Roleplaying Without The Rules.
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Boredum Roleplay.

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Boredum Roleplay.  Empty Boredum Roleplay.

Post  MaddisonLove Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:52 am

hey everyone im bored out of my mind with nothing to do does anyone want to roleplay? I havent been on here in a VERY long time so bare with me if im slow at first. Smile So if you want to roleplay just pm me with some ideas or write them in the reply and ill make a list of mine below.

Roleplay Ideas:
1.We can be related to someone famous.
2.Under One Roof.
4.Girls: Your just busy working away at your job and then you see him the cute celeberity but then you realize hes with someone and probably wont even notice her I mean who would your just a nobody that is trying to make ends meat.

Gents: Your working on this new movie and your agent decided it was a good idea for you to "date" your costar, well you think of her as just a friend and coworker. Everything is going great until you see her. Shes beautiful in your eyes and you'd like to know her better but she probably wouldn't even give you the time of day to get to know her. She probably thinks your just some stuck up guy that always wants everything his way but you are far from that.

Plot: Our little tale takes place in Boston and the girls are just getting their day started at work. The gents are in town to film the new movie.
Setting: the Girls work at 12:00pm,

Or anything you suggest.

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Boredum Roleplay.  Empty Re: Boredum Roleplay.

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:36 am

Ill Do a one on one with you :3 Every once in a while my replies will get slow do to school and such. But if you're willing to bear with me.

Here are all my plots:

Ambrosia. The food the gods in Greek myth eat in order to stay immortal. Scientists have been developing for years what they would call a "cure for death" Of course it hasnt really been working up to this point. But lately theres been a break through. Scientists have been gathering up women, those who would have problems during child labor, and having them impregnated. All during their pregnancy they are given shots laden with the drug they call Lot A615. It keeps the women in a healthy state for some time. Then it comes the time to have a baby. Thats when the drug starts to fail. Theyve tried putting it in their food, or administering it other ways but it wont keep the women healthy anymore. All the women die during child birth. Of course all the babies survive but over half of them are hideously deformed. So theyre sent to the furnace almost immediately. The healthy ones are left to be tested upon and studied. All those but a select few die. The scientists cant risk killing off the remaining ones. So they adopt them out to well supporting families who have agreed to bring them in to the lab after a certain number of years. All the children posses a special ability other than The ability to never die, to heal much faster than others, as well as a strange genetic disorder. Now that theyve been retured to the lab which is now registered as a boarding school They live with a needle in their arm and tests constantly on their schedule. They know if they escape theyll have an awful lot of running to do. But is it worth it?
Just to be stated their special ability isnt something crazy like controlling an element or mind reading. It should be something that could be easily done under radar such as extreme intelligence or strength. (not to much though) And you dont even have to have/ know your persons ability. You can make them discover it later if you want.

Girl: You're artificial intelligence. A robot. Built for the purpose of serving people. Nothing but merchandise. But you're different from the others, you can think. Not think like math or how to read but you have your own ideas and opinions. But you weren't supposed to be made like that. But the manufacturer decides to let you live anyway. So you're shipped away to be given to a man as a present. Hes a brilliant ( Writer, Artist, Musical prodigy(only one of these)) And hes been struggling with depression and creative block. You are there to serve him, feed him, pleasure him. But you cant help but.....Love him.

Boys: You're a brilliant ( Writer, Artist, Musical prodigy(only one of these)) and youve been struggling lately. Youve always lived by yourself but with your downward spiral as of late your sister decides to buy you this artificial intelligence to take care of you In every way. You hate technology. Computers are completely devoid of anything creative why even bother?


Alright So theres this secret club downtown. Its not like most clubs youve been to. Its called the pandorica. And just likes its namesake it holds an array of both good and bad people. Well they arent exactly people more like creatures.

Girl: Youre walking down the street one day just a nice stroll when one of your friends comes up to you. She tells you to follow her that she knows where this really cool place is. So you follow her down a bright alley way not knowing what youre about to face. You enter a brightly lit room with a single long white bar running along the wall.

Boy: You meet this girl at the pandorica club. And she just has to be yours.

The boy will be some form of supernatural creature. The plot will differ upon which you pick.

Vampire: Youre an asshole and you just want her mostly for the blood. But it turns out you do love her. Youve actually known her, Her past lives anyway but she just keep slipping through your fingers.

Ghost: Youre jealous of her. She often takes her life for granted. Youve havent been dead for that long but you can already feel the need to breathe.

Were wolf: You like the girl. Youve been caught in her friend zone since 3rd grade. When you were little you actually asked her to marry you, but playing the nice guy hasnt been working. Time for the big bad wolf to be free.

So yeah your plot line for your guy depends on what creature he is.

BTW: If you pick vampire the blood drinking isnt pleasant at all for the girl. Its actually quite uncomfortable. But afterwards youre drawn toward wanting them to do it again.

A man and his wife, heartbroken that they could never have children and disgusted at the amount of deadbeat parents and children that lived alone, decided to open their wonderful home to any stray children or lost souls who need a place to stay. Now obviously they don't want a bunch of bad kids who smoke and drink, so if you need a place to stay and wish to stay here, Dr. Stone will help you with your problems. Being the owner/therapist of the home, she has alot of say in your stay, so it would be wise to take her help or move on to another place.

There are only a few rules in the home, as the Stone's do not wish to force you or boss you around, only to love you and help you.
-Curfew is midnight. Doors will be locked after midnight until 8 the next morning. Old people like them need their sleep and a child sneaking in or out is not an easy thing to sleep with.
-Breakfast is 8:30. Lunch is 12:30. Dinner is 6. If you miss a meal you are permitted to snack.
-No violence, weapons, swearing, drugs, alcohol, bullying, or sexual activities allowed.

There are many things to pass the time with. The house has a farm with various animals to play with, ride, and take care of. From a new foal to nurture to an old goat to feed, there are plenty of things to do. If chores arent really your 'thing', then maybe you would enjoy the entertainment room better.
-3 plasma screen tv's
-every game system
-hundreds of games

WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 26
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Boredum Roleplay.  Empty Re: Boredum Roleplay.

Post  MaddisonLove Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:08 am

I LOVE the club one Smile

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Boredum Roleplay.  Empty Re: Boredum Roleplay.

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:04 am

Alright :3 So do you want to post the thread or should I?
WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Boredum Roleplay.  Empty Re: Boredum Roleplay.

Post  MaddisonLove Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:32 am

youu plz.

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Boredum Roleplay.  Empty Re: Boredum Roleplay.

Post  MaddisonLove Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:30 am

u post?

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Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:04 am

It should be there now :3
WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2011-08-21
Age : 26
Location : The Planet Gallifrey

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