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I bet I could write a book on how you could lose all your friends. (rant)

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I bet I could write a book on how you could lose all your friends. (rant) Empty I bet I could write a book on how you could lose all your friends. (rant)

Post  Taylor Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:19 am

I probably wouldn’t have admitted it last year because I didn’t want it to be weird, but you were definitely my best friend. I could go to your for everything, and a lot of the time you knew what I was talking about, and we had a lot in common, and you understood, and I understood what you were going through. And last year definitely would’ve been ten times worse if I didn’t have you as a friend. So what happened?

You say that I changed, but really, you did. You’re insensitive, you always act like you’re the victim no matter what it comes to, you talk shit about everyone. And you say I do those things, and I do none of them. And ever seen December when you pissed me off, things changed drastically. And no, that was not my fault. You were bitchy. I get called a bitch all the time, and you SERIOUSLY over-reacted to that entire thing. You said some hurtful things to me, but I got over it. You never seem to get over anything I’ve ever said to you, no matter if I truly meant or not (I didn’t mean anything btw).

And you should know that it seriously hurt for you to ditch me all those times. Cancel all those plans. I was just trying to hang out and you didn’t want to, you could’ve said something. I was angry, of course I was, you’re not the victim, I am.

And now when I go to you for advice, when I start to trust you a little bit again, you spit it back in my face. “Your life isn’t that bad, get over it.” “You know seriously, you could be homeless, like it could be worse.” Seriously? That doesn’t make me feel better at all, and if I said any of that to you, even a lighter version, you would’ve flipped shit. You insensitive fucking bitch.

I was seriously hoping that we’d fix things this year. That after the fight we’d start talking again and become the good friends we used to be, and you’ll never admit it, but it was obvious you didn’t want that. And instead of completely fucking me over you could’ve said something. Could’ve fucking said something. You complain about us (the old group, FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU) not being straight up, yet you are the worst of us all? You complain about guys being confusing, yet you’re the most confusing girl I’ve ever met in my entire life.

Just because a guy doesn’t like you in that way doesn’t give you the excuse to fuck over all your friends. To completely replace us to try to get him to like you. What the fuck is wrong with you, honestly, who does that? Everything this year… it was all over some guy. Ridiculous.

I honestly can’t believe the things you tweet about me. Do you know why I started to treat you badly? Because you’ve done nothing but treat me like crap. Worse than crap. So naturally, I’m going to do the same thing, and trust me, I’ve put this off for a long time. I tried so hard to be friends still, you know I did, and you ignored and waved off all of my attempts, and that’s why I’m a bitch now. No, you’re not the victim. No, you had no right to treat me like you shit. NO, I did not “drive a tank over” your feelings.

I tried so fucking hard. Because you were that important to me. Why did I fucking do that?

And I’ve been telling myself this day would come, but I really didn’t expect it to. I expected us to just drift apart, not go out bitterly. And it hurts, and I told myself not to care, I said don’t let it bother you, but it fucking does. And you don’t care at all, and if I talk to anyone about it they’ll just tell me not to let it bother me, but it’s not that simple.

I should stop checking your twitter, but I can’t. I just can’t. I’m sorry you had to forget about everyone to make new friends and be happy. I hope you are happy, and hey, I’m sure you are because you finally got rid of me or whatever, so congratulations. You’re a fucking bitch, and you’re happy, and that’s all that matters. You didn’t have to fuck me over to be happy, you know. And you know what, I fucking shouldn't still care about you at all, but I do. And when I check your twitter sometimes I feel like saying something comforting to you but I remember what you did to me, and you'd probably tell me to fuck off anyways.
alright, now keep going.

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Age : 27
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I bet I could write a book on how you could lose all your friends. (rant) Empty Re: I bet I could write a book on how you could lose all your friends. (rant)

Post  Jenna Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:55 pm

Fuck bitches.
Friends are cunts.
They leave you when you need them and then you're left on your own even though they promised they'd always be there. They make promises that they don't intend to keep.
Sue us for expecting that they'd always be there because they said they would be, right?
Then again, people in general are cunts who can't keep promises.
I don't know, call me a pessimist, but I can barely trust anyone. Ever. Maybe I've just been hurt too many times, but I try not to get too attached to people.
I love you, Taylor. People suck and they only think for themselves. Rant to me on Facebook whenever. It'll say that I'm on mobile or whatever, but I'll reply to it as soon as I see it. And unless I'm alseep, shouldn't be too long after you send it. Just know that just because that cunt isn't here for you, doesn't mean I'm not. <3
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 25

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I bet I could write a book on how you could lose all your friends. (rant) Empty Re: I bet I could write a book on how you could lose all your friends. (rant)

Post  Taylor Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:48 am

I definitely agree with the not trusting people thing. That's why it sucks so much, because I eventually do trust people and they spit it right back in my face. Fucking bullshit.
But thank you, Jenna. I think I'll have to take you up on that offer, because I've got literally no one to rant to anymore lol. And same goes for you. Send me a message anytime.
alright, now keep going.

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Age : 27
Location : Chicago

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I bet I could write a book on how you could lose all your friends. (rant) Empty Re: I bet I could write a book on how you could lose all your friends. (rant)

Post  Jenna Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:24 am

I'll be taking you up on that offer as well, because you know, everyone else sucks. And I'm pretty sure they're getting sick of my constant ranting. Because it's all I ever do, I swear.

Blah blah blah, fuck, blah blah blah, shit, blah blah blah, fucking cunt, blah blah, motherfucker, blah, blah, fuck.

That's what they hear, I'm fairly certain. ahaha.
I'm great and you're jealous.

Posts : 1488
Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 25

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I bet I could write a book on how you could lose all your friends. (rant) Empty Re: I bet I could write a book on how you could lose all your friends. (rant)

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