much said all that there is to be said... really, I'm terrible with advice. I've got too many problems of my own, but I hope everything works out. :3


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I Dunno What To Put As A Title. All I Can Think Of Is 'I NEED ADVICE AND TO TALK ABOUT ALL THIS!' Empty Re: I Dunno What To Put As A Title. All I Can Think Of Is 'I NEED ADVICE AND TO TALK ABOUT ALL THIS!'

Post  xPrincessZoex Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:32 am

I read my horoscope and it basically said the EXACT same things that have been happening in my life. And it also said 'Romance is in the air. Although you may possibly be unsure or nervous about making the first move, you may be suprised and happy by their reaction.' So I think I'm gonna do it...Only thing is...Next time he's up here is in December. And although I phone him regularly...I don't wanna do that over the phone.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I Dunno What To Put As A Title. All I Can Think Of Is 'I NEED ADVICE AND TO TALK ABOUT ALL THIS!' Empty Re: I Dunno What To Put As A Title. All I Can Think Of Is 'I NEED ADVICE AND TO TALK ABOUT ALL THIS!'

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:13 pm

Yay Zoe! good luck! :]

♡ Alicia ♡
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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