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Ahskxjd. I have a question for you guys.

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Post  Jenna Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:47 pm

You know how some things just feel...right

Call me a creep, but I swear to god, it's like love at first sight. I seriously feel like I'm falling for someone I've never met or talked to. 
I mean fuck, he lives in California. 

Why do I feel like this? 

I feel almost sick when I'm not watching his videos or looking at his pictures. This is already borderline obsession. 
Like, sure I've 'loved' actors and whatnot before, but it's never been like this. 

Is it even possible to love someone you've never talked to? 

Like, I could see myself with that man one day. 
It's creepy and I'm creeping myself out, but yea. It's really weird but it feels so...right.
Yet I don't even know the guy. For all I know he could be a total dick. 

But whatever. Is it possible to love someone you've never met? 

Basically, this guy from YouTube (superkian13 and kiansam13) named Kian, has become my obsession. I'm sure Taylor can vouch for this seeing as we're friends on Facebook and I have a whole album of pictures of him. The same with my iPod. It's almost ridiculous. But I feel strangely...connected? to him. It's strange and it's freaking me out. Like badly. I've never been this way before. 

Do you guys believe in fate and destiny and soulmates and whatnot? I do. 
Could this be the workings of that crap? 

I can't even begin to understand what's going on and it's creeping me out. I had been joking with my friend earlier that I was gonna marry Kian and now I can't even sleep because I'm thinking about him. Like, it's like when you have a crush on someone but it's amplified.


Is it possible to love (or be in love with) someone you've never met or talked to? 

Oh and: 
Do you believe in fate? Destiny? Soulmates? 

and thoughts on this? think it's just because I'm slightly creepy and have an obsession with him? or something more? 
Let me know what you think.

If you've made it this far (the end, I promise.) then I love you. 
And I'd appreciate it if you actually commented and told me what you think's up instead of just reading this.

And while I'm at it, if any of you want to add me on Facebook, message me and I might give you the link. (I'll only give it to a few of you. Like, two or three. Not because I don't love you, but just for privacy's sake. Ya' know?)

If you wanna see what he looks like and whatnot, click right here.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Post  Jenna Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:55 pm

Geez, I just sound like a little naïve girl. ._.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Post  Morgan Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:26 pm

Jenna! Im gonna reply with how I feel when I get home from school. I just wanted to let you know so you know someone will reply.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Post  Jenna Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:51 am

I love you. I hope you know that. <3
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Post  Morgan Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:09 am

Darling I love you too. I'll be home in like 2 minutes and I'm gonna eat pizza and then I shall tell you my view in this. I also asked some friends like what they thought but I didn't say who it was about. So my real reply is coming darling.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Post  Morgan Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:57 am

OKAY SOOOO here is what the blonde thinks! (P.s. I was looking at your picture on the good old Facebook, and you are BEAUTIFUL!)

Its not 'Creepy' to me because I have been there before but with some actor like a year or two ago (I don't even remember who now) But I had their birth date memorized, along with their full name, home town, school(s), siblings, so on and so forth. So as you see I was probably worse off than you are.

Just think about this.
  • Is there a way in the world you can meet them?
  • Would you want to be with them knowing other girls might be all over him due to the fact that he is on the world of Youtube?
  • What would they think if you ever got to know them and they found out how you felt before? Would they think different of you?

And so on and so forth

My friend Kacey, she said that it was weird, most of the people I asked said that but don't take it that way. The heart will get what the heart wants so maybe there is a possibility he is your soul mate. But until you know for sure just try not to look at his pictures and video's or just remind yourself that RIGHT NOW he doesn't know you, you only know what you see of him, and that maybe if fate has its way its possible, but to always have your eyes open for someone else.

I felt this way 3 or 4 years ago with my current boyfriend. I knew him as 'Audrey's little brother' because I didn't know him, I never talked to him, but I knew his sister. We didn't talk for 2 years really. I saw him at my cousin for a game night and we played Xbox and exchanged a few "Ha nice try I killed you!" comments in the game and a few laughs but never sat down and had a CONVERSATION. Then this past July I was in an abusive relationship and we had Vacation Bible School at the church both me and my current boyfriend (Jon) go to and we were both paired up to run a station together and I got his phone number on Sunday to talk about things we would do. We talked Sunday night, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and Wednesday night I went home with my friend Kelsey and Jon, Audrey, Abby and their parents had to pick me and Kelsey up to come to the church. We were 5 hours early because we had to set up and stuff. When we were done we went in the teen room and played Xbox. Kelsey and Jon knew about the abusive situation and talked me into ending it with the guy. Thursday night, the day I ended it with my ex, Jon asked me out. We talked for 4 days before he asked me out but knew each other for 3/4 years. I had been crushing on him since the first day I saw him. I just to wait.

Life is a waiting game and its not always fair, but its okay to feel that way as long as you aren't putting your life in danger because of that person, you know? But if you start getting hurt yourself because of how you feel for them, like liking them is hurting you then it isn't worth it in my eyes. Its not love, if it hurts.

I love you and I'm here and on Facebook if you ever need to talk. Im hear and always will be Jenna. Your like my sister, or shall I say My roleplaying Mommy due to the fact you created this site and this family. You are the mother of everyone here, In a way lol. We are all here for you Jenna and I hope you kinda understand what I was saying in this whole thing because I got lost myself while typing it up and had to start ALLLLL over and I made it look pretty with color and bold and italics and yeah Smile So I hope you appreciate my word and understand and respect my words above.
I looooveeee youuuu!!!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Post  Jenna Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:26 am

Thank you. <3
But do you think it's possible to love someone you've never met or talked to?

I asked my friend and my sister and they didn't think it was weird, and they said you could love someone you've never met and they believe in love at first sight and whatnot.
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Post  Morgan Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:36 am

Like I mentioned, I hadn't talked to Jon and I was head over heels for him. I think it is possible, anything is possible. Anything you could ever think of is possible.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Post  Jenna Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:34 am

The thing I don't understand is how he's single. If you look on his Twitter or comments on a video of his or look at the comments on his Instagram, then you're like,"So many people think you're fucking adorable. How are you fucking single?"
I wish I could be the one to change that for him. <3
But it'll never happen because there are so many skinnier, prettier, better girls for him.
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Post  Morgan Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:13 am


Im not the prettiest. Im not the skinniest. Im not the best girl.
I have acne, glasses, and frizzy hair. I an 145lbs...Im 5'2 and I hate it.
You're amazing Jenna. You are Beautiful. Everyone is. And! I found something you might like....Im thinking on putting it on Facebook and tagging you in it because I can't really post it on here from my phone...hmm..

BUT! NOW THAT I FIGURED OUT WHICH ONE KIAN IS (I use to watch his and Sam's videos back when he had braces and had them confused for a bit there...) HE IS SUPER ADORABLE!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Post  Jenna Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:55 am

And in my original post there's a link where it's just him. That's the firs video I saw of him. It's kind of ironic because he's always on my mind now.

I am 200 lbs at least, at age thirteen. And I'm 5'9. How many girls are 5'9 at thirteen?
I'm not very pretty. I get sick of people trying to make me feel better and say I am. I would probably look better if I took the time to pu on makeup, but I'm just so lazy.
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Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:01 am

Oh Jenna...<3
I do believe in soulmates and fate.
As I believe you are not creepy.
I would add more stuff but I'm really tired.
I think that you're perfectly normal and pretty and wonderful Jenna.
I really love you Jenna and I think it's sweet.So yeah,thats all Im writing for now.
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Post  Jenna Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:49 am

Add more stuff. Do ittttt. <3
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Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:59 am

I will elaborate tomorrow after I get some sleep.I PROMISE.
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Post  Jenna Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:34 am

Vicky no elaborate. ):
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Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:23 am

im swamped with homework.At least twenty pages....Trying to finish that first.
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Post  Fennec Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:56 am

My input: YES! To most of your questions. You really are pretty, Jenna. Weight means nothing. Weight disappears easily. And being tall is great. I have teachers that I practically tower over and I'm only 5'5" or so. You have a lovely face, personality, and imagination. I have a crush on this guy at my school. Yes, I've talked to him. We're good friends. But he wears some weird mask. Just when you start to notice his sweet, cute, gentlemenly side, up goes the mask again. So I feel like I've never met the real him. Of course you can love someone you've never met. And everything happens for a reason, correct? If you say Youtube hottie is your soulmate, then hell! You'd better start planning your wedding. :3
liek hay gurl

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Post  Abby Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:29 am

Jenna you're not a creep, trust me. Think of all those crazy Justin Beiber fans who have turned they're last name to 'Beiber' and go to all his concerts and buy all his stuff and have a lock of his hair under their pillow etc. You are much better off than those girls. As for the issue of him living in California, I guess that depends on where you live. If it's driving distance, well refrain yourself from driving to his house. Remember, he doesn't know you.
And I don't believe in soulmates. I took up a very realistic black and white out look on life awhile back because I used to overthink EVERYTHING.
Oh and why not send him a message on YouTube? You know just say your one of his biggest fans.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Post  Jenna Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:22 pm

This addresses both of you:

I don't know for sure he's my soul mate, but I just have this feeling. He goes on "following sprees" on twitter but I'm always offline when he does them (this time I was asleep because I was up all night watching him.) but if he did follow me, then you know, we could talk on DMs. Then maybe we could get to know each other.
But I'll totally start planning that wedding. ;D (My friend and I were like,"We're gonna have a double YouTube wedding. You'll get Damon Fizzy and I'll get Kian Lawley." ahahah.) 

And when I was reading the part about distance, that song by NeverShoutNever was going through my mind. 'And though the distance is daring, we both know how to driveeeeeeee..' Anyways, I couldn't drive to his house because I don't know what town he lives in. I just know he lives in California. 

When I got home, I watched the rest of the vlogs (I started from the newest and went to the oldest, there were seventy-something) so now I'm kind of sad and have to wait for him to post a new vlog (they're daily vlogs, and he does them more than Sam but Sam does some of them so it might be him.) I hope it's actually Kian and not Sam though.

I'm great and you're jealous.

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Post  Taylor Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:32 pm

Sorry for replying so late to this. Which is a weird thing to say, because I never even said I was going to reply? But I made a mental promise to & I forgot about it.
Okay, anyways. I'm really bi-polar about love. About destiny, fate, soulmates, sometimes I really think they exist, and other times (most of the time) I don't. I'm just really pessimistic & nothing love-wise has ever turned out good for me (okay, let's be honest, I've only seriously liked one person but it didn't turn out good even though I thought it might.)
I do believe that you can like someone you've never talked to, but I think that you don't really like the real them if that even makes sense? Like, since you've never talked to them, you don't know what they're truly like, and when you do get to talk to them they probably won't be as great as you've hyped them up in your head. But don't listen to me, I'm just really bitter haha.
The guy I like now, it was literally you had me at hello. Like I walked into his class to give the teacher some papers and he said hi, and I got really bad butterflies and started freaking out & he was one of my pretty good friends' brothers, so I knew him, but never talked to him really. And ever since then I've liked him a lot, and if I'm honest I haven't talked to him much more after that, maybe a conversation or two, but nothing really deep. But sometimes I find stuff out about him, and I'm starting to think he's kind of an asshole.
So maybe you can you like someone you've never talked to, maybe you can't. I think the only way to know for sure is to talk to them, but in your case I guess it's not that easy.

And as for that little thing about you not being pretty, I have felt exactly like that before, so I'm not going to say anything about how that's a horrible way to think, even though I know it is, because I'd be a hypocrite, but I do think you're really pretty, and from experience it just makes the situation worse to have thoughts like that. Really, it won't make anything better. And (here comes my inner hypocrite) if it ever comes to the point where a guy doesn't like you because he doesn't think you're pretty, then he isn't worth it.
alright, now keep going.

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Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:37 pm

you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:45 pm

I dont think you're creepy because honestly this is more normal then not.Usually I just roll my eyes when I hear stuff like this but since it's you I don't think it's just some craze.I mean,for the most part the people I hear this from changes who's their soulmate every week.Its ridiculous really.So no you are not creepy,I think its perfectly normal in a semi-diffent way.

2-I have no right to judge you if you think he's your soulmate.In fact I completly get where you're coming from.From the instant you talk or see him its like you want to be with him,that you think he could be your soulmate.And he just might be,don't let an opportunity to find your soulmate slip away.Whatever you do though I support you...And I will be your maid of honor...CALL IT!!!!!!!
Love you
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Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:47 pm

We need to start a new rp or you have to reply to our old one ;D
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Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:49 pm

I like your new profile picture =D
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Post  Morgan Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:39 pm

Jenna; I wish I was tall! Im 5'2 and shrinking I think! About a 4 weeks ago I went to the doctor and I was 5'3 and when i went this past week to the ER I was 5'2. I weigh 145.9 as of this morning, and the meds Im on for some reason is making me lose weight. I hat ebbing short because everyone else is towering down on you. IM the shortest in my family and one of the oldest cousins. All my friends are taller and stuff. There are two girls in my gym class and one is 5'8 and the other is 5'9. I honestly wish I was taller.
You are pretty; everyone is. I use to not think I was until my current boyfriend talked to me and said that everyone is. No matter what we were made to be different and everyone is beautiful, everyone is special, everyone does mean something. Anyway; IM suppose to be cleaning so Im not gonna make this a long boring reply but instead of cleaning I think Im gonna type up a story or something. Anyway! I love you guys and I love you Jenna!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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