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Mother Keeper

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Mother Keeper Empty Mother Keeper

Post  eva_strange Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:36 am



1/3 of the population lives in paradise.
The other 2/3 live in ruin, in the slums, in terror. Food is scarce, water is scarcer. The land is barren. The outside is full of half-rubble cities and building. The world is falling apart.

That is what the paradise is. At least, from the outside, it looks that way. Inside this huge dome, there is water, and food. They live inside a happy world, although they lack certain things – very few real trees, almost no real sunlight… Nonetheless, the people in there are happy and alive, although mostly ignorant of life in the slums.
Mother Keepers.
Then there are the protectors of Eden called Mother Keepers. They are ex-members of rebel cells that were targeted by the leader of Eden, Kamei. She lures strong member of the rebellion into her lair where she ‘kills’ them and then rebuilds them in a new body. They are robots, cyborgs that look like humans, but if you rip away their skin it’s all machinery underneath. They are powerful enough to withstand nearly any bullet, and then be rebuilt in they cannot withstand it. They are at first unwilling to fight and kill those in the rebellion like they are supposed to, but they can be controlled by Kamei until they learn to fight for their own. And they do. They fight to protect the citizens of Eden, most of whom are innocent people, from those who would attack the city directly and kill. They are also supposed to fight and kill those who attack Eden indirectly. This part they do…not so willingly. Mother Keepers, as well as being incredibly strong, also have the ability to see almost all of Eden via special eyes that can function as cameras or to ‘lock-on’ to targets during a gun fight.
When their bodies are put under extreme amounts of physical or emotional stress, they will go into “Insanity Mode” in which nerves are turned off and the mind is dulled, leading them to mindlessly kill their opponent and feel almost no pain. This is meant to be a last-ditch effort to save the Keeper’s life and cannot be purposely initiated. Most Keepers never experience this, and those that have rarely remember it.
Alternatively called the ghetto, this place is a dangerous one. While the gangs can offer refuge to some, they can offer but ruin to others. The land is barren and most cities are in ruins, and there are no functioning cities any more. As well as the black market, held only Cankarot, that’s famous for selling weapons, drugs, and many other things…including humans.
Rebel Cells
The gangs, also referred to as “rebel cells” are groups that attack Eden and attempt to destroy it in a last-ditch effort to save the outside world, since the exhaust from Eden makes water and food, as well as the air, contaminated. Some attack only the control center of Eden, ignoring the citizens, but other attack Eden directly, often causing the deaths of thousands of innocent people.
Rumors among the slums and the Mother Keepers is that there is another man who can create cyborgs just like Kamei, but he lives in the slums and only performs the operations on others that also live outside of Eden. He’s known only as ‘Adam.’

No Goddddding.
Humans only. And cyborgs, obviously…you know what I mean.
Keep it PG 13.
If anyone wants to play Adam, feel free.
Genders don’t have to be even, but keep them close, mmkay?

Eithne’s body is 17, but she hasn’t aged in quite a while.
Eithne is a Mother Keeper.
Eithne won’t tell her story, except that Kamei ‘saved’ her. However, she’s not incredibly closed off and, with a little prodding and if she knows you well enough, she will tell you, partly because she wants pity and enjoys attention. She fights to repay Kamei and no other reason, or so she says, and as such is not discriminatory in which types of rebel groups she attacks. She can be a flirt, although has ideas about love that can make her come off as desperate or clingy – plus, she’s incredibly hesitant to sleep with anyone at all, although kisses, hugs, etc are all just fine.
Mother Keeper ZILWhoa

Kamei is…18? In all likelihood she’s a cyborg too, so she’s probably much older. She acts much more mature, anyway.
Eithne is the creator of the Mother Keepers and perhaps a cyborg herself, although she’ll never tell.
Kamei’s hesitant to share exactly what she is, only showing that she’s cold, ruthless and cruel, but that she has one thing for which she is willing to sacrifice for: Eden. She will die for it, and she currently lives for it. According Eithne, Kamei “saved” her, although how is not something either has ever chosen to divulge.
Mother Keeper Nakanai

Amaia is 14, although she tends to act much older.
Amaia is a member of a rebel squad known as “Black Tides” and right-hand man to leader of Cankarot, and said leader just so happens to be one of the lead sellers.
Amaia desires to be the end of Eden, even if it means taking out everything in her way. No one knows where this bizarre hatred of the place emerged from because she’s never lost anyone close to her to the place as far as anyone knows. She is good with guns but can make anything into a weapon and lives by three simple rules: 1. Besides firearms, anything can be counted as a weapon, 2. The opponent in battle never surrenders, regardless of what they may say, and 3. The opponent must be killed by any means. She has done her fair share of killing, although she pretends not to see and tries not to think about what she helps to sell.
Mother Keeper 20061031-screen-ergoproxy-v1

Zephyr is 20 years old
Zephyr is the leader of the rebel group called “Exploding Chaos.”
Zephyr, or, as he is sometimes called by his few and far-between number of friends, Zeph, has an extrme amount of appreciation for human life. As a result, he often makes a point of killing his victims as quickly and painlessly as possible, and then performing, if he has time, a modified version of the “last rites” in an effort to hurry their path to heaven. He has no trouble killing Mother Keepers, as he believes they don’t have souls anymore and are therefore merely walking shells. He believes he is liberating all whom he kills, although this may simply be an excuse to escape any guilt that would otherwise come with being a murderer.
Mother Keeper Gun-1

Kade doesn’t know his age, and so you don’t get to know it, either.
Kade works a booth at Cankarot, and appears to be blind in one eye. Then again, that could be a lie. He does that from time to time
Kade works at Cankarot and while he’ll sell you almost anything illegal, although people are generally a no-no, unless they really piss him off, which is hard to do. He’s utterly insane, although he doesn’t often come off as such – never mind that he frequently mutters incoherent gibberish to himself. He’s also missing an arm – his left one, as well as blind in his left eye. He won’t talk about either, however, and when confronted about it denies having any idea what they’re talking about.
Mother Keeper Misteor21

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  Kobe. Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:20 am

I'll Join, Oh and your Signature.....
I love that song.
Oh and I wanna be Adam x3
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  eva_strange Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:38 am

-clings to- I love you. For knowing that song. And for embracing your inner Adam-ness.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  Kobe. Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:42 am

That song rules. In fact I'm going to listen to that now.
And Adam sounds like a kick-ass guy xD
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  eva_strange Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:47 am

I dunno. With the different people that have played him he's been a bastard, awesome, bad-ass, wimpy, or just downright sexy. xD Depends on who plays him.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  Kobe. Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:49 am

xD My guy characters are usually perverts.
So Let me just find some pictures and whatnot.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  eva_strange Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:02 am

Alright. Can't wait to see. <3

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  Kobe. Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:33 am

I am a Mother keeper.
I do not remember my age, Well do people like me even care about a thing like that? Who knows. I am destined to protect Eden with my life. If there's a job that needs to get done, you better believe I get it done. The first time. I'm really not in touch with all of my emotions, maybe I am, Maybe I just haven't acknowledged it yet.
Mother Keeper Wolf-3
Why must you know my age? Curiousity killed the cat you know?
The rumors and stories you heard were right, I do make cyborgs. Problem? I certainly hope not. If my looks doesn't solve the problem, then neither will my perverted thoughts or actions. I'm too busy to ever think of sex and stuff like that. Hey, A good looking guy can't have a break? Guess not, back to work.
Mother Keeper DGM_Tyki_Mikk___Steampunk_by_Steamp
I think I'm 21. I think.
Adam is my creator, I live to serve him. I'm always at his side. I'm like his little puppet I guess. He doesn't call me or treat me like I'm his puppet. Well I can't sit here and talk about him all day. I wear this blindfold, only when I'm not in battlemode but I'm not blind.
Mother Keeper P

I kind of forgot my age. Heh Heh.
Well I'm another one of Adam's Creations, but I'm not as close to him as Trinity is, but I do live to serve him. I tell you that guy is the most perverted fellow I've ever seen. But he usually flirts with every other woman except me.
Mother Keeper 2515961

Is this good?
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  eva_strange Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:54 am

It's fabulous.
Can we start? Cos I wanna start before I have to go to sleep.
Yes, yes we can start. Because I AM CREATOR AND MASTER OF THIS RP. -ridiculously evil laugh-

IC: Eithne spun around in her aimless walk through the world she protected, looking around curiously. "Kamei...?" she said aloud, knowing that she could hear her. "What's up? Did you say something?"

"Sorry," Kamei growled, typing eagerly away at her computer, and expression of annoyance on her face. Eithne could only hear her because Kamei spoke into a small mocrophone, the receiving end which Kamei had built into her ear. "Just mumbling to myself...damnit..." She sighed. "I haven't been able to find anything about this Adam out...but he must be getting the parts from somewhere..." She sighed. "It's unlikely, but he may be getting the supplies from Cankarot. Check it out ; and please, act like a civilian."

"Cankarot?" she asked. "Great."

"Look, I don't like it either. So don't be an idiot."

"Never," Eithne said, sounding insulted. And then, quieter, she said, "Can I bring Rowen? Just...just in case?"

"Sure," Kamei said, and then said loudly, "Rowen!", speaking into his microphone this time. "You're going with Eithne to investigate Cankarot and see if you can find anything out about where Adam's getting the parts for his cyborgs, and then, perhaps, find out about him. Meet up with her and move out!" she shouted, harsh. She was always kinder to Eithne.

Kade sighed, smiling at Amaia. "Hello, Little Miss. How can I help you?"

"Got anything that explodes?" she asked, looking over his stock. "It's payday today, and I can always use stuff that blows up." She tried not to think about the fact that some of the money she held in her hands had come from selling people --

"Grenades, guns, take you're pick, Little Miss," he said with a wide wave of his hand over his supplies.

And nothing for Zephyr cos this post is already way too long and I can't think of anything for him. :D

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  Kobe. Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:18 pm

Yeah, I'm writing my post now.
So yeah.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  Kobe. Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:34 pm

"Oh come on, You don't have to be that loud do you?" Rowen chuckled softly. "Okay, So Adam, isn't that the guess that makes cyborgs like you Kamei?" He asked, walking along Eden. "So are we going now? Because I'm dreadfully bored. I'd love to check things out right now."

Adam sat along a worn desk, thinking of something when Trinity walked up. "So any new Ideas yet?" She asked slowly taking her blindfold off.

"No not yet Trinity, where is Facility?" Adam asked curiously. "She seems to daydream alot." He nodded as he stood up. "Not that I care though." He shrugged.

"She's out for a walk. She should be back in a few minutes." Trinity nodded.

Facility pushed her hair from her face as she walked up to Adam and Trinity. "I'm here what did I miss?" She asked.

"Nothing really. If you wanna miss something, How about you miss me?" Adam smirked.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  eva_strange Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:48 pm

"Let's go now," Eithne said to Rowen when she saw him. "And get this over with, kay?" she said, walking to the door to the dome, showing the guard her badge and then pressing her hand into a fingerprint scanning pad on the wall. At least six doors later and a ton of guards she was outside, glancing around at the barren landscape. "That direction, it's close," she said, pointing to what appeared to be a small city, all in ruins, glancing at Rowen impatiently.

"The very same," Kamei said. "He irritates me, first of all, but we don't know if his motives may put Eden in danger, and so he must be destroyed or captured -- or, at the very least, we can cut off his supplies."

Amaia sighed, grabbing a large bag of grenades, looking at them closely, and then handed Kade her coins. "Thanks, Kade." She saved most of the coins though. She needed something more than she needed these, and then said, "Kade, do you know where to find...Adam?"

Kade, who had been mumbling to himself, threading his fingers in his hair, looked up and smiled. "Dangerous question, Little Miss. And I'm afraid I don't."

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  Kobe. Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:00 pm

Rowen shrugged. "Well, Let's go then." He said to Eithne. "So this Adam guy, I'm guessing it won't be easy to find him huh?" Rowen said to Kamei.

Felicity rolled her eyes. "Tough chance of that happening."

Trinity looked at Adam. He looked calm, although there was nothing to be calm about. "Maybe you should try and get some sleep, It would help the Ideas come easier."

"I can't sleep unless it's you sleeping with me." Adam nodded.

"Seriously, You haven't slept for four days, I've never seen anyone do that without at least getting a few minutes of sleep." Trinity nodded.

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  eva_strange Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:24 pm

"Probably not -- then again, you never know. There could be a big business for cyborg-making freaks out here," she mumbled.

"I heard that!" Kamei yelled.

"Eeeeh...sorry, Kamei. This makes me uneasy is all..."

"Don't be sentimental."

"Pssh, never," Eithne replied, then glanced back and Rowen as she walked. "Don't act like you're looking for something, unless it looks like you're looking for a product. Don't want to be too conspicuous." She knocked the top of her head with her knuckles gently. "This should be common snese, but you can be kinda dense sometimes -- better let me do the talking." She chuckled softly.

"Come on Kade, you know everything! Tell me, now," Amaia demanded, her tone just a tad whiny.

"Okay, alright. Rumours are all I hear -- might be a goose chase. Dangerous stuff anyway, messing with Adam."

"I don't really care. I need a better body. So now, what about those rumours?" she asked curiously, leaning closer to him. He sighed, relented, and whispered directions (which we're going to say are completely right even though I don't even know where Adam lives xD), which she took nodded, and started in the direction he'd told her.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  Kobe. Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:33 pm

Rowen snickered. "Hey, play nice. Let's just find out whatever we possibly can Okay?" He nodded, crossing his arms. "I wann know what this freak is up to with these cyborg things, We already have once freak creating cyborgs we don't need another one." He saod Jokingly.

Adam sighed. "How can I go to sleep anyway? I do have business to handle with other people you know?"

"It's called putting them on hold. Something your capable of doing. Get some sleep please." Trinity pleaded.

"No, You do not have to worry about me, I can't afford to let my gaurd down." He shook his head.

Felicity smirked. "Like our help isn't enough huh?" She asked a bit offended.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  eva_strange Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:10 pm

Cos I don't feel like typing out a long walk or something... dunno.

"Yo!" Amaia yelled, banging on the door to where Kade's instructions had led her to completely and utterly by random chance. "Anybody there? Let me in!"


"And this is why I'm a bitch to you, Rowen," Kamei growled.

Eithne smiled as they reached the city, walking into it and sneaking into the market without drawing attention to herself. "Rowen, do you see any place that sells products that we need?" she asked, referring to anything that could be used to create a cyborg. She glanced around at all the vendors, shivering as she noted some she recognized.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  Kobe. Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:18 pm

Trinity and Felicity walked to the door, opening it. "Can we help you?" They spoke in unison. "Anything you need?" Felicity asked.

Rowen shrugged. "But hey, I know you Care Kamei." He nodded and then looked at Eithne. "No I don't. Maybe we should ask around. I don't know." Rowen took a deep breath. "How does anyone survive in this place?"

Adam looked. "Who is that?" He asked leaning against on of the walls. "What do they need?" He asked a bit irratated.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  eva_strange Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:21 pm

...I fell asleep.
I have the shapes or red keboard buttons pressed into my face, they won't go away, and I'm leaving for church in fifteen minutes. xD

IC: Zephyr smiled at two people he'd never seen before wandering around. "How may I help you two?" he asked them with a smirk. "I'm always willing to help out a pretty lady. I've never seen the likes of you around here before, though, and I always remember my customers."

"Remember the customers...?" she asked, shaking her head and then chuckling. "He's a total noob," Eithne said, jerking her thumb towards Rowen, "but I've been here before -- maybe I just never came to your booth?" She wmiled sweetly. "Anyway, right now, we're on the market for names. Think you could help the pretty lady out?"

"Names are expensive," he said sagely.

"Good thing I am, too," she said. "We've got cash."


"Are you Adam?" Amaia asked, pushing through the girls at the door and walking to him directly. "Answer the question," she said seriously, narrowing her eyes at him ever-so-slightly.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  Kobe. Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:46 pm

xD I always wanted to fall asleep on a keyboard xD

Rowen crossed his arms. "Whatever the price, we got the money. We just want some names." Rowen nodded.

Adam looked over at Felicity and Trinity. "Calm down you two." He spoke as he could feel their tension. "Yeah I'm Adam. Who wants to know?" Adam said as he crossed his arms. "Aparently, you do." He chuckled softly. "Does the pretty lady have a name?" He asked her.

Trinity crossed her arms. "I hate the way he just spits out who he is to total strangers, What if everyone finds out about him?"

"Well, It seems like people are finding out, If this chick found out where he was." Felicity shrugged.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  eva_strange Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:30 am

Eithne swept her hand in a wide arc over what he sold -- saw no people, and was glad. No people, for now anyway. "Anyone buy anything...suspicious. Something that could be used to make a..."

"Cyborg?" Zephyr finished with a smirk. "Now, why would two people such as yourselves need to know that?"

"We're looking for the man who might have bought it, because we have a certain...interest in him." She sighed, looking at her hands. "My body is failing -- I may die soon. No one can do anything for me, it seems. But then, it hit me. What if I got a whole new body?! Then I'd be fine." Ready lies -- Eithne never lacked for lies.


"Amaia," she said seriously, hands on her hips, purposefully ignoring the other two girls. "I need a new body," she said bluntly. "It doesn't have to be all new, just replace, fix, whatever -- just do whatever you can. I need to be able to keep up, maybe even beat some Mother Keepers."

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  Kobe. Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:41 am

"Mother Keepers?" Adam circled around Amaia. "Why is everyone against them? I hear they've got it good over there in Eden." He nodded. "So, you need a new body? You got the money?" He asked.

Rowen nodded. "Yeah, If she dies, Then I'll be devistated. A new body is the only thing we ask. We need to know who would do that for my friend." Rowen spoke dramatically, his words filled with emotion.

Ooc: xD Rowen, Rowen, Rowen. Tsk Tsk Tsk.

Trinity looked at Amaia. "You've been whining all day long about how you couldn't find anything to do, Just do it to her,"

"Maybe you should explain a little more, He has a perverted mind remember Trinity?" Felicity asked.

"Oh yeah, Well Fix her up, That will keep you busy for a few hours."
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  eva_strange Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:15 am

Amaia dumped out her bag onto the table -- coins and lots of bills. "It's about 1500 bucks. If it's not enough I'll keep paying you over a long-term basis." She glanced at him again with a smirk. "Perverted, eh? I may not look it, but I'm underage, and that would make you a peh-do-phile," she said, pronouncing each syllable quick and detached.


Eithne had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. Such drama! She pulled some money from her cleavage and showed it to Zephyr. "Now, we were talking about names, addresses, even dates will do. Anything you can remember about anyone who bought something that could be used to make a cyborg."

Zephyr smirked at her, and then glanced at Rowen. "He seems quite attched to you."

"We're tottaaaaal BFFs," she said impatiently. "Come on, honestly, I..." She sighed then, running her fingers through her hair. "Ugh, I have so little patience today. You'll have to forgive me. Help, please."

Kade watched a rat scurry along the floor and slowly glanced up, surprised to see a girl and a boy he'd never seen here before. Actually, the girl looked vaguely familiar...Damnit. She had slightly different features, but it was basically the same...

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Mother Keeper Empty Re: Mother Keeper

Post  Kobe. Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:17 am

Rowen chuckled softly and pushed the hair that was in his face away. "Yeah, Don't mind her, she's kind of pushy, She has the patience of an old person that's mad at the world."

Adam chuckled before pushed his hair back. "How old are you? Twelve? Where'd you get all that money?" He asked curiously.

Trinity looked in Felicity's direction. "Maybe she's a prostitute.."

Felicity shook her head. "Not possible Trinity, She doesn't look that type."
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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