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The letter he'll never receive...

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The letter he'll never receive... Empty The letter he'll never receive...

Post  Jenna Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:43 pm

Okay, if you read my last thread, you know about the guy who broke my heart. I wrote him a letter that I'll probably never give him. Here it is:


These are the words I'll never say to you. You'll probably never get this letter but oh well. Let's begin shall we:

In the beginning I knew it was a bad idea. I knew it was stupid to be talking to be talking to someone four years older than me. I knew one day I would regret it...I just didnt think that day would come so soon. I didn't even think about the hurt I would feel afterwards. One day, I'll move on. One day, I'll forgive you. Wars have been fought, tears have been shed. Days have been wasted sleeping and nights have been used for speaking. It's hard to say most of what's on my mind when most of it's ill thought out phrases. That's why we fought. I remember you saying,"Show her my picture. It'll prove you can get a sixteen year old." Funny, I was supposed to get you...Not her. Guess she fell just like I did. Too bad she got what she wanted. Like always. It's stupid, but I'd probably take you back in a heartbeat. Why? Because even after it all, I wasn't fucking around. I meant every word I said.
Long after the conversations were deleted, I'll still remember everything we talked about. everything.

I'll always love you, I'll always remember you, and deep down inside, I'll always regret you.

In reality, I know we weren't meant to be, but I wanted us to be together. Oh fucking well I guess.


I took pictures to prove I wrote it on paper. You probably wont be able to read it though.

The letter he'll never receive... 59a9229d
The letter he'll never receive... 8df5a0e6

Guys, I feel so much fucking better now. Seriously.
It looks longer than it is. Oh well.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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The letter he'll never receive... Empty Re: The letter he'll never receive...

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:36 pm

He's an ass Jenna :/ but I'm glad that made you feel better.And you're right oone day you will move on and find the right guy and it may take a while but it will happen.And we all make stupid mistakes,fall for the guys who lead us on,the ones who play mind games,the ones who fuck around with other girls,the ones who are wrong for us.But it happens.And Jenna...I think you should give it to him.Maybe not now,maybe not for awhile,but in the future you should give it to him.But that's just my opinion.I love you Jenna <3
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The letter he'll never receive... Empty Re: The letter he'll never receive...

Post  Jenna Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:30 am

I might just take it and send it as a message on Facebook. Why? Because I probably won't see him...Like seriously. We live in different states and anytime soon I could see him, would be in July and that's too soon to have to look him in the eyes and know he did that to me. :/
I love you too, Vicky.
Gosh, I'm just getting sick of all these guys who are either gonna lead me on, use me, or cheat on me. Seriously, during this, I had to talk to one of my ex's because he knows how to calm me down and shit but I still haven't forgiven him yet and it's been a year and a half. So it just fucking sucks.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Age : 25

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The letter he'll never receive... Empty Re: The letter he'll never receive...

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:44 pm

That's a good idea and yeah that is too soon.:/.At least it's not a situation where you have to see him every fucking day...

I love you more Jenna :]

:/ Most guys are bastards.You just have to be careful.You don't have to forgive someone to talk to them and for them to help you.I talked to one of my exes awhile ago when I was having a really...not good time and I hated him.I still do.But he was the reason I didn't hurt myself even more.
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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The letter he'll never receive... Empty Re: The letter he'll never receive...

Post  Jenna Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:07 am

Today, I talked to Cody and he was like,"Who is this?" What the fuck? He's the one who wanted to keep talking yet he deleted my number? Asshole.
Well see, with this ex, he was like my best friend before so that's how he knew how to calm me down.
Seriously, I had six people telling me not to harm myself.

GUYS MAKE ME WANNA GO LESBIAN!!! Seriously, Snooki has only ever said one good thing. "Guys don't know how to treat girls, I believe thats why the lesbian rates are going up." Hah.
I'm great and you're jealous.

Posts : 1488
Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 25

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