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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  bree_bree15 Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:26 am

HUMAN: Vampires have taken over this city. Killing everyday. No sunlight has been seen at all and no one wants to deal with them... We humans are unless in our positions. We are lost and trapped like rats. We don't know how to win...... who will help us?

VAMPIRES: us vampires have taken over a city. loving the blood we can get anytime and anywhere. we are lucky to have no sunlight at all and we all love it. some of us though, are traitors, nothing but traitors who rather not kill humans, but some of us... well, lets just say if we see you, we'll rip yours limps apart....

(1) one boy one girl
(2) can be vampire, human, bad vampire
(3) anime pics plz
(4) when writing have more than 2 sentences 2+
(5) unlimited characters 2+
(6) HAVE FUN!!!

age: 17
race: human
bio: Is a fighter on her own. doesn't like it at all though. Wishes that all the vampires would just go away. Has killed many though but its only one at a time. She's scared that one day she's going to be trapped and will never be able to be free. Has been looking for her older brother praying that he is safe and not dead.... learn more.
One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Anime_Girl_13594theAnimeGallerycom

age: 21
race: Human
bio: Kyle is the protecter in the group he is in. He within a big group of humans which can be really bad at times. Most of them don't even know what to do. Lots of them are women and children and there are very little men that can protect. He Hopes to find his sister that got separated from him. Fears everything and hopes that she is okay. learn more.
One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. AnimeDude

you've got the hang of it.

Posts : 362
Join date : 2010-09-13
Age : 29

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty Re: One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  bree_bree15 Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:16 am

you've got the hang of it.

Posts : 362
Join date : 2010-09-13
Age : 29

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty Re: One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  Experiment 627 Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:20 am

I'm game just let me get it together.
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 30
Location : Under my bed hiding from the mosters in my closet.

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty Re: One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  Experiment 627 Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:56 am

Age: 91
Bio: Was on the sides of the bad vampires until he met this kid who helped him. He then saw that the humans weren't bad but misguided. He hardly uses his vampire powers except for the speed and strength and he only drinks donated blood. He took on the kid as an apprentice and teaches her how to fight with a sword. He fights with his two rapiers. The rapiers appear when he needs them to and disappears when he needs them to also. They are as long as he is tall and the blades have a width of two thumbs put together. He travels the world and helps the humans even killing his own kind. He also has a very laid back attitude and takes everything like a joke. He is also easily bored and is often found napping.

One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Shiki

Bio: Drake found her when she was a little girl and was being attacked by a vampire. Drake intervened seeing that she was just a kid and he had a policy not to kill kids at the time. When she was 10 drake taught her how to kill vampires and she then became as fast and strong as them through training and a little help from Drake. She travels with him and helps him protect human kind. She also fights with two rapiers but carries them on her back making an X.

One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. %5Blarge%5D%5BAnimePaper%5Dwallpapers_Fate-Stay-Night_KaisersGirl(1_33)__THISRES__97310
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 30
Location : Under my bed hiding from the mosters in my closet.

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty Re: One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  bree_bree15 Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:34 am

Sweet! Wanna start or should I?
you've got the hang of it.

Posts : 362
Join date : 2010-09-13
Age : 29

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty Re: One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  Experiment 627 Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:46 am

It is your idea so you should start.
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 30
Location : Under my bed hiding from the mosters in my closet.

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty Re: One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  bree_bree15 Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:49 am

Kk will do.

Andrea walked the streets. Her gun in her belt as she listened and watched carefully for any sign of a vampire. Her heart was pounding and her stomach twisted. She wanted to see her brother again and feared that he was gone...

Kyle was staring out the window and then glanced over towards one of the woman that was crying about a lost one that was taken away from a vampire. He sighed not knowing what he could do for her. He looked out the window again hoping that his sister was okay.
you've got the hang of it.

Posts : 362
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Age : 29

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty Re: One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  Experiment 627 Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:59 am

Drake walked the streets of of some random city. He was searching for Yukimi who had ran off to chase some kid who stole her money. Drake knew she knew that was dangerous and he knew she knew she was going to run into a vampire. She always did. Ever since she was little if there was any within a 10 mile area of her; they would find her and hunt her down for her blood. For some unknown reason they loved the smell of her blood and wanted it for themselves.

D:"Damn brat."

After a while he caught her scent and cursed. He then raced to her area and made sure she wasn't ambushed as she fought one already. He quickly dispatched him and watched her ready to intervene if necessary.

Yukimi cursed the kid who took her money and finally got it back. Only to find it was a vampire. He shifted to her height and attacked. She pulled her blades quickly and fought on even ground with him. He would try to bite her and she would dodge and slash him with her blade that was made of pure silver nitrate. It continued this pattern for a few minutes and she was getting tired.

Y:"Looks like Drake was right. Damn should have listened."
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2010-12-18
Age : 30
Location : Under my bed hiding from the mosters in my closet.

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty Re: One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  bree_bree15 Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:04 am

Andrea felt the air become cold and she glanced around as she was feeling eyes on her back. She quickly turned around to find no one behind her. She kept on walking and her someone fighting in the distances. Probably a vampire and another human that was getting ready to die. Andrea didn't want to be alone so she slowly made her way to the sound and saw a girl fighting with a vampire. Andrea noticed how tired the girl looked and suddenly Andrea pulled out her gun and shot the vampire.

Kyle sat in the building noticing a few vampires walking around town, there eyes were moving around and Kyle told everyone too shhh... He then peeked out the window noticing that one of them was looking over towards him. The blood from his face drained and the vampire smiled, its teeth showing even in the shadow of the night. "Shoot." Kyle whispered grabbing his sword and waiting for them to attack.
you've got the hang of it.

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Age : 29

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty Re: One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  Experiment 627 Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:19 am

Yukimi moved out of the way of the bullet and watch the vampire take the hit but didn't die because it missed any vitals and hit his shoulder. The vampire was beyond pissed and went to attack Yukimi who was tired as it was from traveling for a week straight with no sleep. She quickly dodged out of the way a nail barely grazing her skin. Se went on the defensive and got ready for the blow from the vamp.

Drake sighed and simply appeared behind the vampire and stabbed him through the heart with his bare hand. He made sure to move the vamp away before any blood splattered on Yukimi. Once he was sure the vamp was dead he threw the body down on the ground and incinerated it with a glance. He then turned to Yukimi his eyes glowing red and crossed his arms across his chest while tapping his foot.

D:"Thank you stranger but I would not let her get hurt and would have killed him before he could."

Drake told the girl but was still glaring at Yukimi. His worry for her made his voice harsher than what he intended.
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 30
Location : Under my bed hiding from the mosters in my closet.

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty Re: One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  bree_bree15 Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:37 am

Andrea took a step back away from the two and started walking away from them. She wanted to stay with them but suddenly felt guilty for some reason and started to walk away from them. She suddenly was pinned down by a vampire. His saliva dripping onto her face and he smirked. "Yummy." Andrea panicked a bit sense her arms were pinned and her gun had fallen away from her hand. She glared up at the vampire and started to think quickly.

Kyle saw the vampire slowly start walking over towards the house and he grabbed his sword carefully. He noticed one of his pals grabbing his gun and getting ready to shoot one of them at any moment. "Just wait." Kyle said quietly and the vampire hissed as it was suddenly by the window and looked into to see so many people it smiled and thats when Kyle cut its head off. The second vampire had broke the door open and thats when Kyle's friend shot it in the head.
you've got the hang of it.

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Age : 29

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty Re: One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  Experiment 627 Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:00 pm

Drake looked up when he heard a hiss and moved only as a vampire could and jerked the vampire from the girl and threw him into a nearby building knocking the wall down on top of him. The vampire crawled out of the pile of rubble and attack Yukimi. Drake was behind the vamp with his hand on his throat and the vamp's feet were dangling off the ground. He then leaned the vamp closer and crushed his throat. However he could still whisper.

V:"Your one of us and yet you are with a human. You are nothing but a traitor."

Drake just shrugged it off and tore his free hand through the other vampires chest and ripped his heart out. He then disposed of the body the same way he had the other one. Once done he turned to the girl and made sure she was okay.

Yukimi breathed a sigh of relief at getting out of a lecture and went over to the girl.

Y:"It is too dangerous for someone to travel alone. Would you like to travel with us?"
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty Re: One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  bree_bree15 Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:34 am

Andrea stared at the girl and nodded, "That would probably be better." She stood up and brushed herself off and then looked towards the sky and then turned looked over towards the two, "Whats your guys names?"

Kyle stared at the bodies and the broken down door and he cursed under his breath. "We need to move and get away from here. The vampires will soon smell the scent and come after us." He then hurried the people to another building very carefully watching for vampires. He hoped that soon he would see his sister.
you've got the hang of it.

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty Re: One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  Experiment 627 Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:30 am

Drake smelled fresh blood and cursed.

D:"I'm Drake and the little kid is Yukimi. And you are?"

Yukimi smelled fresh blood and grimaced.
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Location : Under my bed hiding from the mosters in my closet.

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty Re: One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  bree_bree15 Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:24 am

"I'm Andrea." She said quietly then looked around realizing how quiet it was, "And I'm looking for my brother. I don't really want to bring you guys down but... thats been my motive sense we were separated."
you've got the hang of it.

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Age : 29

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One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here. Empty Re: One on one Anyone? Idea already posted in here.

Post  Experiment 627 Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:43 am

Drake turned to Yukimi.

D:"Take care of the girl. I'm going after them filthy honor-less vamps that are chasing that group of stupid humans. Make sure to stay out of the way and keep the girl safe. She obviously doesn't know how to fight them to the extreme."

Yukimi nodded.

Drake smiled and waved. He then vanished from sight using his vampire powers. Once he found the vampires he quickly took care of them and started to head back when more came. Cursing his luck he saw half of the vampire horde go for the humans.

D:"Damn them."

He then tried to hurry and dispatch his bunch in time to help the humans. He also noticed one was carrying a sword and he hoped to god he knew how to use it.

Yukimi did as she was told and kept the girl away from the fighting that was going on. She also saw half the horde get by Drake and attack the humans. She was about to go and help them when another vamp showed up in front of her. She quickly loped off it's head and poured holy water on it watching it melt.

Y:"Nice. hm I wonder why none of this crap works on Drake."
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 1847
Join date : 2010-12-18
Age : 30
Location : Under my bed hiding from the mosters in my closet.

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