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Today . . .

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Today . . . Empty Today . . .

Post  Morgan Tue Nov 05, 2013 8:46 am

So today I went with my school Sociology class to Washington D.C.
Our destination, The Crime and Punishment Museum and then the Holocaust Museum.

Crime and Punishment- It was pretty cool. We did this lab about determining the murderer in a case. It was pretty interesting. Then we walked through and got to see all the ways that people have been punished since Medieval times and to now. Famous murders clothes and things were inside. There were the costumes that "The Killer Clown" AKA John Wayne Gacy wore and letters he wrote. I mean over all it was really interesting.

The Holocaust Museum- OKAY SO IF YOU HAVENT BEEN YOU NEED TO GO! I CRIED LIKE A BABY! The first thing that happens when you go in is they give you an Identification Card. This gives you a person and story of someone who lived/survived/died during the holocaust. I had a survivor. You go in an elevator and there is a video about what people first saw and thought on their way to the camps and when the doors open, your right there. It talks about Hitler, his want for the perfect race, his reasoning, his supporters, and the people who rallied against him. The Museum is four floors and I don't remember what is on every floor so forgive me. I remember going from reading stuff about Hitler and turning around an right behind me was actual 'Striped Pajamas' and I just started crying. The walls spoke of the Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, anyone and everyone who was killed durning this. One wall was just for Anne Frank. I remember walking down onto another floor and as soon as you walk in there are shoes of victims to your left, and shoes to your right. Girl shoes, men shoes, kid shoes. All torn and dirty, thrown around into piles. Thats all that is left of these people, these humans. They have no grave, no proper burial. I guess things just kinda hit hard today. 

It was fun and I had a great time with friends. Things just made a huge impact today. If you ever get the chance to go, do it. Don't pass up the opportunity.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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