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beyond the shadows

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beyond the shadows Empty beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:43 am


I stared down at the gaping wound in my left arm and side.
"Bitch! That was my favorite dress!"
I yelled at the shadow creature that I had come to call a blank. It let out a grotesque sound that I guessed was a chuckle and slashed at me again.
"Aw-w did I ruffle the poor birdies feathers?"
It mocked in a rough voice. At that point I decided to stop waiting around and strike at him. He swiped at my legs and shredded the pale exposed skin. When his claws sliced my legs I fell and hit the ground hard. A whimper escaped my lips as his yellow, rotting teeth neared my throat and his fowl breath filled my lungs and made me dizzy with the smell of decaying corpses.

Last edited by fangluv1089 on Sun May 01, 2011 7:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  Morgan Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:46 am

Its good. More please
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:52 am

alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:58 am

i will post later tonight peace peoples
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:22 am

chapter 1

The first thing you need to know about me is my name. It's Alice, Alice Kuchkie. The second thing is my job. It isn't a normal job like the day shift at the corner gas station. Or any other job most teens my age have.
My job is actually fighting things that the world hopefully remains ignorant about. My boyfriend Jagger helps me with this job. I'm an arch angel and he's my watcher. You are probably asking yourself 'what the hell is a watcher?' right, well a watcher is a person who makes sure their charge is safe, trained, educated, and unharmed. So basically a guardian angel, a kick ass guardian angel.
I figured out that I was an arch angel when I was seven and my wings began to grow. I am the angel of winter. Which is ironic because I was born in July, a summer month. Crud I'm getting off topic again, now I'm confused myself. Oh-h well lets just go back to the beginning, six months, when this war started.

Last edited by fangluv1089 on Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:50 am; edited 1 time in total
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:13 am

I walked to the mail box to check on the book that I had ordered almost a month ago. When I opened the box a whit envelope that had my name written in a neat cursive hand waited in the middle. It read;
Dear, Alice,
There is a traitor in your midst. Beware of familiar faces.
A Friend

I stared at the note for a moment then began towards the house.
"Hey Alice."
Jagger called called to me, I glanced up at him and smiled. I viewed his tall frame that was slim and full of perfectly sculpted muscle. Then I viewed his face, so open and friendly. The emo flip that fell over his left eye hid an old scar that he had gotten a few years earlier. I couldn't even begin to imagine him as a traitor.
"Hey Jag, what's on the agenda for today?"
"The usual training and tutoring." He told me in his smooth honey silk voice that always made me want to swoon. It didn't help too much that his voice held a hint of his old British home.
"Oh" I mumbled and began for the house but a hand stopped me in my tracks.
"Hey Hannah." I muttered and began to lead her to the house. I glanced at Hannah wearing her long frizzy ginger hair up in a pony tail. Her ocean blue eyes studied me with a child like innocence. Her tall pale-save for the freckles on her cheeks- slim frame lumbered after me almost silently.
'Could she be a traitor? What about Jag?' I thought to myself.
"Bitch!" I muttered as i got my now throbbing ass off of the sparing mat. On the side lines Hannah cheered for Jagger, hoping that I would loose this battle.
"Shut up." I muttered to her and delivered a hard side kick to my mentors nose. I heard the satisfying crack just before I saw the blood.
I yelled at him. While training, we weren't girlfriend and boyfriend, we were mentor and student.
"Let's work on the air machine." He told me as he cracked his nose back into place. I nodded and let my wings spread. The rays of light from the florescent lights that hit my black wings felt good. They are twenty feet long from tip to tip and are great at scaring the hell at random people on the street when I fly overhead. So if you see a huge bird shadow above you don't panic.
I walked over to the high powered air machine that was sixty feet wide and eighty feet long.
"Okay Jag, cut it on."
He nodded and switched on the machine . Which almost flattened me on the opposite wall.
I whispered and pulled my wings in to dive bomb at the fan. I then pulled my wings out to steady myself in mid-air so i could coast.

Last edited by fangluv1089 on Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:46 am; edited 1 time in total
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:19 am

so what do you think sorry if it is boring it gets better i promise
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:07 am

sorry i didnt reply today i was at a choir concert
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:54 am

chapter 3
I sat in my car debating on whether or not I should get out. I was always antsy at the graveyard. On the once a week visits I took I was always alone I felt that visiting my parents headstones was a more private matter. Jagger agreed but wanted me to keep up a good stream of locations when I did go.
I let out a slow sigh and grabbed my bag and the flowers from the passenger seat. However when I stepped out a horrible feeling of dread and hatred hit me like a ton of bricks. A Blank was near by, a crash near the more busy and upfront part of the graveyard gave him away. I quietly walked towards him careful not to make a sound and then slowly set down the flowers and my bag.
My hand shot into my bag and found the small slit of glass. My sword, it could be any size or shape that I imagined possible. The downside, it needed my blood to work so when I held it, it stabbed into my hand and pulled the blood straight from my veins.
"Yo, doesn't rest in peace mean anything to you? I'm sure that the dead are turning in their graves because of your stench." I yelled at the blank who responded by turning snarling and charging at me.

Last edited by fangluv1089 on Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:48 am; edited 1 time in total
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:56 am

sorry that it is so short i will try to make 4 longer promise
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:26 am

chapter 4
I was thrown into a near by gravestone. I heard a crack and frowned.
"Sorry Dean Whit."
I mummered to the dead mans cracked headstone.I charged at the Blank and punched it in the face. Its lip collided with its teeth causing it to but and its nose broke. He-or she?- roared with anger and grabbed my neck.
"Let.... Go"
I choked out and turned the glass slit into Excalibur- that was the only thing I could think of. The blade sliced into the thick arm and almost sliced it clan off. The Blank screeched and threw me to the ground again which knocked my sword out of my hand.
I muttered and jumped up The Blank was on all fours-or in this ones case threes- and preparing to charge at me. It's sharp teeth gleamed at me and I readied myself for impact.
It crashed into me and pinned me. I yelled as his huge body crushed my legs. Then my fist was flying up and hitting his armpit. He/she collapsed on top of me in a dead heap. To a Blank that was like a cut to the heel for a human.
"Get off"
I growled and pushed him off then pulled out my zippo to cremate the poor bastards body.
I picked up my sword and bag and walked to the quieter older part of the cemetery. That is where my parents were buried. They had died when i was nine. I now live with Jagger.
"Hi mom hi dad."
I whispered as I knelt down to change the flowers out. This week was roses, moms favorite. Last week was snapdragons, dads favorite smell was the fragrance that snapdragons gave off.
A sigh from behind me caused me to jump up and get ready to fight again.
"They were good people."
A looming figure said. He was about six foot seven from where I was sitting.
"I take it that your Alice?"He asked"You have grown so much. I'm Alexander."
I nodded cautiously at him. Who was he? And how did he know me and my parents?
He stepped forward and placed a rose on my mothers grave.
"You are the spitting image of her" He mused lightly. I stood quickly and grabbed my things.
"I have to go"
I said and headed past him to the cemetery parking lot.

Last edited by fangluv1089 on Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:49 am; edited 2 times in total
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:29 am

otays i made an oopsie i am editin 4 so hold tight^_^
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:39 am

chapter 5
"Okay I love you too. Yeah I'll see you soon. Bye."
I muttered and hung up on Jagger. Just when I did that a shadow figure stepped into the road. The shape was human that I could tell, The other thing i could tell was that he wouldn't move from in front of the car. It wouldn't move, I knew it wouldn't. So I swerved to avoid it, not realizing that a drop-off waited on the side of the road. When my car began to tip i knew what would happen. The terrifying sound of glass breaking when the roof hit the ground was the warning bell for the next five turns of the car.
If I had broken anything I wouldn't have known. If I was bleeding from anywhere, I couldn't tell. I couldn't feel anything, or think, I was just there. After a few minutes my world went black.
"He-he good one."
I laughed up at the ceiling-not even noticing my broken ribs. I tried to give the ceiling a high five but ended up slapping myself in the face. I didn't even notice Jagger running in until he began to yell to see me to the doctors who had tried to stop him.
"Jaggy the ceiling hit me!"I whined he smirked when he reached me."They gave you the good stuff didn't they?" He asked me.
"You have green eyes."I cooed to him
"yep the good stuff"
"Orange!" I yelled out.
The doctor came to pull Jagger aside and tell him of my injuries
"Bye Jaggy!"
I yelled attempting to wave enthusiastically at him. I then grabbed a passing doctors arm.
"Are you Dr. Who? Do you have a tardis?" He just shook his head and kept walking.
It has been two weeks since I was put in the hospital. My injuries consisted of eight broken ribs, a broken arm, a shattered leg, internal bleeding, and a bunch of scrapes and bruises.
I am now being carried out of a car by Jagger.
"I can walk you know." I said looking pissed
"nope doctor said no walking even with the crutches." He told me looking amused.
"You're back!" Hannah called and ran up to hug me crushing my hurt hand in the process.
"Ow ow ow."i yelped
"Sorry sorry sorry."
She chanted over and over.
"It's cool." I assured her as Jagger walked me into the house.
"Training is postponed until you are better."
He told me sternly and gently set me down on the couch.
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Fri Dec 17, 2010 1:09 am

ibe a good writer and put two chappies today due to the fact that 6 is short ^_^
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:21 am

chapter 6
She walked down the street and her phone began to buzzed .
She asked in her grotesque human voice. She hated the fact that she had to pose as a human just to do a simple mission.
"Has the mission been set into action?"
Asked a rough voice. She smirked and nodded.
"O course."
She whispered and hung up the phone.
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:57 am

chapter 7
I was now up and able to spar with Jagger. It turns out that if you are bed bound for three weeks your muscle turns to jell-o
"son of a-"
I muttered as Jagger threw me backwards on a mat. He just chuckled and helped me up.
"Lets just work on weight lifting and running for now."
Before i could get over to the bench however a swarm of Blanks broke down the wall.
"Damn it I just painted that wall!"
Jagger yelled and got ready to fight. However they didn't go for us they went for Hannah.
I shouted and ran to fight them. In the back of my head a reminder of how my parents died flashed in my head. I shook off that thought and grabbed a Blank's arm to distract him, it did. He turned on me and began to fight me. I swore hating the fact that my sword was still in my room.
After about twenty minutes they got tired of stalling and set off a blinding flash bomb. I yelled and felt my body get thrown into a set of weights. I would feel that in the morning.
"Alice Jagger, Help me!" I heard Hannah shout somewhere off in the room then she was silenced. And they were gone with the screeching of tires.
"Those fucking bastards. I'm going after them."
I told Jagger ran out, opened my wings, and took off not caring what neighbors saw or thought.
"Hannah I'm on my way."
I muttered determined to find her.
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:07 am

cliffy what do u think?
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Sat Dec 18, 2010 4:13 am

chapter 8

After about six hours Jagger texted me and told me to come home. I frowned but headed headed home anyway when I got back several other arch angels waited on me with their watchers and Jagger. I nodded in greeting to them feeling nothing. Hannah was my closest friend and now she is at mercy off the blanks. Even worse i did nothing to stop it.
Jagger pulled me into a light hug and pulled me at arms length.
"We are going all over the world to find other arch angels. This is crossing the line, they have just started a war."
He informed me i nodded numbly and he smiled and led me to the couch i shook my head.
"I need a drink."
I told him. I didn't drink whiskey often only when I was having a particularly bad day. I would count this as my second worst so far. Jagger nodded and set me down and went to get me a glass knowing that i was going to break down sooner or later.
After about twenty minutes i walked to my room to have a melt down in peace.
"Hannah i swear that i will save you."
I promised to nothing or no one in particular, but i knew it meant something.
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Sat Dec 18, 2010 4:15 am

okay due to the hollidays my chapters will be a bit short for a while because i am currently writing a book and i need to send the chapters of my book to my person who has agreed to print it out for me in extange for cupcakes
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:17 am

i will reply later today sorry i didn't yesterday i was at a friends house
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:38 am

okay i am sorry time got away from me so i will post tomorrow after school thank you for being patient i promise chapter 9 will be up and running tomorrow night peoples ^_^
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:46 am

hey peoples pm me for feed back I am happy to answer questions or take suggestions ^_^ now i dissapear into the night fwoosh but i trip i will just stay here
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:26 am

chapter 9
"Alice you need to get ready we are all heading out tonight." Jagger told me bluntly and handed me my shoes.
"I have already packed your things."
He added and pointed to several duffel bags by the door.
"You and the other archs are going to fly above the cars that the watchers will be in."
He explained calmly. At the moment we were headed to New York to gather up about six other avengers. Fun right?
I nodded and pulled my wings through the slits in my jacket the others were donning outfits similar to my own outfit. It was supposed to protect skin at up to 500 ft in the air and below freezing temperatures. Jagger sighed and caught my hand, forcing me to look up at him.
"We will find Hanaah and rescue her we just have to get some help."
He told me and I nodded not trusting my voice. The clock struck noon and it was time to go. Everybody was in a hurry then. Jagger and the other watchers were piling into three cars some of the other arch angels had up to three watchers because they were younger. In about six minutes we were in the air flying over the watchers cars.
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:27 am

i post 10 in a sec
alright, now keep going.

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beyond the shadows Empty Re: beyond the shadows

Post  fangluv1089 Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:37 am

chapter 10

She sat with the other Blanks as a few were being made. A Blank wasn't born it was made. And at the moment about fifteen new Blanks were standing by.
"Number forty-eight. Come here."
Her boss called sternly and she obeyed.
She asked roughly he gave me a toothy grin and handed her a communication box. She grinned and got ready to talk to lead the little slut Alice into a trap.
alright, now keep going.

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