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Things never happen like this to normal people

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Things never happen like this to normal people Empty Things never happen like this to normal people

Post  Dragoono Fri Nov 05, 2010 10:51 am

chapter one, power and death
i get up from bed. glad i own my own house, i walk nude to the bathroom and wake up with a warm shower. i head to my room dryed off and in a towel, i throw on some clothes and head down two flights of stairs to my kitchen. i have a big place. it use to be a big bed and breakfast. But for now it only houses me, and my pet iguana, terror. terror has a custom room for himself, its basicly where he would have lived if he was wild, just compacted into a master bedroom. lucky me theres four master bedrooms.
i fix a bowl of marshmellow dino bites. a childs ceral,but i love it.
by the way, i'm Zennith Dragoono. a majorly excelled student of harvard university colledge, well today was my last day, i graduated early, two years early. not bad for a 17 year old. im the next instein.
i finish my breakfast with a glass of oragne jucie and head out the door.
"here we go for the last time, no more classes," i sigh and get in my car a drive off, i hated school. i didnt have any friends, i always, ALWAYS had my nose in a book. like right now.
i hit the next page button on my kindle, a eletronic book. to me it was a life saver, i never had to look for a book when in my pocket was a full library. i stop at a stoplight. my kindle on my steering wheel, i read the next paragragh and then see the light switch green. i drive on to the highway. i may go to harvard but i live in missouri. so a short plane ride to massachusetts is definitly needed. i park my car in a reserved area and head to a small jet. no im not rich, my grandfather is, he likes me. my family on the other hand he dosent like, so they dont like me. thats way i live alone with a 7 foot 23 pound lizard in a old bed and breakfast completely paid for by my grandfather.
i get in the jet. the piolet started taking off as soon as my butt hit the comfy leather chair across from my grandfather.
"hey old man" i say nose in my kindle
"hello dearest grandson" he smiles, surpisingly he lieks me calling him old man "how have you been this weekend, i trust you've thought on my job offer"
"ive been good. and yes i have thought on it and ill accept the job"
"good, my head of manor will be pleased to have a assistant. almost as glad as i have my grandson to look after my estate" he smile widely
"yes im sure hes thrilled" i think on it the look up at my grandfather. he was hooked up to a Iv, he had a plastic tube runing into his nose to help him breath. and there was a nurse walking over to him. "what happened grandpa?" i ask worrily.
"im old zenny, too old." he luaghs "and im pround to be 97, but i just cant see myself hitting 98." he stops and coughs, i just noticed he was coughing when i got aborad too.
"your dying?" as i said it i litterly felt a flood of tears rush out of my eyes.
"saddly yes,i am dying." he took the medicine from the nursee and took it. "the docters say i have a month or so. but i think they need to learn a thing or five from my grandson"
"charts" i say to the nurse and she looks at me like i was 5 "now" i add darkly, it was a accident. but i needed to see them. she gave a yelp and scurryed off to get them
"carfull zenny, you know you get a bit of my power from your mother, it dosent affect the females," he coughed. the nurse gave me the charts and practicly hid behind my grandfather. "you just dont know what your power is yet. but when you do i expcet magnifficent things, beautiful things."
i read the charts that explain my grandfathers current state. two weeks, three days, one hour, zero seconds. ironic number sequence but that was the due date for my grandfathers death
"grandpa" i knelt by him and cried into his knees
"how long my son" i tell him trough one of my sobs. i would alway anwser my grandpa. noone could not anwser him. the was part of his power."well we must hurry with your last graduation" he said proudly yet softly "and then we will settle the will out and then i would like to spend my last days teachign my grandson," he made me look up "the ways of the dragoon" we traveled in silence for the rest of the trip.
the power of the dragoon. it has nothing to do with dragons.unless you get somekind of dragon power. its random, the power that is, you may get the power to levitate, you may get the power to turn blue. not all the powers in my family made sense. but only males had this power, and only a decendant of the frist dragoon, Lord Aralies Zennith Dragoono, who im named after.can ever even hope to gain a power. which in this case, im a pure blooded dragoono. im a shoe in for a power. other pure bloods are just branch families who every now and then contact each other to invite them to weddings, saddly most of them marry un pure dragoonos. me i wasnt sure if i even wanted a girl friend. much less a wife.
my grandfather force my mother to marry a pure bred dragoon, of course he gave her a fair number for her to choose from but he made sure they were all pure. my father ended up being a powerful warroir, but he had a tempter, on a good day he would have igored a fight, but he had one, keyword ONE bad day and was sentenced to 3 lifetimes in prison for account of 20 deaths. not a good idea to eat in a viking reasturant on a bad day, good job dad.
my grandfathers power included getting people to do what he wanted them to do, and being able to chalenge a thousand men and women to a mind game and never losing. he loved playing those difficlut online puzzel games. he played them like a normal grandfather played soduku. he had a truly strategistical mind. i some how enheirited the mind of my grandfather, and a little of my own fathers. i didnt go berserk but im a good fighter, and with my grandfather mind, thats dangerous. but my own power has yet to appear. its nromal for kids to sometimes enheirit powers from parnets and grandparents. but they always get their own power that somes with their own blood.
the plane landed and i got up and helped the nurse, who was cuatious around me, get my grandfather out of the plane and into the limo that awaited us
"ah to be on sloid earth again." the piolet said, takeing off his piolet jakect and cap.a dn replacing them with a shofers cap and jacket
"harald i will never understand why yoru afraid of flying yet your a prfessinal privet piolet" my grandfather said
"its becuase my power to make machines do what i want even if they are rustic and wont run anymore. i become apart of the machines i drive." he said "i tell you this every week you just keep forgeting," he sat in the drivers seat and me , grandpa and the nurse sat in the back.i looked up at harald as he started the limo. and damn he really dose become part of the car. his hands actulally fused with the steering wheel and the pedals. his eyes went blank and he drove off perfectly.
i rolled up the separtating glass not wishing to see ti for it was kinda scary, yet intrieing. i put on a gown over my clothes,
"grandpa as soon as wee get there im heading in walking giveing my speach, shaking hands, then im out, they will go by my shecdual in there cuase we dont have much time before.." i stop for a second "you die, and wee need to arrange things quickly so you can have some peacefull days to do what you wish"

soon up,
chapeter two, colledge surpirses
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 30
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Things never happen like this to normal people Empty Re: Things never happen like this to normal people

Post  Dragoono Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:57 pm

as we arrive at the colledge, i help my grandapa into a wheel chair and push him to his seat myself, i go and stand behind the podium, as norm for me i am head of the class,
"im sorry for being a tad late" i say into a microphone "My peers, my life is much differnt than yours, as you all are finishing your courses hear on a normal track, youve spent at least four years in every school youve went to, maybe more. but me, unlike you, i have rushed, as most say, trough life and missed many things. like many pf the proms you went to, i stayed home and kept to the books. i may have missed out on things like that, but i never found interest in anything, so i kept looking for something to be interested in, i never found it" i lower my head "here i am 17, much younger than all of you, already out of colledge and heading into work for my dear grandpa. which many of you will as well, if i see you along my trip, be sure to say hi, as many of you know i dont have many freinds, my family hates me, and i just found out my grandfather is about to leave us, "i hold my head up proudly yet sadly "and not return," i stay quiet and see something move under the podium. i look under it with out attracting too much attention.
"hi" a girl in a robe and hat said
"uh," i put my hand over the microphone, " what are you doing?"
"umm i am the head cheerleader of the local high school, i uh snuck under here from the trap door, just finish your speach"
"i want to talk to you about this later," i look up and finish my speach "sorry, i am a teen i do love my phone," i clear my troat "please enjoy your life as you want to, not as you should. i went throught some of the years, the ones youll remember the most, ill remember them as the years i passed many exams that ill never have to take again. please toss your caps and enjoy the rest of you life!" i toss my cap and the cheerleader she gets up, and screams with the others and grabs my hand and drags me to the parking lot.
"alright ill explain now" she let go of my hand and sat on the hood of the limo, guess she didnt see what she sat on yet "i snuck under the podium becuase i was gonna get paid to scare the hell out of you, but" she sighed heavily, " i didnt think you would be cute, well beyond cute," she stoped "anyway, i didnt do it cuase i had a change of heart" she took her rode off and folded it over her arm, she was in a black teeshirt and jeans. "nice lie about loving your phone," she giggled
"wasnt a lie" i hold up my phone "my speach was on it," i take off my rope and toss it in the back of the limo
"hey might not wanna toss junk into this limo the owner may get mad" she suddenly jumped off the hood
"dont worry young one, im quiet fine with his nature of living" my grandpa rolled over to us "im just surprise he didnt tell me he had such a beautiful girlfriend
the girl blush massivly "she not my girlfriend old man, she just someone i just now met today"
"oh, oh well she still would make you a good date for you, i am houseing a ball celebrating your graduation of colledge" he winked at me
"well i do like parties" the cheerleader said looking at me. "my name is Aroura," she smiles
"my names drake"i sigh, she was cute, why would i want to shoot down her hopes of a party "might jsut ride with us, i have a feeling my grandpa planed it to be in about a hour or two"
"hope in young ones, itll be held in two hours" my grandpa looked at me " you know me too well"
"oh, would you care if i droped my car off, im not actly a student here, i also neep to grab somehting," she looked at her clothes "er, more pratyish" she did look like she was about to go to school not a party.
"ill go with you," i sigh, "grandpa have harald come pick us up when i call him"
"alright" he says and gets in wht help from the nurse
"ya" i look at aroura, and she kisses my cheek "uh?"
"sorry, had to " she smiled brightly
"see you soon grandson"
"later old man"

chapter three, Questioning of a over protective mother

as he leaves i walk with aroura to her car and she drives us to her house, she talks about, well warns me about her mom asking questions.
"well im sure i can anwser anything she has to toss my way" i say as she
"how old are you?" she ask as soon as i walk in the door
"17" i respond
"havent seen you around here, what school you go to" she says cocking her head at me
"i just graduated colledge fifteen minutes ago" i look at aroura and she mouths 'sorry' and hurrys up stairs "ma'am would it be alight to ask you something?"
"why of course Mr. dragoono"
"just as i thought you already knew who i was," i roll my eyes
"well i do work for your grandfather" she admitted "and your in so many magizines" she said
"thought so, alright, what about me taking your duaghter out to a party"
"Mr dragoono, dont respond cuase she'll be done soon but your the first boy shes going out with, she skipped ahead two grades, she admired you when she read one of my magiznes, she is in the 11th grade, shes supose to be in the 9th, shes 15, she likes lavender flowers" she winks as she hears foot steps "im glad she wants to date you, have fun"
"ready drake" aroura said steping into the kitchen in purple party dress "did she question you too much?" she smile questionaly
"ah, sorry what" i shake my head, "no she didnt question much"
"alright lets go" she smiled brightly, i smiled weakly, it was kind of contageous.
i call harald, and he shows up in about five minutes. as we drvie i notice aroura looking neverous,
"worried about something?" i say sitting across from her in the limo
"well, i know my mom told you already, its true this is my frist date" she smiles weakly "and im not really used to this" she motioned to the limo
"well, be prepared to be a princess" i wave my hand and somehow had a lavander corsage in it, i offer it to her
"dont ask," i say and she looks disappointed "yet anyway" i sya and open the box and putting it on her hand i move to sit next to her "trust me im not used to dating either, your the first im taking out"
"well im honored" she smiles "atleast ive kissed you already, kinda"
"a surprise peck on the cheek?" i smile "hardly considered a kiss"
"whats considered a kiss then" she narrowed ehr eyes teasingly
"well," i say still luaghing "this i guess" i kiss her full on the lips for a second and pull away
"yeah" she breathed "that is a kiss" she suddenly blushed brightly, i notice harald ahd parked and opened the door
"Mr dragoono, would you like a minute?" he said shyly
"give us about five, she needs a tip on how to handle my grandfather, you know how he is" i say with a nod
"yes sir, ill prep the jet, borad when ready will you"
"jet?"aroura asked
"be on soon harald," i look at aroura "yeah, the ball is being held in london most likely"
"London?" her eyes sparkle
"some first date huh?" i smile "sorry, if you dont wanna go i can take you somewhere else"
"no, ive always wanted to go to london," she blushed " i figured the first time i would go would be my honey moon though"
i feel my cheeks glow red "oh is that so" i say
"your so cute when you blush" she smiled

chapter four, London rain
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 1185
Join date : 2010-10-10
Age : 30
Location : a forest, missouri

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Things never happen like this to normal people Empty Re: Things never happen like this to normal people

Post  Dragoono Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:07 pm

chapter four, London rain

as we fly we talk a little, mostly about what our lives were like, the normal first and pre-dateign information that couples usually share with each other, we ended up sitting next to each other and holding hands. almost ready to begin her favorite moive, when
"prepare for landing, young lovebirds," harald says over the intercom
"awh" she pouted
"dont worry we will watch it on the way back, besides," i open the window and big ben chimes "we dont want to be later for my graduation ball" i smile
"fine, ill talk to my moma and ill jsut stay with you, she likes you, so knowing her ill be able to hang out with you when ever i want, besides school days" she smirks
"sounds good to me" harald says after we land, "as long as i dont have to drive a summerine, not used to those yet"
"sounds good with me too" i luagh and lean a bit closer to Aroura and kiss her. after about a minute i pull back and shes really red,but smileing
"im glad you did that here and not before we went into the ball" she giggled
"actuly we jsut have a short drive to the ball," harald said waiting outside
"none the less" she said "wait for me outside, i need to use the restroom" she lied
"alright, go call your freinds" i smile and walk out side with a luagh
"alright" she luaghed and walked to the back of the small jet with her phone
i walk down the stairs and look at harald, "finaly i find a girl, rigiht harald"
"yes sir, all this time i thouhgt you would have to try a dating website. but you proved me wrong sir" harald said monotoned
"as did i but i didnt" i luaghed as i heard aroura jump and squeal in a bit of joy then walked out calmly
"alright im ready" she smiled brightly
"better hurry its going to rain" harald opened the door
"yea i felt it too" i take aroura's hand and walk to the car and it starts to sprinkle as we drive away
the rain picks up and harald drives us to a roofed valet parking area. we got out, he drove off to do who knows what, we walked in and i heard a loud cheer
"grandpa" i half growl, and walk towards the door
"what happened" aroura squeaked at the growl, "did he do somthing"
"yeah, he uh" i think and then luagh " well hes drunk and useing his 'power' to make people do stupid stuff like the chicken dance"
"i like the chicken dance" she pouted, she was already used to the power thing after i told her the history of my blood
i smile "yoru cute when you pout" she blushes slightly "my grandpa knows better" i walk in and see half the room doing the hokey pokey and the other half luahging
"oh, well if hes doing it like that then it can be considered stupid" she luaghs "or rather funny" she smiles
i glare at the people and the all stop and continue on liek nothing happened
"oh grandpa dearest" i walk over to him "why are you drunk?"
"well ah, might as well have a drink if im going to die in a week and a half" she smiels and raises his glass to me "and ill allow my grandson to partake in this amazing whisky if he will tell me the name of he date"
"Im Aroura," she says and pushes the drink away " and ill take coke, not liqour,"
"same, id rather not drink when it could shorted your life even more grandfather" i say and tell a waiter our ourder for drink and food.
the rain pound the roof loudly as we enjoy our time here

chapter five, Grandfathers speech, will, and gifts
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 30
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Things never happen like this to normal people Empty Re: Things never happen like this to normal people

Post  Dragoono Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:19 pm

chapter five grandapas speech, will and gifts

the rain pounded the roof very loudly, my grandpa stoped drinking and started sombering up,
"good thing i stoped you old man" i put my fingers under his chin "your liver is in bad condition no wonder you got drunk so fast" i told the waiter to bring coffee fro my grandfather so he could somber up get his speech order over with and i can get him home and in bed "now get it done monsieur steiger" i say a french accent escaping my tounge
"awesome" aeoura said "i mean the accent not the bed rest" she mumbles to me
"its okay" i pat her hand foregeting i had a accent in the first place,
"alright" he sipped her soda "ill be quiet now" she blushes
i lean towards her and kiss her forehead, grandpa stands up and looks at me "son im ready for bed, let me hurry on with this"
i look at him and he looks somber enough "alright start," i snap and think of a gong and a loud souroundus bang emits from my snap "everyone if you will" the half of the crowd who didnt drop their drinks raised them. i looked at my fingers then at my grandpa
"everyone, my grandson's blood has finally awakened" he stands tall and proud "soon his power will surpass even mine, as it should happen from generation to generation," he pats my arm "this is amazing news for my heir to all my personal belongngs and bueiness affairs to be more than i could ever be"
"grandfather, are you sure you would like me to enhairet everything?" i look worrily at him
"it is advised by all my lawyers, your lawyers i mean," he smiled at me "zennith, im glad to pass my powers to your date at this time"
aeoura, who had raised her drink was looked scared
"what?" she said looking at my grandfather
"yes my dear, im sorry i would have told you sooner but i just decided to give them to you" "he faced her adn she stood looking concerned at me
"dont worry my grandfather wouldnt do such a thing without good reason" i looked at him and he nodded. a loud thunder clap roared in a attempt to mimic my gonglike snap.
"my son, and duaghter, and all my company here tonight" he claps his hands and a green light covers his hands "the bond of a dragoonos blood is as stong as a bond can get," he looks at aeoura "get ready to feel like a pure bred dragoono"
"um" she said "its been said a dying man is the wisest man at times" she said to him
"very true you will make a radiant dragoono" he rubbed his hands together and then put both his hands on her shoulders, and she shown in a green light brighter than his hands "now seal her power my grandson"
i look at him confused "what do i do"
"kiss her young one" he said
i look at her and she blushed bright red, it shown in the green light, i kissed her and we were both englufed in the green light and the whole night roared,
then everything went black. and i dreamt of a long weekend in london, on best rest with two other people. but i couldnt tell who. so i focused on my dream and memorized every detail,

chapter six, waking up with a new gift, and a new horror
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 1185
Join date : 2010-10-10
Age : 30
Location : a forest, missouri

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Things never happen like this to normal people Empty Re: Things never happen like this to normal people

Post  Dragoono Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:08 pm

chapter six, waking up with a new gift, and a new horror

in my dream i had just finished kissing aeourawhe she was glowing bright green with dragoon power. me my grandfather and aeuora all just coplasped and were rushed to a hospital, i think that the docters are going nuts. i start to force my mind to make me wake up. i get out of bed and put my clothes on. why are hospitals always wanting people to be naked. i look around and look at the charts, minor concusions for all of us and i look at grandpas once more and then look at him. i walk over to him. tears in my eyes
"my son, we have been out for a few days, your woke twice but couldnt focus so slept somemore. her power is great young one. i will have to teach you like this" he coughed "hand me your protable phone"
"cell phone old man, cell phone" i hand it to him
"whatever" he closes his eyes, "may my mind and spirt help guide my grandson, while my body decayes and soul flies high" my phone beeped like it just was able to recive a update for a new application. the old man handed it back "ill always be able to teach the old way now"
"zennith hun?" aeoura got up and hugged me "im cold"
"young ones, dont leave each other, take care of oneanother and live till you cant live anymore" i lean in with aeuora to hug him
"love you grandfather"
"love you old mandragoono
"and i lov you both, little ones"he breathed out his last breath
i stand up and looked at my grandpa, "goodnight, draco dragoono IV, have peace and watch over us"
aeuora hugged me and we both cried, she got dressed while i covered him up and talked to the docters. harald showed up crying as well, he took us back to the airport then back home, aeoura went home with harald as i drove myself to my bed and breakfast. i beign to pack everything up, and talk to a fewpeople who will move terror to my inheriteted masion, its halfway bulit into a mountain. close to the town where aeoura lives. she can visit anytime, that probly the only goo part about this move. i mean i already practly lived here, its just, now i lived here and dont have my grandfather with me.

chapter 7, fixing up a mansion
after a week of moving everything out of my old house into the mansion, i had a idea, so i made a plan and went to aeouras house
"master zenn we have arrived" he said parking in front of her house
"thank you, go get yourself lunch, it may take a while"i say and walk to the door
"will do master zenn" he pulls away and heads off
i knock on the door anad smile at aeoura and her freinds practicly pulling me inside to hang out
"hey honey" aeoura wraps her arms around my neck and takes my hand and leads me to the living room "hes here moma!" she yell to her mom
"good" she walks down stair and joins us in the living room " sir, what are you wearing?" she looks at me
"uh" i look down and see im wearing a normal teenager outfit, a black shirt that looks liek a suit and pants that sortof look like they mathc it, "lazy suit day?" i smile
"id figure you would have to wear a suit now that your run a buiesness" she sat acroos from me and aeoura, her freinds were giggling and sitting around all of us.
"i do, when i have meetings, but i can wear what i want, im probly going to change the whole suit regulation to something more like wear somthing that looks good and is comfortable" i put my arm around aeoura
"please do i hate suits" she says before she can catch herself "so itchy"
"well, i have a question for you" i get a serious look on my face
"as you know i live i a huge manision, i think there are rooms that couple use a mothers touch," i say lookin at her
"i dont have to clean them do i" she almost whines
"no i want you to live in them and decorate them" i say. i hear a couple of comments from aeouras freinds and aeoura herself looked speachless
"your personal decorator? dose this count as a promotion?" she looked excited
"yes, youll have a team of men to help with lifting, gardeners to do what you see fit with greenery, almost complete free rein over decorating" i say "and" i look at a piece of paper in my pocket "maybe five times your current pay"
she looked stuned "but im not sure if i could"
"ms granmer we could help you too" almost all aeouras freinds started saying
she sits and thinks "truthfully most people would jump at this chance, "
"and im glad you have jumped sofar," i say "your being smart thinking this out, its a big mansion it will take alot of work, it takes a minimum of a hour to walk from end to end both ways, and has seven floors. "
"that is alot of house" she says
"eh some rooms are indoor gyms, pools, and my grandpa made a theather in four rooms, arcade in a couple of them, andthe top floor is kinds like a big skate park"
"we could make even mroe profit of that stuff you know, and have these girls work to keep track of everything make sure its all in working order"
all the girls cheered knowing her well enough
"im taking that for a yes" i smile looking at the girls
"yes she'll do it, but shes going to want to look at where shes going to be living" i look to my side and see aeoura smileing like a kid who got their favorite candy for free
"shes right ill wanna see my room, and make sure i wont have to hear all the noise" she said
"your room and aeouras room will be near mine in the mountain wing" i explain, "its the side of the house that is in the mountain, our windows look out the other side of the mountain, ive have parties as loud as could be to test it, my grandfather said he didnt even know aout them till he read the magizine that had his house on the cover"
"good, now all i need to do is look at the room and know when to pack"
"when ever you want to pack tell me, i have a group of men waiting"
"well tell them tommrow to get over here while i go celeabrate with my girlfreinds" she said
"will do" i look at all the girls smileing "if yoru parents say you can, i dont mind my furture staff to live where they will be working, but there will besome rules"
they all nod smiling brightly
"by no means is there any drugs in my house, no parties unless they are authorized by me, no boys, unless your married" they giggle and shake their heads "no privet time with boys in your room, if you want to watch a movie with him, just go to one of the theaters, im sure there could be a few more installed that the staff could use" i wink at my ms granmer "as well as we need some area where staff only, so somekind of security system"
'buisness later mr dragoono" she smiles "and ill help keep a eye on my duaghters" she turns around and starts a pillow fight with the couch pillows
"shes jsut like a kid" aeoura giggled usign me as a sheild "thank you, she was having trouble with bills as it was, now she can relax and do somehting she loves" she kissed me while the otehrs were distracted, i hear a wolf wistle and looked up adn luaghed at my newest employee wishtling at us with the other girls
i luagh "what, i can kiss my girlfreind" the luagh " dont i have enough paperazii ?"
"NOOPE!!" the throw the pillows at us

chapter 8 turning to a girls house

the girls and sharry, my new decor manager, talked me into taking them to the mansion for a slumber party and movie night
"my rents said if they get a raise theyll let me live and work here as long as it doesnt effect school" a red headed girl says giving me their numbers and names
"smae here, and they want me home somtimes to stay connected with them" a blond did the same,as well as 7 other girls,
"okay, shelby, tana, victoria, sharry, becca, donna, wendy, tracy, megan, aeoura, and lunna" the all looked at me from their seats in the middle of the theaterseats "what kind of food do you all want?" i luagh and write down whatever they yell at me, i have a list to a maid and she runs to the kitchen" your smorgusbort will be ready by the time the second movie starts, for now" i toss bags of candie and snacks at them "everything else is being cooked" i sit by aeoura and recline my chair
"tired love?" she asked leaning on me a bit
"yes, but when im surounded by so many girls who" i raise my voice a bit with a tone of sarcasum "are dorks and love romantic movies!" i luagh with them while im lightly pubmled with bits of candie, " i cant help but feel a little stressed,"
"the janitors gonna love us"
"they love it here already, not much to do till a party comes around, they are gonan love being paid more," i luagh
"by moveing in i sure help a lot of people get more money" sharry says " i think these seats could be a bit softer" she had already started working a bit,
"shh" i say, she was a teen ager traped in a thirty year old body, and she looked very happy to be living surounded by teens
i napped while the girls wtached their movies and ate their food. aeoura pushed the arm between us down and layed on me to bugg me "have fun love" i push her hair behind her ear and kiss her cheek lettting her not only use me as a pillow, but as a table for her food

chapter nine, a big bus trip

after i get all the girls stuff to the house i steal aeoura and take a drive while the girls and sharry got stuff looking good around the house with the help of maids some guy freinds, familes and friends. me and aeoura were flying to a bus shop, she had a aweosme idea to get a big double decker bus for everyone for chirtmas and make it big enough for a road trip, and make it look cool and have a bed in the back for people who want to sleep during the drives, we flew to london and hopped on one and had the driver take us to the bus barn, i talked to a couple of people and then we traveled to the bus factory where they made them.
"thank you for waiting mr dragoono, ms ganmer" a man in a buiness suit shoke our hands "i hear you want a costum double decker bus for a bunch of teenage girls for travel back and forth to school, roadtrips, and trips to the mall and such" he looks at me like im a little crazy
"a little odd for a bus i know, but im sure i can pay for everything" i look at him
"mr dragoono, how excatly do you have enough money to buy a brand new coustom bus?" he asks "sorry if i offend you, but you have to look at it from my point of veiw, your only 17!"
"ever hear of draco dragoono IV?" i ask him and he nodds "he recently past away, im his grandson, i have everything he ever owned,now im doing things my way, with my own little spin on life and the companies i own,"
"ah i see, im sorry to hear this" he says and shuffles a couple papers "hear is the name and location of a guy who draws up ideas for costum cars, have him draw a bus out of our model 37, its the biggest double deck we have, it normally dosent get made anymore, but we could tweak a could things for youso you can have your bus ready in maybe four months,"
"thank you, ill have him hired, and also get him working on some other ideas for me" i say smiling "take yoru time on the bus, make it good and strong 13 people will travel in it," i say "me and poor harald along with 11 teenage girls"
"ill have our best guys working on it right away, how do you wish for us to stay in contact?" he asks
"just call this number once a month to keep me updated" i give him a card
aeoura who was looking around at the busses looks at us "you dont babe?"
"yes, now where should i take yoru for lunch beofre we get back to check on the pack of teenage tornados?" i luagh
"anywhere with pasta" she smiles and we eat at a itain restruant and then fly home
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 1185
Join date : 2010-10-10
Age : 30
Location : a forest, missouri

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Things never happen like this to normal people Empty Re: Things never happen like this to normal people

Post  Dragoono Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:11 pm

chapter 10, school, work, renovation

anyone who reads this book thank you, if you wanna comment just pm me, i would absolutely love to hear from you all thanks for reading!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 1185
Join date : 2010-10-10
Age : 30
Location : a forest, missouri

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Things never happen like this to normal people Empty Re: Things never happen like this to normal people

Post  Dragoono Tue Jan 18, 2011 2:38 pm

grr writers blockififed
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 1185
Join date : 2010-10-10
Age : 30
Location : a forest, missouri

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