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Halloween! Empty Halloween!

Post  Morgan Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:24 am

What are you guys planning on doing for Halloween? Here where I like you can't go trick or treating once you're 14 or older and since Im 15 I dress up and hand out candy to all the little kids. I mean, thats all I wanted to do when I was little. I never ate my candy, I liked giving candy. I don't know why though.
But! I wanted to be Snow White (Click!) for halloween, then I was like no, I want to be the female version of the green lantern(Click!), but then I found the perfect thing ever! I decided I wanted to be HarleQuin!
So! Daddy took me today to look for a costume and they didn't have the one I wanted (Click!)
So! I got this!! (Click!) And this came with everything! The mask, the puffy sleeves, the leggings, and the chocker necklace but not the shoes. But! I found these cool shoes and my mom is like "They don't go!" But you know, its Halloween, it doesn't have to match. It can be different! The shoes are white with blood splatters on it! (Click!) My boyfriend is planning on being the Joker and coming over to help hand out candy. Im happy! I also got black and red hair dye.

So, what do you guys have planned? Do you have a costume? What is it? And if not, what would you like to be for halloween anyway?
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Halloween! Empty Re: Halloween!

Post  Fennec Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:33 am

I'm going trick or treating for my friends probably for the last time cause I wanna pig out on candy and feel guilty later. :D

We don't have enough money for an actual costume this year, so we bought fuzzy black leg warmers and a cute black dog hat with paws. I'm gonna wear a gomfy all-black outfit and be my dog for Halloween! She's a really cute black pomeranian, but she isn't stuck up like normal pomeranians. She's like a tom-boy roll in the mud dog. I'm bringing her with me when I trick or treat this year. Its gon be goood!
liek hay gurl

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Halloween! Empty Re: Halloween!

Post  Morgan Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:37 am

Aw! Lizzi is gonna be cute!

But like, Ive always been a weird child. When my mom would take me trick or treating I would beg her to take me back home so I could hand out candy. I guess I just didn't like walking. And we would have this HUGE basket full of candy and what ever we didn't hand out we got to keep and it was always ALOT! Plus our house was creepy when i was growing up. We had stone lights on the porch, caution tape on the side steps. Mom would make me and my sisters lay on the side walk and would trace around out body with chalk and would splatter food coloring on it so it looked like someone died. We had black material all over with spiderwebs and everything. Mom was always Moretisha from the Adams Family and had that hand! It would move and everything! We played creepy music and it was amazing! And with the stone light it looked like ghosts walking on the porch when you would walk. It was amazing!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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Halloween! Empty Re: Halloween!

Post  Fennec Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:40 am

We live in a crappy neighborhood trailer park. Not an RV park. A trailer. So we didn't decorate much.

Ooh, maybe my dog is such a hick because we're such hicks. Lol
liek hay gurl

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Halloween! Empty Re: Halloween!

Post  Morgan Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:43 am

I don't live in a good neighborhood anymore either. I live in the same house that I have for 15 years but the people around me or horrible people. Druggies and stuff. But at my moms its a gated community and stuff and the kids all get on the trailer pulled by a tractor and ride around the community and stopped at house and go trick or treating.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Halloween! Empty Re: Halloween!

Post  Taylor Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:23 am

I might go to a Hallowen party, but I think that got cancelled. Most likely I'm going to be trick-or-treating unless my """friends"""" bail on me, which I'm sure they will.
I'm going to be Daria Morgendorffer from Daria. I'm making the costume homemade and I've already got the perfect jacket shirt and shoes! I just need to find glasses and a skirt.
alright, now keep going.

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Halloween! Empty Re: Halloween!

Post  Morgan Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:32 am

Cool cool! My costume was $100! I was like damn! But mom and dad are splitting the cost so. Im excited!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Halloween! Empty Re: Halloween!

Post  Taylor Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:33 am

Damn! See that's why I went with something homemade this year. My family is pretty much broke, so. I wouldn't spend a bunch of money on something I'm only going to wear once.
alright, now keep going.

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Halloween! Empty Re: Halloween!

Post  Morgan Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:36 am

Im wearing this for a few years though. Mom was gonna make mine. She always does but this year everything was 'last minute' and she didn't have material or a pattern so we bought it. Im gonna wear it until I can't anymore and with mom being a seamstress she can make alterations and stuff.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Halloween! Empty Re: Halloween!

Post  Taylor Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:41 pm

Oh that's cool then! I always try to do something new each year but sometimes I'm just really lazy lol. I already planned out my costume for next year.
alright, now keep going.

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Halloween! Empty Re: Halloween!

Post  Morgan Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:07 pm

My mom is like a makeup artist so last year I put on my homecoming dress and heels and she did my make up so it looked like I was in an accident and was back from the dead. But this year I was like I have to get a legit costume.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Halloween! Empty Re: Halloween!

Post  Jenna Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:17 pm

My friend and I jokingly said we were gonna be whales. Lol.

Like we were laying in her front yard, and I was like,"People driving past are probably wondering how the whales got out of the ocean." And then we decided we were gonna be whales. I'm supposedly Shamoo, and she's supposedly Moby Dick. And we said we'd take our other friend and my sister and they'd be baby whales because they're tiny. Lol.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Halloween! Empty Re: Halloween!

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