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The City Of Ember.

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The City Of Ember. Empty The City Of Ember.

Post  lololindsay Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:11 am

Theme song- Light up the sky

The City Of Ember. LOLWHAT-1
The City Of Ember, the sky is always dark, it's underground of course It's going to be dark. The only light comes from the great flood lamps mounted on the builds and at the tops of poles in the middle of the larger squares. When the lights are on they cast a orange-ish glow over the streets; people walking by throw a long shadow that shortened and then stretched out again. When the lights are off from nine at night through six in the morning, The city is so dark that people might as well been wearing blindfolds. The City Of Ember is old, very old perhaps even 200 years old.. So we think. The power-lines, are indeed need of repair. The lights flicker on and off once in a while and you can hear sounds of the machines that pump all the power to support the lights. When the lights flicker, it's horrible you suddenly here screams of little children and mothers trying to calm their weeping children. Everyone is still, scared to move because the things above ground as come to torment the peaceful humans who live underground in The City Of Ember. The air is polluted up their, the creatures can only inhale it because they have a different body function then us mere humans. Everyone goes to school until the age of 12. After you turn twelve you are immediately taken out of school and is assigned a job to do. It might be working in the leaky muddy tunnels, or maybe even working as a mail runner, or maybe a book keepers assistant, or maybe you will work with the generator. The mail runners usually were a white arm bandanna on their upper right arm. So you can tell you they were in case you need your mail! The generator is the very thing that keeps the lights of Ember on, if it is of anyway tampered with by the hands of bare skin it will fail and the lights will go out forever, which will be terrible. The people of Ember are already tormented by the flickers and creatures that sneak in when those agonizing moments happen. We call the odd creatures, whatever they might be The People Of Spad.
Their are people from Ember who are put together to keep the peace up their, their called The Peace Keepers, they wear thin masks that over their mouth just in case the air infects them. They go up at least once a day and maintain the creatures up their, they have befriended a few but most hate them.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Creature Types
Job Types
Peace Keepers
Mail Runner
Leaky Pipe Tunnel Worker
Mechanic to Generator or such..
Book Keeper
Assistant to
- Harvester

Even genders && character types!!
Must have one human one creature.
Doesn't matter what kind of creature.
Support if you READ THE PLOT! Be
kind to all, include everyone. I AM GOD
SO BOW DOWN TO ME! My rp my rules.
So follow them and you'll have fun, 'kay?!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My Profiles.

Cross, 16. Human
Job: Mail runner.
Place: The City Of Ember[underground]
If I die young bury me in satin, lay me down in a bed of roses. Give away a
penny for every accomplishment I had, I know I had many in my past. I
will always love you forever, I expect you'll do the same. If I die young
bury me in satin, lay me down in a bed of roses. Send me away with the
words of a love song. Ive never known the lovin' of a man, but it sure felt
nice when he was holding my hand. Send me away with the words of a
love song.
The City Of Ember. 146841

, 18. Vampire
Place: People Of Spad[above ground]
Hes a creep, a insane man to come and grab you from the light & into the
shadows. He wants to see your blood spill.. Hes done many, many terrible things
to women. Don't trust a creep like him. Hes a creep to come and grab you, steal
you away and never let you go. Hes always on some thing bad so DON'T trust
anything he says. Because normally he doesn't even know what hes saying.
If he doesn't get the girl the first time, he has a plan B..C..D.. But you know
the alphabet, right?
The City Of Ember. HOTGUYhehe
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  Pierced Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:22 am

Can't support...
I love the idea(:

Rogen; Seventeen; Human.
Place; The City Of Ember(Undrground) Job; Book keeper.
As we walk among these shadows, in these streets, this fields of battle
Take it up, we wear the medal, raise your hands with burning candles
Hear us whisper in the dark, in the rain you see the spark
Feel the beating of our hearts, fleeting hope as we depart
The City Of Ember. 326140

Stain, 19 plus, Demon
Place; People Of Spad (Above ground)
He'll rip you apart, and watch you bleed.
Your blood is what he craves.
Claws so sharp they cut through steel.
Your heart in his hand,and your blood on his lips.
Say good night.
The City Of Ember. Snake

Last edited by TabbyTerror on Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:59 am; edited 2 times in total
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  lololindsay Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:30 am

Awesome thanks!
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  Pierced Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:59 am

All done(:
you've got the hang of it.

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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  lololindsay Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:13 am

Cool. Wanna start now? I have all day(:
Setting:: Arriving to your job, or house or anywhere you might
be! The lights suddenly flicker[second post] and you your on a stand
still awaiting your doom. You meet a demon who is sneaking up on you.

Yuki walked toward the abandoned square with four benches that surrounded the orange-ish glowing light that
spread at least 30 feet out. She laid back first on the bench and opened her book, she placed it over her face
to shield herself from the blaring light that beamed across her face."Damn light, why don't they fix that generator."
She groaned as her eyes were blacking out.

Trighten just knew a flicker was emerging soon, he climbed silent down the old rusty elevator shaft that led into
The City Of Ember. Trighten jumped down to the ground, he looked back waiting for Stain to appear behind him.
"Ohhhhh- boy I can't wait too have a taste!" He said rubbing his hands together as he moaned quietly.
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  Pierced Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:27 am

Ooc: Sounds great. Me too(:

Rogen walked with her head down, so when she past the orange- ish light wouldn't blind her.
She titled her head up some to look above, but all she saw was darkness. She shivered. She came to a building, and stopped when she saw the old hag she worked with, "Oh brother" She muttered as she continued walking. Her shift didn't start for at least a half hour, so she took her time. " They need to fix that generator..." She mumbled then rubbed a finger across her lip.

Stain jumped down to the ground next to Trighten, And smirked.
" I know. It makes my mouth water just thinking about it" He said then looked around. " I think I like it better down here then up there" He said then looked at Trighten, " Now what?" He asked.
They hadn't really plan out details; they just said get down to The City Of Ember, and that was it.
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  lololindsay Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:51 am

"We wait till a Flicker happens, they usually go on for about 30 minutes and since their terrified of us it will be even more exhilarating." He slapped the bare skin of Stain's arm."Lets go ahead and cross this wasteland[the dump] so we can get a head start." Trighten said already zooming across the garbage. It slide out from under his feet as he vanished inhumanly across the feild."And their it is." He said stopping when he reached the end, he could see where the road started even with the lights off.

Yuki awoke from her sleep quickly getting up, her book flew off her face onto the ground. She didn't move a muscle as the lights flickered off. She could hear the sounds of the machines switching off and then cries and screams. Yuki was shaking terribly, this was terrifying for everyone because they knew when the lights flickered back to life they would at least 5 body's laying lifeless on the ruined dirty rustic bricks. A shiver went down her back as she waited... and waited for the lights to switch on.
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  Pierced Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:16 am

Rogen suddenly stopped as soon as the lights flickered off, She was in a bad place to be when it was dark. She shivered when she heard the cries and screams. She felt her way to a building, and leaned against it, and shut her eyes.
The lights would flicker on, and they would find dead bodies some where on the dirty ground. " Please flicker back on..Please" She muttered as she slid down to the ground, and pulled her knees to her chest. Hopefully, She wasn't going to be one of those dead bodies on the dirty ground..

Stain gave him a look when he slapped his bare arm, but shook his head and followed after him.
The garbage moved when he crossed it, and he about slipped when garbage fell, but he recovered.
He was beside Trighten in no time, and he stared at the darkness of the city, of course he could see the city with it dark; all demons could. he sighed, " Yes, There it is" He said.
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  lololindsay Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:07 am

Yuki stood at a stand still and moved her hands around to find a wall or anything of the sort. She found a poll and leaned against it. She looked around then placed one hand out in front of her too see if it was too dark to see her hand. She frowned and as kinda used to the flickers that happened at least twice a week. She closed her eyes as she counted to 100. She waited.. and waited and hoped she would see the age of 21.

Trighten abandoned stain in hopes of having some privacy when he goes to kill his pray."Well I am a little hungry so I'll have 3 at the most, 2 at the least." He said will complete normality. He fluttered through the streets passing the stupid humans as they looked around in silence. They didn't even know he was their, how pitiful! He spotted one that was sitting up against a wall. He skimmed closer to be a better look, he was very close, he wanted to sink his rang's her badly.
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  Pierced Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:35 am

Stain stood there looking around in the darkness. he knew Trighten abandoned him, and he could careless at that moment. He walked silently through the streets, and looked at the humans who were huddled together with their eyes shut tight. " Hm..No" He muttered as he looked around. He soon spotted a girl leaning on a pole. He licked his lips, " Perfect" He said quietly as he got closer.

Rogen lifted her head, and looked around in the darkness. It was to dark to see a thing, but she could hear footsteps and she didn't like it. " Uh, hello?" She said then put her knees down. Something was telling her to jump up and run into the building beside her but, she stayed right where she was and listened to some people talking, and others crying and praying.
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  lololindsay Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:31 am

Yuki felt a wet, cold tear run down her cheek. This is how terrifying it is when
the lights go off In Ember. She has lost all her family because of these events.
"80,81,82,83,84..." She counted quietly as she tried breathing but it was almost
impossible. She brushed her hair back and counted again."85,86,87,88,89..."

Trighten brushed her cheek placing her over his shoulder, he covered her mouth
just in case she screamed, he would take her to Spade and finish her off their..
He shouted for Stain, he knew he could hear him because their immortal and the
air was silent, nothing else was making sounds but screaming from the humans.
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  Pierced Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:41 am

Rogen tried to scream, but it was muffled by a hand. Oh god..No. She thought trying to kick, and hit, and do anything for person to drop her. Its a guy...Immortal...She thought and started to cry. She was going to die, and that would be the end of the Willsons. She gave up on kicking and hitting, and tried to bite the hand.

Stain's head snapped in the direction of Trighten, and then back at the girl who seemed to be counting. He picked her up as fast as lightening, and covered her mouth so she wouldn't scream. He headed towards Trighten, " Lets go"
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  lololindsay Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:58 am

Trighten taped his foot waiting for Stain,"Finally lets go!" He said shifting her towards his chest so she wouldn't fall, he held her tight as they claimed up the broken elevator shift wires. Trighten looked down at Stain then he started to claim, he saw a grayish color beam down from the hole at the stop."Dammit! It's dark outside ALREADY." He said pissed off slightly."We have to sneak them in or else Butch and the others will gang up on us, it's only me and you right now we don't have the others we'll be un even." He groaned as he stepped out of the hole waiting for stain.

Yuki yelped as she was taken off her feet. She held her head close to his chest as they ran, she looked around as they were running with inhuman pace. She slapped his hand away,"Put me down you BEAST!" She said trying to wiggle out of his grip.
She slapped his chin but he didn't do anything, she decided to stop because she was only pissing him off more... and more.
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  Pierced Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:19 am

Stain shifted her over his shoulder then he started to climb right behind Trighten. He growled when she slapped his chin, " Shut the hell up! You wanna die now?" He said through his teeth, then started to climb again. He was glad once she stopped screaming. If she kept screaming, they would of been caught. He nodded up at Trighten, " I know" He replied as he climbed out of the hole, and stood by Trighten.

Rogen hid her face when they started to climb. She didn't dare try to look down or anything, she kept her head down and listened to the monster that held her. She swallowed hard...wait, was that Yuki? She met Yuki a year back and they've been friends ever since. They've got her to..She thought then sniffled as snot tried to escape.
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  lololindsay Fri Nov 19, 2010 8:30 am

Yuki stiffened as the breeze from the refreshing air blew her hair to the side slightly, she suddenly forgot about the beasts and
went into a drowsy state."I- we can't be up here.." She said trying to catch her breath."Toxic.." She said quietly as she fell
in closer toward him. Her eyes closed now, yuki felt as if she was high on some something.. something.

Trighten growled as he held her arm, he starred at Yuki and then up at Stain with wide dilated eyes."Oh f**ck I forgot they can't
breath up here, lets bring them inside and try to figure this out. I know someone.." He said almost as if he was talking to himself.
He held her close to him again as they sneaked in through the back of old decayed buildings. He opened the door to the warehouse
full of junk and old things from 2000. He sat her down against one of the shelf's holding the boxes.
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  Pierced Fri Nov 19, 2010 8:39 am

Stain grabbed her before she hit the ground, and picked her up in his arms,
" I forgot too" He said following Trighten inside, then sat Yuki down on the ground next to the other girl. " What do we now? " He asked straightening his back, and looked over at Trighten.

Rogen gasped when the air filled her lungs. Like Yuki said, they couldn't be up there will the air like it is; they could die. She coughed a few times after he sat her down on the ground against something. She started to have a coughing fit.
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  lololindsay Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:58 am

occ: I gotta go be on tomorrow!

Yuki leaned her head up against the rusty bar,"Just breath if your breathing is too heavy your lungs will fail." She said calming her breathing as she told Rogen the exact words her 5th grade teacher thought her before she turned 12 and had to be assigned a job. Her breath was quiet and calm as she looked around the high ceilings of the warehouse."Where are we?" She asked the men that were towering over them.

Trighten bent down touching placing a hand on Rongen's chest not caring what she thought of him doing that."Your breathing too hard, you heard the girl.." He said trying to sound polite but everything he did or said sounded cruel and mean."Listen run down toward the library and talk to the book keeper he should follow you back and he'll tell us what too do, just be careful you know what's out there..." He said sternly giving him orders. He looked down at the girls and then watched Stain run through the warehouse doors.
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The City Of Ember. Empty Re: The City Of Ember.

Post  Pierced Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:08 am

Ooc. Okay!

Rogen looked up at him, then down at his hand on her chest, " That's kind of hard" She said swallowing, then tried to control her breathing like they said. She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand, she felt sleepy. " Funny. I'm a book keeper, and I know who you're talking about" She said then turned her head to look at Yuki.

Stain didn't even nod, he just ran as fast as he could to the library without being seen. He looked pulled the man from the library to the broken elevator shaft wires. He said a few words to him, and he nodded. They both ran back to the warehouse. " Back" he said quietly.
you've got the hang of it.

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