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I posted this on fb, & want to know what y'all think~

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I posted this on fb, & want to know what y'all think~ Empty I posted this on fb, & want to know what y'all think~

Post  Taylor Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:57 am

Yes, I did just say y'all. Anyways, my friends & I were talking about crap & love & weird shit, so we made long notes about it, & I wanted to post mine here. If you aren't interested in my opinions, just don't read it.

I don't know how to start this really, so this will probably be really unorganized & messy, most likely confusing at times, too. Anyways, here's my view on love, since I got bored & Sara inspired me to make this~ & I didn't mean to offend anyone blahblahblah, you probably won't read this anyways because it's really depressing, long & boring, but if you do read... then enjoy, I guess.
First, love is not blind. I think it's the complete opposite. You like how the person looks, so you get to know them & realize you like them. But if you don't like how they look, you wouldn't even consider liking them. You most likely won't want to date them. It's not just girls, it isn't just guys. We all do. It annoys me to an extreme when someone says how they aren't shallow, or blame other people for being shallow. We all are, don't be a hypocrite, and don't lie. You can say looks don't matter all you want, but you found the person attractive before you started dating them. I do believe, though, that people are shallow to certain degrees. Sometimes you meet someone attractive, but their personality is bad and you change your mind. Some people disregard personality completely, and I think that's where most relationships like that go wrong, because you both hate how the other acts.
I also think the reason some people believe they aren't shallow is because they're attracted to a different type of person than someone else is. Just because you like guys that are not the typical guy that every girl falls for doesn't mean you didn't start to look him for something other than his looks. We all look for different things in looks (and sometimes personality), so it isn't fair to say someone else is shallow for liking someone else.
I also think it isn't fair to get mad at someone for not liking you (or not liking your friend, or whatever,) it's not their fault they aren't atttracted to the person. I mean I seriously don't understand how they think that it's alright to do that. Would you rather them be miserable stuck in a relationship with you? Then ending up dumping you a little bit later, anyways?
It's not fair to blame the entire opposite (or same) sex for all your problems, or saying they're all the same. Not all guys/girls are assholes, YOU just happen to date/like the ones that are. That's your own problem. If you haven't met every single person in the world, you have no right to say that (and I know no one has lol). I'm also wouldn't doubt that there's someone out there that you made feel horrible, and they're blaming your entire gender for their problems. It's just stupid. Shut up.
Sometimes I feel like love doesn't even exist, but most of the time I'm like "no, I'm just in one of those moods again". Maybe it does exist, maybe it doesn't, I don't know. Sometimes I feel like people just try so hard to find it that they convince themselves that what they have is love, when it really isn't.
And here's where I get really depressing, but, sometimes I think love does exist, just not for everyone. That some people were made to never find it. To spend their life miserable & alone, just because. Hey, maybe they'll like people, maybe people will like them, & maybe they'll date people but they'll never actually find anything.
Unlike Sara, I think love should just be between two people. I don't see myself ever liking two people at once. I don't think I would be able. I can't to that, I don't know. I feel like if you really loved the first person, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one. I think sex should just be for whoever you're dating, and I mean seriously dating. Not your boyfriend of three days who you're 'totez in love with omg~~@ ~!$#~!@~!!!!'.
I don't really think that love lasts forever, honestly. I know everyone's like BUT OLD PEOPLE!!!!!!!, but I don't know I just don't think it does. I mean, God I'm so negative, but sometimes I think that they just stay together because they're so old they know they won't find anyone else .-.
I think love's sometimes just an excuse to get hurt & to hurt. (And I totally did not steal that from a Bright Eyes song *cough* loveridon'thavetolove *cough*).
I don't believe in things like soulmates or fate or destiny. I feel like Summer for 500 Days Of Summer a lot, basically. Except she's way prettier, guys actually really like her, and she's a total bitch in that movies (oh wait...).
But I guess what I'm saying is, I haven't felt anything like love yet, so until I do I'm really pessimisstic about it. & Maybe I'll be a Tom when I'm older, and completely crumble every time I'm dumped, because I think it was love, and eventually realize I was wrong about love existing, or maybe I'll be a Summer, and maybe I won't find it until a really long time, but when I do I'll be happy, and I'll realize Tom was right.I think I like that movie a little too much.
alright, now keep going.

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I posted this on fb, & want to know what y'all think~ Empty Re: I posted this on fb, & want to know what y'all think~

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:51 am

AMEN!! i fully agree :3
WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I posted this on fb, & want to know what y'all think~ Empty Re: I posted this on fb, & want to know what y'all think~

Post  Taylor Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:06 pm

Well, I'm glad someone does! Most of my friends were like yes to some, wtf to everything else haha.
alright, now keep going.

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I posted this on fb, & want to know what y'all think~ Empty Re: I posted this on fb, & want to know what y'all think~

Post  Morgan Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:32 am

I agree with some of the things (Well most of them) me and friends agree that.....

-Someone can be cute but their personality takes away from their cuteness
-Someone can be not so cute but they are nice, funny, sensitive, ect. and that gives them more cuteness.

We have ways of judging guys and their cuteness.
We also have these for other people but we only do it for people that we personally know. Like this girl she is really pretty but her personality makes her ugly.
If you understand what I'm saying.

I don't know if love is 'real' or anything or if I'm really in 'love' right now but me and my boyfriend have been together for 6 months as of today. I really like him
I also think age doesn't matter in a love or a relationship. My boyfriend is younger than me. Distance does matter either. He lives 20-30 miles away from me (Depending on if Im at my moms or dads) and goes to a different school than me. I view love different ways and Im still trying to figure it out like every other human being out there on this earth.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I posted this on fb, & want to know what y'all think~ Empty Re: I posted this on fb, & want to know what y'all think~

Post  Jenna Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:39 pm

It's taken me twelve hours to answer this because I was thinking about what I would write.
So I guess I'll just take a plunge and if it doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. Here we go:

The other day we had to do a bell ringer that was like,"What matters more? Looks or personality?" And so, me being me, I answered it like this: "No matter how many people say looks don't matter, they matter at least a little bit. Looks are what draws you in. Personality is more important, because who wants to hang out with someone who has a bad personality? The prettiest person can have the worst personality so why would you bother with them?" 
That being said, looks do matter. It's just that some people must assume that looks don't matter to you because of some of the people you date or whatever. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... 
I personally think that love does exist, but I'm a hopeless romantic. I haven't been in love before, I've loved, but never been in love. The closet I was to being in love with was this guy I dated up until the day I moved. (and a bit afterwards.) I have no doubt in my mind that if I hadn't moved that we would be together right this second and I'd be in love with him. But I moved. And the distance killed us. But we kept hope for a long distance relationship, y'know? Because we wanted it to work. Loving someone is wanting it to work, even if you know it won't. Loving someone is that feeling that you get in your stomach when you know you're losing them, but you don't wanna admit it. Loving someone are all those fights yet never once did you break up or even consider breaking up for a second. Loving someone is so much more than texting them,"ILY!!!!!!<333333 Lolololol!" it's actually saying the words right as your lips are about to touch. 
I guess what I'm trying to say is, while someone may think they're ugly, they may be beautiful to you. Its all about what you think. If you don't like how they look, then you most likely aren't gonna talk to them but pass up the greatest person ever. Y'know? 

I HOPE THAT MADE SENSE. It's four in the morning. 

And on another note, MY THROAT BURNS LIKE DAMMIT.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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I posted this on fb, & want to know what y'all think~ Empty Re: I posted this on fb, & want to know what y'all think~

Post  Taylor Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:26 am

I personally would never date anyone younger than me, but I don't find anything wrong with someone who dates younger. I wouldn't date much more than two years older than me, either. I'm just picky, though. I do think age matters, just to an extent, though. I mean a few years difference isn't that bad, but I think anything more than like... I don't know, eight? Seven? It's just weird.
I think long distance relationships can kill relationships. Sometimes the people in them are strong, and have trust, but if they let anything happen to the trust, it'll die quickly. I don't know if I'd ever want to be in one of those, either, because I've never been in a relationship, & I feel like if my first one is a long distance one... It's just... I don't know. I've always wanted a relationship where I could just go over to their house whenever I was feeling down or they could just come to mine, I think I'd need a physical aspect of it. I'd need to hug them & stuff.

But I agree with you Jenna, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I do think that if someone who you don't know that well, personality-wise, admits to liking you, you should attempt to get to know them better before turning them down, or whatever. I just think it isn't fair.
Sometimes I think that there are soulmates, just when we meet them we don't know who they are. It isn't a love at first sight kind of deal. It just happens over time, the thought grows on you. & maybe we've all already met ours, & most of us have passed them up.

Like I said, I'm a horrible pessimist, but I'm trying to work on it if that counts for anything haha. Also, I had to deal with my obsessively clingy-to-her-boyfriend friend for the last.... 17 hours? Something like that, but either way I wanted to slap her, slap him, and tell her how obnoxious she is but... I somehow refrained from it. I apparently have a lot of willpower.
alright, now keep going.

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