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Longing For The City

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Longing For The City Empty Longing For The City

Post  Morgan Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:07 am

Chapter One

Everything here is quite. Some people might ask to live somewhere quite and peaceful, but me, I long for the city. I want noise! I want excitement! I want to be out of here. I live in no-mans-land. Tucked back behind trees, down twisty back roads, past the pavement and gravel and onto the dirtroad. I was called the country Dorathy except I don't follow the yellow brick road, I follow the brown dirt road.

Living back here isn't what most people think. I hate it. I don't think I was born for this country stuff I want to be in the city where I'm accepted. I want the best of the best, the biggest house on my street, a picture perfect family, being about to go shopping whenever I wanted. The city was where I needed to be.

I'm sixteen and still living on my family farm, saving up my allowance to move away and to the city. I was no where close to the amount I needed. I would get to the city, some way I would, I knew I would.

I sat there on my porch watching my older brother try to catch one of our pigs, well his pig, Honkers, who was running loose. "Get em' Justin!" I yelled not wanting to help him. If Justin didn't catch Honkers I would have to help.

"Ah shut up Maggie!" Justin yelled back. He was tall, had black hair, and built. I had curly, well wavy, long black hair with blonde highlights, green eyes, and skinny with some muscel from working here on the farm.

I had my notebook and was writting in it trying to aviod my parents. They hated how I wanted to live my life, what I wanted to do. I wasn't single, but in my parents eyes I was. I wasn't dating a guy, I was dating a girl. This is why I long for the city, to escape and run away with her. I wrote her name over and over on the empty sheet of paper. Her name was Rosie Marissa. She hated the name Rosie and everyone knows her by Rose.

Her hair was long and straight and blonde. She was about the same height as me, adverage, and skinny. She lived a mile away but we met at school. She was everything, sweet, sensitive, cute, smart, and curious. She had dated Justin but we spent the day together. She told me about her fantasies about being with a girl. That night her fantiasies came true. The next day she dumped Justin, to be with me.

"Hey Maggie! Come help me feed the animals!" Justin called walked towards the horse stables. I jumped up and ran to the stables. They where my favorite thing about being here.

I went over to my horse, a tall lean paint, and stroked her nose. "Hey there SugarCube. Ready for a ride?" I asked grabbing her sattle. I sattled her up and climbed on. I was off to see the girl of my dreams.


Continue? Thoughts?

I have been working on this for a while and was debating on putting it on here because its about a gay/bisexual girl but then I saw a story Jenna posted and decided to post mine. NO I DID NOT GET THE IDEA FROM HER.

Last edited by NeavehBaby on Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Longing For The City Empty Re: Longing For The City

Post  Jenna Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:11 pm

I like it. Continue, please.
And even if I hadn't posted my story, I would hope you'd have posted this. I never want anyone to be scared to post anything. I don't judge anyone here, hell I think of this as my family. Be yourself and post whatever you want.
But I'm not going to lie, that white text hurt my eyes a little. It might be because I'm in a dark room and it was so bright. I dunno.
But anyways, please continue.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Age : 25

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Longing For The City Empty Re: Longing For The City

Post  Morgan Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:54 pm

I think of most people here as family aslo. I feel accepted here, which Ive never been accepted. I was disowned by most of my family. Also, I didnt know if anyone here would be offended because of what its about. But then when I read yours (Which is so much better than mine!) and saw that not only myself but Vicky was reading it and wanted more gave me hope.

Ill continue soon. Just woke up so Im still half asleep.

And I did white font because of the black background. Ill do something else if you'd like. I love changing the color. So the colors might change between chapters (:
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Longing For The City Empty Re: Longing For The City

Post  Morgan Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:20 pm

Chapter Two

I rode up and there she was, standing against a tree, waiting. She smiled seeing me. I rode over and got SugarCube to stop. I jumped off of her and hugged Rose tightly. "I missed you." I whispered.

I felt her smile and giggle a bit. "I missed you too." She said pulling back and kissing my lips softly. I took her hand and took her over to SugarCube. I got on and pulled her up after myself. She got on behind me.

"Hold on tight." I said getting SugarCube to trott. Her arms wrapped around me and rested her chin on my shoulder. Me and Rose were not allowed to go out on 'dates' so I'd take SugarCube for a ride and she would tell her parents, who accepted her desisions, that she was going for a walk. We'd ride down to the river and stay there for some time, doing things we shouldn't every now and then, and then we would ride to her house and I'd stay for a little while. "So, sweetheart, what would you like to do when we get to the river?" I asked turning my head a bit.

"Anything as long as I'm with you." She said, kissing my neck.


After going to the rivier and talking about anything and everything we headed back to her house. We got off of SugarCube and I tied her to the fence post over in the shade. We walked inside and I smiled as Rose's little brother, Greg, ran over to me. He was only five and loved being held.

"Hey Greg." I said with a smile. I lifted him up and held him. He hugged me and smiled.

"Hi Maggie!" He giggled. I walked with Rose into the kitchen where her parents where. They where talking about, whatever parents talk about.

"Mom, Dad, me and Maggie are going to go up to my room." Rose said heading up the steps. I followed after putting down Greg. When we made it to the room she shut and locked the door. I knew where this was going. She gently pushed me down onto the bed and kissed me. In our realationship I was more of the 'guy'. I always did what the guy would do in a realtionship but in bed, I got to relax and she took over the role. She was kinky too. We rolled around in the sheets for a bit before I had to go.

"Bye Sweety." I said pulling on my shirt. "I'll see you tomorrow." I added walking over to the bed and tucking her in. I knew she was tired. I kissed her softly. "Get some sleep." I added.

Rose smiled and watched me leave. "Love you!" She called.

I stopped and turned looking at her. "Love you too."
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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Longing For The City Empty Re: Longing For The City

Post  Jenna Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:23 am

Firstly, mine is NOT better. I'm a terrible writer and it probably pisses people off how I don't use paragraphs. I write for an outlet. It's just mended together with ill-thought out phrases. I don't proof-read or anything.
And I love your story. (:
It's wonderful.
And this colour is so much better. It doesn't hurt my eyes.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Age : 25

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Longing For The City Empty Re: Longing For The City

Post  Morgan Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:24 am

Well thats where you are wrong Ms. Jenna. Your writting is awesome and I could care less if its not in paragraphs. Your story(Stories) are amazing! Mine are horrible. I listen to music while typing them so I have to re-read it because Ill sometimes type random lyrics to the song in there somewhere and not catch it. Im gonna try to type up the next chapter soon.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Longing For The City Empty Re: Longing For The City

Post  Jenna Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:50 am

Shut up and write me more of this story.
Please and thank you. :D
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 25

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Longing For The City Empty Re: Longing For The City

Post  Morgan Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:59 am

ok fine. Gonna type it up now.
Oh I just realized Ive poste the most on this site (:
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Longing For The City Empty Re: Longing For The City

Post  Morgan Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:35 am

Chapter Three

I sat in my room looking at pictures of Rose. She was amazing and perfect. Every picture of her was amazing. She has always wanted to be a model, but she doesn't want to be with all the publicity if she made it big. I heard a knock at my door.

"Maggie!" I heard my mom's voice and quickly put away the pictures of Rose.

"Come in!" I called sitting down on my bed, pulling the pillow pet that Rose had gotten me for my birthday the other month. I watched as my mom walked in the room and sat down on the bed beside me.

"Honey," She whispered. "You know me and your father love you, a lot. We will always love you." She added looking at me with her deep green eyes. I looked at her scared of what was coming next.

Were we going to move? If so where? Would I still be able to see Rose? What if they were sending me away? What if something is happening between mom and dad? Are they getting a divorce?

My mind raced with questions that I couldn't answer for myself. What is we were moving? What if it was to the city, the place I've wanted to be for years? Could I just leave with my family to the place of my dreams or try to stay behind for the sake of love? What was I going to do? I was so confused. But yet I could be over thinking this all. It might not be anything. Was it something about school? No it couldnt be. I have all A's.

Mom looked at me and sighed. "You can't date Rose." She said dead serious.

Was she kidding? No. Not my Rose, my sweetheart.

"If you stay with her, you cant live here. We don't respect that. Its not right Magg."

No, no no no. What was I going to do. I looked her dead in the eyes. My mind wasn't thinking. My heart spoke for me.

"I'll live with Rose. Her parents respect us more than you and dad ever could. I'll pack as much as I can tonight and be out by nine. I'm taking SugarCube. I'll be back in the morning for the rest of my things."

My feet pulled me to the floor and I started packing. Mom was still there. I looked at her and pointed at my door. "Get out while I pack. This is still my room till nine. Get out!"
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Longing For The City Empty Re: Longing For The City

Post  Morgan Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:40 am

Chapter Four

I grabbed my bags and headed outside, the night air warm, the moon bright. I walked to the stables and saddled up SugarCube. I placed my bags on the hooks on the sides of the saddle. "Come on Sugar Cube." I said smiling. "We are going to Rose's house. Thats where we will stay."

I rode SugarCube all the way there and placed her in Rose's stabels knowing she wouldnt mind. I walked to the door and knocked. Rose opened and hugged me tight.

"Are you okay?" She asked.
"I'm fine Rose. Just ticked at my mom. Are you sure your parents don't mind me staying here?" I asked making sure.

Rose pulled me inside and shut the door behind us. She took my bags and pulled me up to her room. "They dont mind one bit. You take my room and Ill sleep in the guest room." She told me.

"No no no Rose darling. You keep your room. Your parents said they dont mind us sharing a room. They know you cant get pregnant." I joked kissing her. "We can share a bed can't we?"

Rose nodded. "I guess you're right." She started unpacking my things for me and I helped her. "I cant believe that your parents dont accept that you like girls."

"Its how they are. Its stupid, Im happy, shouldnt they be happy?" I asked shaking my head. "Oh well at least I have you and your family."

We finished unpacking and got in our pajammas and laid down in the bed. I held her close to me. "Sweet dreams babygirl."


Sorry that its not that long, Ive been trying to come up with things for this. This isnt the best chapter and Im thinking about stopping this story because I dont know if anyone is reading it....So um yeah...
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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