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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  asylumescapy Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:02 pm

The green horizon has been sailing for many a year and is the most feared ship in the seven seas. She is captained by a ruthless captain. The army has been chasing the ship for years on end with no avail. It is said that theship shall sail forever but that is still to be seen.

Okay so it's pretty self explanitory correct? It's a roleplay about a pirate ship and it's crew. Be a member of the crew or an enemy of the ship or whatever you feel like doing. Romance and drama please. Raid pillage scrounge and kill. Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me. Oh And we won't start until the two below parts are filled.

First mate:


miri was taken aboard during a stop in some little port when she was only seven. Her father was the governor and she was used to bargain attempting to get him to surrender the town and all of it's riches. He refused and the town was burnt to the ground. Miri was thrown off the plank shortly after considering she was of no use to the ship and they sailed on she somehow managed to cling to the bottom of the plank unnoticed and stowed away for three months at sea in the boat below deck. When finally found out she was taken Asa deckhand and raised on the ship as a pirate she is one of the quieter of her crew mates. Miri thinks about life with her father. Let's just say she's not exactly on good terms with the captain most times and has had a few little mutinous outbursts which she paid for dearly. She is the youngest aboard the green horizon
The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Pirate-1
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Location : Bangin Keyboards in Tampa, Fl

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  Morgan Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:29 pm

The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Untitled
Name~Ivy LeAnn Smith
Age~16 Bio~ I adopted Violet. Her mother gave her up the day she was born, she didnt even give her a name. I found her and adopted her. Ive always wanted kids. She doesnt know she is adopted though so please dont tell her...

The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) 27329anime_girl_fav7639a
Name~Violet Lola Smith
Bio~Im verry small, and quiet.I love being by the ocean and I love my mommy.I love talking to people, once I get to know them. Im hyper and can be crazy.

The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Cool-anime-guy--large-msg-120364465284

((To lazy to really right a Bio lol))
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  asylumescapy Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:34 pm

Fair enough. You should make Jacob the captainthough, so we can start.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  Morgan Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:35 pm

Whats the first mate?
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  asylumescapy Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:36 pm

Like the vice pres. It's just the second in command to the captain.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  Morgan Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:45 pm

Oh ok! Sorry Imm slow this morning
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  asylumescapy Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:46 pm

Its quite alright. You wanna start?
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  Morgan Sat Nov 27, 2010 9:48 pm

Could you start first?
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  asylumescapy Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:18 pm

Sureeee. But I fail at starting. Epicly.

Miri sat on the side of the ship, her legs hanging out through the railings and over the side. The salty spray was the only thing keeping her awake for now and there was a storm brewing in the distance.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  asylumescapy Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:45 am

Errrrr. Bump?
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  Hell!_the_musical_ Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:23 am

its about time you made a fucking pirate rp!
hehe, I can say fuck agian. ^_^

ok Kaylee, I'll join. Just let me know when you're on and I'll post my profile then.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  asylumescapy Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:24 am

I'm on sooo yeah. And I feel like i should know this but you are...?
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  Hell!_the_musical_ Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:44 am

It's Mags you loser.
profile up in a sec. ^_^

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  asylumescapy Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:00 am

Yeah you better post a profile, FOO! <3
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  Hell!_the_musical_ Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:15 am

Name- Captain Lillian Winchester
age- 24
Just like Lillian's father before her, he ran this ship with a iron fist. But there is a trust between the captain of the green horizon and the crew members. A trust that is still strong even though a woman has taken control of the ship. As a child, Lillian would play on these decks and was even taught her skills from the best members who walked upon it. Now that she is captain, she still holds that child-like excitement but with a more cunning mind. Most who speak of the Green Horizon have no idea Captain Winchester is a woman, only those close of the crew and ones about to meet her blade.

Name- Dusk...
age- whos really sure.
healer/and just about everything else.
One figure as mysterious as the Green Horizon's captain is their healer. It is said that fifty years ago, Dusk walked on board and proclaim her place among the ranks. At first the men mock this idea, but the captain accepted her on board. During her first time, a storm hit. The men, slaves to superstition, claim it was Dusk's doing and beg to throw her overboard. It was then Dusk step forward and parted the storm itself. This story has many versions, but Dusk remain on the green horizon, seeming as ageless as the ship itself.

name- William
age- 21
not much is known about this pirate. He once belong to a crew, but now he wanders from ship to ship unnoticed. He only carries a small compass with something scratched inside of it. Only god and William know what it is.

Last edited by Hell!_the_musical_ on Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:28 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  asylumescapy Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:21 am

Yeah then start por favor.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  Hell!_the_musical_ Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:28 am

please, I insist ;}

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  asylumescapy Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:34 am

Miri sat on the side of the ship, her legs hanging out through the railings and over the side. The salty spray was the only thing keeping her awake for now and there was a storm brewing in the distance.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  Hell!_the_musical_ Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:54 am

Dusk was always one of the first on deck. The cook was well into breakfast and soon the rest of the crew would be awaken. Her golden eyes take a moment to watch the calm before the storm. Instead, she finds a deckhand enjoying the calm.
"Little early for someone to up. You feel it too?" She ask in a kind voice, her accent rich and deep.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  asylumescapy Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:01 am

Miri jumped at dusks voice. In almost eight years the woman still had a way about her that often chilled Miri. She pushed a blonde curl from her forhead and shrugged "It's obvious enough." she murmered gesturing to the sky, though she was certain the physical storm wasn't what dusk was referring to. Some thing had felt wrong on the ship the past few days, as though something were off.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  Hell!_the_musical_ Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:13 am

Dusk nods with a weary smile. She falls into a sitting position beside Miri as silently as she came on deck. "I believe our good captain will need to summon everything this time." This time, there was a new sadness in her golden eyes.

When Lillian step out of her cabin, she sense the new chill in the air. It was like the gods themselves had brought this upon them. It wouldn't be the first time they had tried to snuff out the ship and it wouldn't be the last.
"Miri, Dusk, I need you both below deck. Everyone needs to be fed and ready." She commands. "We're heading east. If we're lucky, we'll swerve away from the storm all together. But when are we ever that lucky?" Her grin is ironic then she is gone.

William woke to the same thing he did every morning. The rats. They seem to gather around him, watching him with those knowing eyes, recognizing him as a secret passenger like themselves. William lets out a small cough and reaches for one of the bottle of rums hidden away.
"Morning boys, bring any good news for me?" His voice scares away his traveling companions. They only speak in silence, not trusting the spoken word. With a tired sigh, William pulls himself to his feet. Only another month with the Green Horizon and he could move on. But something felt wrong. He flips open his compass and finds they are heading in a different direction.
"This can't be good."

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  asylumescapy Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:20 am

Miri nodded to noone and stood helping Dusk up. "The day this ship is lucky I'll eat my damn hat" She murmered and headed below deck quietly, sitting and eating a slice of bread and some dried meat. She yawned a little watching her crew mates discuss everything from gambling to myths to rum.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  Hell!_the_musical_ Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:35 am

The Captain was the last to enter. She takes her seat at the head of the table. At once, all voices die down and all eyes fix on her. Only Dusk continues to eat as if she already knows the outcome.
"I'm not going to lie to you boys and girls, this is going to be one hell of a storm. There's a small eastern island that will serve as a nice place to bunker down. We are only hours away from its arrival so I need all of you on alert. Only the most experiences with sailing should be on deck. The rest need to stay below for damage repair." She raises her mug with a smile. "So drink up, its going to be one hell of a time."

The voices above could only mean one thing, breakfast. It was during this that William was free to wander about. He mostly stayed in his small storage room. But at lest now his footsteps couldn't be heard. William took his time, selecting one of the few apples left from a barrel, a slice of spiced and tried meat, and some more rum. It was going to be a good day.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  asylumescapy Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:38 am

Miri nodded respectively to the captainand excused herself from the table, heading back up to watch the skies, an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach making it hard to eat anyway.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates) Empty Re: The Green Horizon (Omgosh pirates)

Post  Hell!_the_musical_ Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:47 am

Once the breakfast was over with, everyone broke into their groups. Every member had an order that they were expected to keep. Lillian return above deck to watch the progress of the trip.
"Miri, take a look below deck and make sure everything is secure. I don't want anything loose rolling around." She doesn't wait for an answer, no time for talk today.

Something was off and William knew it. He had been listening to the song of this ship for months and the chorus was all wrong today. Everyone seem in a hurry and that only meant two things, storm or attack. William quickly tosses the core to the rats and backs into the shadows. He didn't need to get caught, not by this crew.

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