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Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?)

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Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?) Empty Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?)

Post  taylorphernelia Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:27 am

****I've heavily edited this since I posted it back in FEB. of '11. Even if you have read it then, you might want to look back over it. There were some embarrassingly stupid things I said, so I've hopefully fixed everything*****

Role Play, what is it?
To put it in really simple terms, role playing is writing. You assume the role of a character, and write about this character in a certain situation (the plot). This character interacts with other members characters', who are involved in the RP as well. It really is as simple as that. Role playing, on this website, is usually in Third Person.

How to create an original, or perhaps just satisfying plot;

Wherever will you find the inspiration?

It's been said so many times before, but to be perfectly honest, inspiration is anywhere! Plots can be derived from anything you can possibly think of. From a past experience you've had, or someone you know has had. From a song, a book, any pop culture reference.

And if you are completely devoid of any creativity, there are always some plots to fall back on (or use as the backbone for a bit more elaborate plot!). These include, but are not limited to: Under one roof's, Highschool, Couples, etc.

Let's use the under one roof plot as an example. How can we add a plot twist to this? I personally find that after a few replies to one of those, there's really nothing more to say. So, you can set it in a different time. A plot that I have used before is that the setting is during World War 2 and you're a Jew (or any other minority that are being hunted by the Gestapo/Nazis) and you're living in hiding with a group of people. In all reality, I used the structure of an underoneroof (a group of people living together), and added a simple little twist to make the RP a lot more interesting!

Does a plot have to be original or interesting?
While being original is preferred among some people, a lot just like to do simple plots like I mentioned above. It all comes down to what you really want to do. Your interests.

For me, all plots need to be interesting, however they only need to be interesting to the people involved. You should never join a plot you aren't interested, for pretty obvious reasons (you'll get bored of it quickly, stop replying, and sometimes that can be destructive to the story you've begun to write). So when you're searching the forums for a plot, don't join just because it's original, or just because it's unoriginal. Join because you think it's a really neat idea, and you'd love to be apart of it!

How to write out your plot, once you have it.
So you've got in amazing plot in your head, huh? Sometimes transferring the jumbled thoughts into words can be a difficult and frustrating proccess.

I definitely have troubles with this too, I think the best of us do. Usually what I do right away when I get a plot idea is I write down the main points somewhere. It doesn't matter where, as long as you won't lose it! A simple summary will keep the idea fresh in your head, and there is no dire need for you to rush into a very detailed plot right away.

And when you do get time to sit down and right it out, just start writing. Don't stop until you're satisfied. And then edit it. If you truly are stuck, the best thing to do is to ask a friend, or simply post a thread in the OOC section on this site, and ask if anyone has ideas.

While none of these are exactly bulletproof plans, you have to remember that some times there is no perfect way to write something out. I'm still editing plots I've had from years and years back, and I don't think I'll ever get it to a point where I'm completely satisfied, and that's perfectly okay.

Characters, pre-made characters, & profile outlines for different plots.
Characters are on of the BIGGEST parts of any role play. What you need to think of right away before you post your brand new plot, is whether you feel the need to add profile outlines, or pre-made characters. Some plots without pre-made characters, or very detailed skeletons, are essential for making sure that the RP doesn't disappoint you.

When you're writing the information on your pre-made characters, remember to include everything you want people to know, so they aren't portrayed in the wrong fashion. Don't worry about having too much information, if it's important, then it needs to be included. However, try to make them interesting, don't write the same boring information for every character. Make them eye-catching, and not a jumbled mess of words. Keep it to the point, so that even if it's long, there aren't run-on sentences everywhere.

If you want to include a profile skeleton, put this in your first post, anywhere. Have it include everything you would want to know about the characters that will be joining. And if you're the one joining an RP with profile skeletons included, then please stick to it! If you're too lazy to write a simple bio, then you shouldn't join.

Now in general, before joining any role play, you should have an idea on at least two characters of yours. What I usually do, is every time I find a picture I like, I create a unique character to match it. (I do have document files of all my characters, I know, I know, I'm lame), and this way you know what to write when you're joining role plays with skeletons. Or, you have an idea of their personality, and it makes writing a lot easier.

If an RP does NOT have a set outline, then make your profiles very simple. I wouldn't put more than a name, age, and a picture. Don't include a pointless biography that talks about your allergies to kiwi!

Plots set in different eras/time periods.
Personally, this is something that is really irritating to me. If you know aboslutely nothing about the time period the RP is set in, the do everyone a favor and DON'T JOIN! If you're in a RP set in the Victorian Era, don't write about your character taking out her cellphone. It makes you look dumb, and it really just interrupts the RP.

Your RP isn't staying on track?
Tell the people that keep straying away from the plot what's wrong. If you don't speak your mind, then nothing can be done about the problem! You can always inform a mod/admin if someone is seriously annoying you, and bothering other people, but if you can handle it then go ahead! Do not just wait for the problem to go away, because it won't.

Literacy, and all of it's importances.

I don't want to take my time.

Personally, that's a problem. You shouldn't spit out a quick reply just because you're lazy. I know a lot of people may find this annoying, but if I can't think of a good reply, I seriously take my time, and sometimes I do other things to clear my mind before replying. I usually don't reply for a really long time, but when I do, my replies are long and well-thought out. I think that's better than easy one liners.

I'm just not literate, there's nothing I can do about that.
That is complete and utter nonsense, and I'll tell you why.

When I first started RPing/writing, do you think I was literate? OF COURSE NOT. I'm not going to lie at all, I was awful. And really, think about it. No one was born a brilliant writer. You have to learn. If you honestly feel like you can't learn literacy, then what the HECK are you doing on a RPing website? And I"m not trying to be rude, I'm just saying, no one wants to deal with people who are illiterate.

I'm a decent writer, but I don't use descriptions.
You aren't a decent writer if you don't use descriptions. They truly do make all the difference. Even using simple adverbs/adjectives can make your writing look better. You don't have to describe how her eyes were like the depths of the ocean. Just make things a little more intricate.

Commas, punctuation, and when the hell to use them.
Commas are extremely useful, and I must admit that sometimes I over-use/under-use them, but I don't think I'm that bad with them.

Commas are not the only punctuation, and I feel like people forget this sometimes. Sometimes a period needs to be stuck in there, and you definitely shouldn't end a sentence with a comma. I mean honestly, use your brain kids. Run-on sentences are just irritating.

Commas are used to conjoin two sentences, and indicates a pause. Read your sentence out loud, and think "do I need to add a comma there, or a period?".

"Let's eat out, Grandma."


"Let's eat out Grandma."

I know how to write, I just don't know what to write!
You're not alone in this. Sometimes RPs just become incredibly bland and there's really no way for you to respond. Now if this happens, you should message the creator and talk about possible plot twists that you can add to spice things up a bit!

Some people, however, do prefer to use the one liner route, and if that's your cup of tea, then go for it, I suppose.

So, I've made a great plot, I've got characters, and we've started up the role play. Now what?

There's nothing left to do now, BUT ROLE PLAY! Create the setting, and just start whipping out posts, however, you might want to wait until almost everyone replies before responding again. If you want to start, then tell everyone that. Don't be afraid to write longer then you normally do. Don't cut your creativity, ever. Pretend like you're writing this for one of your stories! Be creative, make respondable posts, but most of all have fun! If you aren't, then there's really no point in RPing, now is there?

I am not trying to make anyone feel bad with this, I just really want to encourage all of you to write to the best of your ability, because you aren't the only one involved in the role play. Thanks for your time, and thanks for reading this.

Last edited by taylorphernelia on Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:59 am; edited 4 times in total
you've got the hang of it.

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Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?) Empty Re: Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?)

Post  Jenna Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:44 am

I forgot that you said you wanted to make this! I think it's absoulutly great!!! :D :D :D
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?) Empty Re: Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?)

Post  taylorphernelia Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:34 am

Lol, I'm glad you like it! c:
I almost forgot about it too, actually. I figured that if I didn't make it soon, I'd keep putting it off and never make it, so..
you've got the hang of it.

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Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?) Empty Re: Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?)

Post  NoahWon'tStoptheMusic Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:09 am

Thanks a lot!,

This was very informative, and it laid everything out in a way I could understand.
You would not believe how complex it is when my friend's explain it to me ^^
But thanks to this precious document, I have no questions.

Therefore I say, HOORAY.


Thanks again^^

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Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?) Empty Re: Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?)

Post  taylorphernelia Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:49 am

Oh wow, aha, thanks for reading it! I'm glad I could help someone with this, I figured that most people wouldn't even read it anyways. But you're very much welcome! c:
you've got the hang of it.

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Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?) Empty Re: Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?)

Post  NARUTO!! Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:15 am

thank you this was very helpful

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Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?) Empty Re: Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?)

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:41 am

Taylor is simply amazing.
The end.
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?) Empty Re: Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?)

Post  Abby Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:42 am

I need a 'like' button or a 'support' button or something....
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?) Empty Re: Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?)

Post  Andyyyy Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:28 am

This is lovely.
No offense, but I'm surprised you actually finished this Taylor. Usually you get impatient and say fuck it! xD
But anyways, yeah.
//applauds. :3
you've got the hang of it.

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Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?) Empty Re: Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?)

Post  Taylor Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:01 am

I gave this long post a much needed edit, so it'd be great if you guys re-read it!
I read the original this morning and I was just really embarrassed at some of what I said, so I immediately changed everything lol.
alright, now keep going.

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Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?) Empty Re: Role Playing Guide (remember when I said I'd make one?)

Post  Lord Alex Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:55 am

Thanks for the edit. I wanted to read it but just could not wade through. I will look it over and toss back some comments when I do.
Lord Alex
Lord Alex

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