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[APH] France and Prussia rp~

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty [APH] France and Prussia rp~

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:15 am

(( Role play between BonnefoyLover (France) and AwesomeMein (Fem!Prussia) ))

Coming back from seeing Elizabeta, the ex-nation is very depressed. Her usually pale face was flushed. Julchen must have cried quite a lot before she reached Francis' house...

She rang his door bell once she reached to his home after a lonely walk. Quickly rubs at her eyes a bit more in an attempt to make it less obvious.

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Join date : 2011-11-23
Location : (Present time) Berlin, Deutschland. (Before Treaty of Versailles) Kingdom of Prussia

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty Re: [APH] France and Prussia rp~

Post  BonnefoyLover Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:06 am

The blonde was sitting down with a glass of red wine in his hand when the doorbell rung. He got up on his feet wit a sigh, slowly makin his way too the door. Once he finally made it, he peeked through just to make sure it wasn't that pesky England. When he saw her, a smile spread over his face.

"Bonjour Julchen." he greeted, opening the door for his friend.

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty Re: [APH] France and Prussia rp~

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:24 am

Relived that he was home, because he knows way more about romance and would be able to comfort her more than any of her other allies.

The albino blinked up at him, a bit slow in replying, "Hallo..." Gilbird sat comfortably on the girls' shoulder. "May I come in for a bit? I don't feel so good..." she frowned.

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Location : (Present time) Berlin, Deutschland. (Before Treaty of Versailles) Kingdom of Prussia

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty Re: [APH] France and Prussia rp~

Post  BonnefoyLover Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:28 am

He noticed her sullen expression on her face, and he could tell she wasn't her usual self. "Of course." He said holding the door open wider for her to come in. As soon as she was inside, he was for sure going to ask her what was getting her down.

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Location : Paris, France

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty Re: [APH] France and Prussia rp~

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:43 am

As she heads inside, she stops a good distance away from the door and turns the face the male.

"......Well....-" Julchen started, then sighed before adverting her gaze to her feet.

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Location : (Present time) Berlin, Deutschland. (Before Treaty of Versailles) Kingdom of Prussia

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty Re: [APH] France and Prussia rp~

Post  BonnefoyLover Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:53 am

He shuts the door securely, making sure it's locked.

He looks her over thinking how pitiful she looks right now. "What happened? Or would you rather tell me over a glass of wine?"

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty Re: [APH] France and Prussia rp~

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:57 am

...The ex-nation nods, thinking the wine would cheer her up.

"Er...Ja...Wine, danke, Francis." She replied, shoving her hands into the pockets of her coat, " I guess it's not that much of a long story..."

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Location : (Present time) Berlin, Deutschland. (Before Treaty of Versailles) Kingdom of Prussia

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty Re: [APH] France and Prussia rp~

Post  BonnefoyLover Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:15 am

He nods, "Why don't you sit down and I'll go get that glass for you." He leads her to the leaving room and motions for her to sit.

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty (( *doesn't like being ranked a flying pig Bl* ))

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:19 am

Walks along with him and takes a seat. Manages a small, but sweet smile.

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Location : (Present time) Berlin, Deutschland. (Before Treaty of Versailles) Kingdom of Prussia

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty ((Doesn't like bein ranked a flying pig either!! B| ))

Post  BonnefoyLover Thu Nov 24, 2011 6:39 am

He walks off to get her a glass and the a bottle of red wine. When he comes back he pours her a glass, and refills his own. "Here you are." he says handing her the glass. He sits down next to her and adds, "Now tell me what happened."

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty (( :U Im so close to being Amazing Sauce ranked! ;3; ))

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 6:57 am

Julchen takes the glass, "W-Well..." she began, her cheeks flushing, "I-I went to see Elizabeta...I've loved her for a long time, e-ever since we were little....But today she rejected me when I got the guts t-to ask her out.." eyes start to get watery, thinking about this makes her regret even asking since Julchen is so heartbroken right now.

She stares into the wine, tears rolling down her cheeks- not even trying to hold them in anymore.

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Location : (Present time) Berlin, Deutschland. (Before Treaty of Versailles) Kingdom of Prussia

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty ((How do you know? :O ))

Post  BonnefoyLover Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:09 am

The blonde stared at her for a few seconds, letting it run through his mind. He had already known that his crimson eyed friend had always liked Hungary. He just didn't know how much until now. He reached out and took her chin into his hand and tilted up so he could look her in the eyes. Gently, he wiped the tears off her flushed face. "You know..." he began. "You're so much prettier when you smile Julchen." He was telling the truth of course. He didn't want to see her cry.

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty (( Your ranked by your number of posts. Some Hetalia ones are amazing sause! :O ))

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:25 am

She stares at him, cheeks redening a bit more.

"B-But..." Julchen didn't know what to say to that, but she couldn't get herself to smile for what her just said either..

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Location : (Present time) Berlin, Deutschland. (Before Treaty of Versailles) Kingdom of Prussia

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty ((Ooohh. Okay. ))

Post  BonnefoyLover Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:37 am

"Ah no. Shh." he interrupts. "I know how you feel about her. But love is never easy Julchen." He pauses for a bit, and really considers the one beside him. "Plus, she's not the only one in the world. You'll find someone else. I'm sure of that."

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty (( :> And D'awww, France asjhasbgd <33 ))

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:48 am

The albino blinks at the realization that her friend is in fact right. Even though it's hard to face the truth, she had to agree with that statement.

"..............D-Danke..." She whispers bringing her hand to her face to wipe away at her tears and sniffs. "Y-You sure....?"

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Location : (Present time) Berlin, Deutschland. (Before Treaty of Versailles) Kingdom of Prussia

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty ((Kat! I love you... But let's be bigger then them and stop talking about it all))

Post  BonnefoyLover Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:32 am

He smiles his charming smile, and kiss her forehead. "Of course I'm sure."

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty (( Yeah, I did one last attempt. I can't remember if I told you that I went to counsling cause of problems with my mom, but I think my post helped...If it didn't, im not going to even bother replying. ))

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:02 am

(( Like, one of the girls in the argument is nice and we've been talking before the argument even took place. So, I tried one last thing. u_u *siiiighs* ))

Her face turns a deeper shade of red when she's kissed on the forehead. Julchen looks up at him and grins, hugs him tightly.....Totally forgot she had the glass of wine by her and when she moves to hug the other, the glass spills. Squeaks and pulls back and looks down at her lap. Some wine at the edge of her shirt too, ouch that's a stain that's gonna be an ass to take out.

Last edited by AwesomeMein on Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:26 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : (( I put grey instead of red >.>;; )))

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Location : (Present time) Berlin, Deutschland. (Before Treaty of Versailles) Kingdom of Prussia

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty ((I'm glad it's all working out.))

Post  BonnefoyLover Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:02 am

He takes a step back, and looks her over. "Hmm, shame. We'll have to get you out of those clothes now."

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty (( Yup!......*just now realizes I'm ranked Amazing Sause* :O... ))

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:12 am

"H-Hm?" She blinked and glanced back at her clothes, blushing, "You have clothes that would fit me, ja...?"

The Prussian stands up, but then the spilled wine trickles down her leg.

"Uwah! This is so not awesome!"

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Location : (Present time) Berlin, Deutschland. (Before Treaty of Versailles) Kingdom of Prussia

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty Re: [APH] France and Prussia rp~

Post  BonnefoyLover Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:40 am

"Well," he says frowning a bit watching the reddish liquid snake down her leg. "You can wear some of my clothes. They'll just be a little big. You can take a quick shower first if you'd like, and if you insist I'll even help you clean up." He adds rather suggestively in almost a purr.

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty Re: [APH] France and Prussia rp~

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:45 am

At first when Julchen heard Francis say the last sentence, she thought he ment some of the wine that got on the floor....

She grins at him, "Aw~, you can't just do it for me?--....."

Thought processing.....
The girl's face turns a bright red, " W-Was?!"

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Location : (Present time) Berlin, Deutschland. (Before Treaty of Versailles) Kingdom of Prussia

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty Re: [APH] France and Prussia rp~

Post  BonnefoyLover Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:34 pm

He chuckles lightly at her red face. Casually he wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her close. "Well?"

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty Re: [APH] France and Prussia rp~

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:59 pm

"I-I....." Is getting shyer around him, she hates this because it's not like her 'awesome' self and she's not quiet sure why she's so shy around him.

".....N-No harm in that right?" She smiles at him, "J-Ja...!" //////

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Location : (Present time) Berlin, Deutschland. (Before Treaty of Versailles) Kingdom of Prussia

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty Re: [APH] France and Prussia rp~

Post  BonnefoyLover Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:06 pm

He smiles down at her, "Let's go then." he slides his hand from her waist up and then down her arm until his hand reaches hers. He takes her hand and pulls her along with him heading off to the bathroom.

"No harm at all," he adds more softly.

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[APH] France and Prussia rp~ Empty Re: [APH] France and Prussia rp~

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:33 pm

She follows the taller nation to the bathroom, squeezes his hand a little bit.

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Location : (Present time) Berlin, Deutschland. (Before Treaty of Versailles) Kingdom of Prussia

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