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Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime}

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Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} Empty Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime}

Post  zerofz1 Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:39 am

Zero Shadowcrest
species-Shadow,Edel Raid
He is skilled at both magic and swords, is light, dark,and fire, He can also use water lightining, ground,wind and ice but doesn't use them that often. Can transform into various forms.He has the spirit of fire in light in him in the form of a phoenix and the spirit of ice/water and dark in him in the form of a wolf.
Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} Boy
Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} Phoenix-1
Shadow form
Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} Blackknight-3

A baby dragon that is hyper and energitic. He can has every element power.
Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} Anime_baby_drag

bio-She is hyper, adverntures and loves candy. She can put you in a trance, fly a little, and tell the future sometimes and likes to make bets with her sister. She has a pair of pink angle wings. Both sides are after her so that they can destroy the other. If they catch her they plan on brainwashing her and sending her on dangerious missions.
pic;(but with knee long hair)
Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} Kid1-2
Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} Picture008
Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} Anime_girl_fav723a

15-years old
Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} Kara
Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} 3755b847
Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} Anime1

bio-She's Ember's daughter and her twin is Abby, she is the more adventures and calm. When she is an Angle she becomes
more rash and hyper
(in white)

Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} Twins-2

bio-she is more rash and usealy doesn't think things over before she does something. When she is a vampire and hungry though
she will usealy become sly and doing anything to get what she wants. She is also Ashley's twin.
(in yellow)
alright, now keep going.

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Post  zerofz1 Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:49 am

Anyone want to join?
alright, now keep going.

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Post  lololindsay Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:56 am

Zero! Hi o.o
I'm gonna have a pet like you. (:
Just a second.

Yuki, 16.
Race;; Human.
Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} Girl1

Age unknown.
Race;; Demon/Vampire
Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} Hotguy

Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} Little_cat
you also think you fancy, huh? [moderator]

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Post  zerofz1 Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:10 am

Cool, thanks
alright, now keep going.

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Post  lololindsay Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:11 am

Your welcome (:
you also think you fancy, huh? [moderator]

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Post  zerofz1 Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:21 am

(you want to start now or wait for more people?)
alright, now keep going.

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Post  lololindsay Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:23 am

I'm pretty sure no will join. >.< Lets try and make this on-going this time.
albino Doesn't that look like Peter the Rabbit O:
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Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime} Empty Re: Anime Village{Anyone can join at anytime}

Post  zerofz1 Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:33 am

A little, you want to start?
alright, now keep going.

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Post  lololindsay Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:44 am

Suuure. (:

Yuki picked up her bag off the cherry wood dinning table and slid it over her shoulder. She walked out the door calling for her mom, but had had no answer."Mom-- she's probably dealing, why the hell should I care.." Yuki said talking too herself as she walked out the front door, she danced down the steps and down the sidewalk humming a lullaby her mother used too sing.

Trighten sighed as he looked on his shoulder seeing Tofo stand on two legs."Must you be so-- human." He said annoyed as Tofo kept blabbing about his day."Just shut up TOFO!"

Tofo slapped Trighten biting his ear then jumped off his shoulder running away on two legs.
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Post  zerofz1 Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:51 am

Zero sat in a tree as he looked around. He yawned bored as he jumped down and started to walk into the village.

Ember was walking through the park, she yawned as she sat down humming as she watched Ashley and Abby playing in the sand box.

Ashley and Abby were giggling as they made sand castles.
alright, now keep going.

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Post  lololindsay Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:58 am

Yuki walked through the modern neighborhood, the sky was a grayish color which only mde her mood worse. She looked up as she felt a leaf fall on her head."I hate fall." She said seeing the small building's of the village ahead."Finally."

Trighten crossed his arms and stoped in his tracks."Come on Tofo I didn't mean it. You know I didn't mean it." Tofo was his little messenger. He needed a new one because no one took him seriously when they see a little walking cat doing Trightens dirty work.

Tofo went down on all fours walking back to Trighten."Happy now, I'm acting normal." Him and Tofo have always had a love hate relation ship.
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Post  zerofz1 Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:10 am

Zero looked around and saw Yuki, he watched her slightly and smiled a bit. He jumped behind her."Why do you hate fall?"he asked her curiously.

Ember started to fall asleep as her eyes slowly started to fall. She seemed to slowly relaxe.

Ashley and Abby giggled as they were slightly bored now. They got up and started to walk around. Ashely saw a cat and completly broke down as she ran over."Awwwwwwwww kitty!"She squeeled acting different from what she usealy did. Abby blinked and giggled."Wow, sis has never acted this way."She said softly.
alright, now keep going.

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Post  lololindsay Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:15 am

Trighten turned around letting his bag fall off shoulder. He picked Tofo up letting the two little girls hold him."Well hello you like my Kitty?" He chuckled picking up his bag placing it over his shoulder again. He was just passing through, but he was starting too like this place.

Yuki jumped slightly turning around, he eyes wide. He was quite close so she backed up slowly one foot at a time."What-- what how did you hear me?" Yuki shivered and gulped. He looked unusually different.
you also think you fancy, huh? [moderator]

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Post  zerofz1 Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:21 am

Ashely nodded her eyes bright with life as she petted the kitty."Yes, I love kittys"She said said as Abby walked over to her."Ashley, are you all right?"She asked worried about her acting so differently. Her back to Trighten now.

Zero smiled and waved."I heard you because I was behind you."He said smiling."whats wrong did I surprise you?"He asked curiously.
alright, now keep going.

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Post  lololindsay Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:29 am

Trighten turned his head too the side wondering what Abby was talking about. He cleared his mind of that realizing he had
no where too stay."Hey um where's your mother? I need directions." He whistled for Tofo and he jumped on his shoulder."If you help me out I'll let you have my cat for the day." He smirked and got closer trying too frighten them into helping him. No ever one helped him.

Yuki gulped."You were.." Her face was drifting down how could she not know? She straightened up and gathering herself starting too turn around too walk away."Well then theirs no point in staying here, with you I must leave now I have things too do." She said walking away from him down the sidewalk. She held her book close to her body and wondered if he was following her. She hoped he was, for a second then shook her head of the thought and concentrated on getting what she needed too do today.
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Post  zerofz1 Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:34 am

Ashley continued to pet Tofo. Abby blinked confused as she watched her. As Tofo jumped back onto the mans shoulder Ashley looked up at him, staring into his eyes. "Im not sure really."She said staring into his eyes still, she just continued to stare up into his eyes her's slightly red. Abby was slightly scared of how Ashley was acting and the man as she looked up at him and into his eyes also. Her's were also slightly red showing that both of them were getting thirsty for blood.

Zero nodded at her question."Yes."he said. As she started to walk away he followed her watching her carefully.
alright, now keep going.

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Post  lololindsay Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:40 am

Yuki turned around, her bag was sliding down her arm as she looked annoyed."Okay obviously you want to come with me.. Don't follow me and say nothing, it's creepy..." Yuki walked closer wondering what he would do next."Just say the word and you can come with me." Yuki was a very direct person and knew what she wanted. She was a bit frightened as too hat he would do to her after she stood up for herself.

Trighten cocked his head, hes never seen another vampire under the age of 16 before.."You two are vampires too? I had no clue.. probably because I'm starving." He said rubbing his stomach holding the bag over his shoulder. He looked back at Ashley then Abby."Look I really need a place too stay, how 'bout this. I get you something too feed on if you take me too someone who knows this place well."
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Post  zerofz1 Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:44 am

Ashley nodded smilnig."Sure, as long as I can keep the kitty!"She said as Abby blinked and looked down."Ashley....we aren't supposed to have blood."She said softly, this was unusealy for her since usealy it was Ashley following the rules. Neather of them had learned how to gaurd there minds at all so everything was wide open to him.

"I'm going to follow you ok."He said as walked beside her."It can be dangerious out here."He added looking over at her with a slight smile.
alright, now keep going.

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Post  lololindsay Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:50 am

Trighten chuckled getting closer as he bent down to eye level with the girls."We don't have to tell anyone." He smiled and brushed his hair back. His bag was slightly on the ground as he held it in his hands."The forest's are a great place too hunt." He said walking off knowing at least one of them would follow him. Or not."There own fault if they never get a taste of real blood." He whispered too himself whistling.

Yuki nodded as they made it into the village. She slopped placing her hand son her hips taking out her grocery list. She looked at him wondering where the market was."Sorry I'm so boring, I usually never have a guest with me." She pulled her hair in a ponytail and walked into the market looking around for the first item.
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Post  zerofz1 Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:55 am

Ashley smiled as she started to follow him. Abby reached her her."A-ashley....stop..."She said slightly scared. She couldn't move as she watched her following the man. She didn't know where they were as she followed a bit behind Ashley wanting to keep an eye on her. Ashely was right next to Trighten giggling as she stared up at the kitty.

Zero kept walking beside her as he looked ove.r"No, it's all right."He said smiling as he kept closer to her following after her. He watched as she put her hair into a pony tail.
alright, now keep going.

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Post  lololindsay Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:01 pm

Yuki usually did that when she was thinking to hard. It's a habit she's had ever since she was 4 when her mother left her. Yuki shook her mind of the thought. She looked away from her long stare at the can moving onto the next item.

Trighten fixed his bag over his shoulder starring down at Ashley."So what's your name girls?" He said looking straight forward into the forest. He spotted a couple of animals roaming the forest from afar."And which do you prefer. Squirrel, deer, birds.. I can catch anything." He didn't bother trying too go for a human right now, he knew it would terrify them too see that, and he needed somewhere too stay. So he would not mess this up for himself.
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Post  zerofz1 Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:08 pm

Ashley blinked."I don't know, I've never drunk any blood before."She said truthfully as she reached up for Tofo. Her eyes still bright, she looked human right now and only a little bit of her vampire side was being shown it was still locked up inside her body. Abby blinked watching them as she kept hiddon.

Zero continued to follow her as he looked around, he watched what she bought curiously.
alright, now keep going.

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Post  lololindsay Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:13 pm

occ: I have to go ! I will post again tomorrow. Hopefully you'll be on Bye Zero. (:

Trighten grabbed Tofo and gave him too Ashley, he knew Abby was following but he wasn't interested in catching blood bags for the BOTH of them."Hes yours.. for the day." He smirked then let his bag fall to the ground, he jumped up in the air landing in the tree. He looked around seeing a squirrel. He snatched it up jumping back down.

Yuki chuckled as he watched her. She was finished so she headed toward the cash register. She placed her things on the counter and rang the bell waiting for someone to appear.
you also think you fancy, huh? [moderator]

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Post  zerofz1 Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:20 pm

Ashley smiled and squeeled as she took the kitty. She started to pet him smiling as she stared down at him mesmorised as she held him close. Her mouth was slightly open and it looked like she didn't have any fangs.

Zero smiled at her and followed her to the counter. He watched her waighting for her to get done.
alright, now keep going.

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Post  lololindsay Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:38 pm

"Well this is inconvenient..." Trighten frowned. Every vampire should have fangs. It's a kinda disgrace against the race. He picked up Tofo and ran out of the forest inhumanly leaving them alone. He walked into the village passing a few people.

Yuki smiled,"Thanks, come on." She said walking out the door.
you also think you fancy, huh? [moderator]

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