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- A Forbidden Love.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Kobe. Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:08 am

Love is forbidden in so many ways, but still respected. In a Kingdom, Royalty is forced to fall in love with Royalty, not with such a low classman as a servant. If Royalty was to fall in love with a Servant,peasant,etc. Then both of them[including Royalty] will be killed. So while that rule was being set in affect, Intruders have been planning to take over the Kingom, they have planned to kill the King and take control over everyone, Not all of the intruders are as coldhearted as they seem. Not all of them hate everything, maybe someone has to bring that special side out of them. So what happens next? You decide.


  • I will pair
  • State weather you are an Intruder or if you are apart of the kingdom.
  • Have as many carachters as you want, just have even intruders,genders, and people that live in the kingdom
  • If you read everything say something about the regular show. And If you never seen it say something about Adventure time.
  • Enjoy.

I live inside of the Kingdom, Yes, Yes I am. I never said I was APART of the Kingdom. I'm actually an intruder. I bet your wondering how I haven't got caught yet huh? Well years ago, I was sent here to train and be accepted as one of the Servants, no one knows that I am a demon, no one knows that I even exist really. Well anyway, since I am telling my life story I mind as well tell you what I am capable of. I have the power of Imitation, So if you touch me, your powers will automatically be mine.
- A Forbidden Love. Dad

Princess Ashe
I am the Princess, My father is the Ruler of this very Kingdom, He tells me i should be careful because there is a word circulating that Intruders are on their way to burn this place down, I don't believe him, but my father is very wise. I may be just a human, but I can put up a fight, I'm nice and stubborn[wicked combination] and I love to go in the rose garden, if your looking for me, that's where I'll be.
- A Forbidden Love. Sexyprincess

King Valentine
Yes, I am the King if thats what you are wondering. I see that the intruders has made their move, they have came from the trees, from near and far, even from inside of the kingdom. There is nothing I can do, wait let me rephrase: There is everything in the world I can do, I have phycic powers, I can crush you with the clench of a fist, So don't get on my bad side, and DO NOT harm my children. Every prince and princess Is my child. They know nothing about my powers.

- A Forbidden Love. Akashi

I am the leader, The leader of what you may ask. Well lets just say I have sent those little 'intruders', Heh heh yes yes, calm down, You have a little time left to live, but don't count on your luck to bring you through because once I reach that kingdom, I will kill EVERYONE that is apart of the royalty. I am a Demon, I hold all of the powers that my Minions have, Well I am the leader, AND the creator.

- A Forbidden Love. Demon

Yes, my name is Germany, Problem? Oh I get it, I assume you think I'm from Germany because of my name. Well no, I'm From Russia. I have come from the Heavens to stop this unholy war going on, Innocent people are being affected. I have the power to stop time, I don't really use my powers, only if I need too.

- A Forbidden Love. D03b7299

Whoa I am playing alot of characters.

Last edited by Maxilovescrabcakes on Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:00 am; edited 2 times in total
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Ladycici Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:26 am

Im joining XD
man, you're doing good.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Kobe. Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:30 am

XD Thank you kindly.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Ladycici Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:39 am

History: asa is a demon not much to his history.
Biography:Asa creates chaso and despair where ever he goes.So being an intredure suits him perfectly. He didnt bank on a war starting. He just wanted mass chaso so a war is perfect.
- A Forbidden Love. 306_stream

Age:20 but really 310
Race:Angel of death
Previous Histroy: Commiting sin and you can still get into heaven commit a deadly sin while your threr is just unforgivable. In most cases. Hendrix was lucky. It took him 10 minutes to lose his wings now he's stuck on earth with the humans. For 310 years he's been trying to get his wings back watching the years go by and people change. Good was graceful and made him an angel of death watching over human until their dying breath, never to fall in love with one though.
Biography: Hendrix is now in the middle of the war. So many young people are dying when it's not their time. He's there to do his job and nothing else.
- A Forbidden Love. Tasandtanis-1

Previous History:Dropped in to the boling pot of her sister hood at the age of 3. Her "mother" found her stubling among the streets swiped by some pirates from another place and left to fend on her own in a new. Nanet grew up watching her mother create speels and make potions selling them and healing people, and crusing some. She learned everything she knew from her. At 6 Nanet got Jimi her guardian and protecter an annoying squawking parrot. She couldnt stand him and would often pull his feathers.
Biography:Now Nanet's mother has passed on and Nanet owns the shop know. Their are lots of customers and pirates that come threw. Jimi of coruse is still there watching over Nanet
Personality:Nanet doesnt go far with her guardian Jimi(the bird). She finds him quiet annoying on several occasions has tried to kill him of coruse she would be sad if he was to actually die. She's a bit fiesty and speaks her mind.
- A Forbidden Love. 978_stream

Previous History:Ahs has grown up in a palace and has always been waited on hand and foot. Her parent's only child. She's more like her mom and tries not to ever dis pleas them. When Asha was 7 she was kidnapped and the people who did it branded her on her lower back so that she would never forget what happened to her. When her parents finally got her back they never let her out of their sight.
Biography:Now Asha is to be the next queen. Despite how much she loves her parents she doesnt want to rule, but that's her job. When she's not having lessons she's in the city having fun.
Personality: Ash is normally ver quiet and sweet but she is always watching and observing. If she doesnt like you she'll tell you. She not a violent person by any means and doesnt care to be come the next queen.

- A Forbidden Love. 682_stream

Last edited by LadyCici on Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:06 am; edited 1 time in total
man, you're doing good.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  zerofz1 Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:42 am

I'll join, oh and can the princess and that be other speices or do they have to be human?

Last edited by zerofz1 on Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:45 am; edited 1 time in total
alright, now keep going.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Ladycici Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:43 am

Oh forgot to put it
Asa and Nanet are intruders
Hendrix is watching and Asha is there for diplomatic reasons??
She'll have lost of detail in my first post ^-^
man, you're doing good.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Kobe. Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:48 am

Okay. Well you can tell their story along the way.
Now my second guy[King Valentine] You can't really see it because the font is small. Unless you have reall good eyes Shocked
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  zerofz1 Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:50 am

Are the princess and princes human or can they be something else?
alright, now keep going.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Ladycici Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:54 am

No my eyes arent that good.
I wear glasses and my eyes are like neagtive3. something
I have bad eyes Shocked
man, you're doing good.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Kobe. Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:55 am

the Princesses and the princes can be what ever you want.

Well let me fix that Characters font.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  zerofz1 Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:01 am

Zero Shadowcrest
species-Shadow,Edel Raid
He is skilled at both magic and swords, is light, dark,and fire, He can also use water lightining, ground,wind and ice but doesn't use them that often. Can transform into various forms.He has the spirit of fire in light in him in the form of a phoenix and the spirit of ice/water and dark in him in the form of a wolf.
He currently in the kingdom acting as a mercinary, taking odd jobs and trying to keep a low key.
- A Forbidden Love. Boy
- A Forbidden Love. Phoenix-1
Shadow form
- A Forbidden Love. Blackknight-3

bio-She is the youngest of all the princess, she useally stays in her human form but when her thirst gets to
much she does go into her vampire. She really doesn't know whats going on and keeps on going through life. She likes hanging around with the servents and playing games.
pic;(but with knee long hair)
- A Forbidden Love. Kid1-2
- A Forbidden Love. Picture008
- A Forbidden Love. Anime_girl_fav723a

bio-She is a servent in the castle, long ago she was cursed and was forced to stay as a five year old and most of her memories
erased. She will do anything to help out people in the castle and has hiddon potentel inside her. She had a sister but when
she was cursed all of her memories of her were erased. There is a way to break the curse. Her real age is fifteen.
(in white, her sister is the one in yellow)

- A Forbidden Love. Twins-2

Last edited by zerofz1 on Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:23 am; edited 2 times in total
alright, now keep going.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Kobe. Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:06 am

Whoa that is so uneven.
5 girls and 7 boys Shocked
Well not all my characters need to be paired. Or I might add more characters.
Wait then I'd be paired with myself XD
Well Not all of my characters need to be paired.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Ladycici Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:07 am

YAY cheers
We can start right
man, you're doing good.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  zerofz1 Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:09 am

It's six now, I wasn't going to play Flare but he was in the profile that I changed to make this one lol. If you want I can probbaly play a girl
alright, now keep going.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Kobe. Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:13 am

- Hmm, Well It doesn't matter if you want to play another girl.
We'll figure something out I'm sure Razz

Okay we can start, I'll post the pairs sometime soon XD.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  zerofz1 Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:17 am

Maxilovescrabcakes wrote:- Hmm, Well It doesn't matter if you want to play another girl.
We'll figure something out I'm sure Razz

Okay we can start, I'll post the pairs sometime soon XD.
It might not but I was offereing since then it would make it even.
alright, now keep going.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Kobe. Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:19 am

zerofz1 wrote:
Okay we can start, I'll post the pairs sometime soon XD.
It might not but I was offereing since then it would make it even.[/quote]

Well yeah.
Go ahead and add another girl ^.^
Then we can officially start.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  zerofz1 Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:27 am

OK I added one
alright, now keep going.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Kobe. Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:35 am

Okay let's start.
Let me go find out what my characters names are before I forget XD.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  zerofz1 Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:36 am

Ok lol
alright, now keep going.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Ladycici Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:39 am

Asha was jerked forward waking her up out of her sleep as her carriage came to a sudden stop. Her mother had decied to send her on a diplomatic trip to make sure that peace stayed betwwen her kingdom and this one. She felt the cool air seeping insde the carriage. SDhe shivered and touched veil that was on the top of her. She thought she was not dressed for the weather of this new place. Her dres was short in the front and long in the back. It was opened backed and exposed her newest henna tattoo that was done before she left. The dress was white and gold. Asha snapped back to reality when the carriage door opened and she was grabbed quickly being dragged into a grand room and thrown at the floor of someones boot's She stayed there for a moment before standing and looking around

Nanet sat with asa and jimi on her shoulder. She was sitting under a tree hidden by the shadows despite her color clothes and tanned skinned. She shivered some and so did Jimi from the cool air. Her noraml home was tucked away in a cove. Warm and cold. She watched Asa as he boerdly poaced around the tree.

Asa sighed as he heard jimi squwak he quickly grabbed him then let it go. Jimi squwaked at him then landed in Nanet's lap.

Hendrix was walking through kingdom. His hand shoved in his pockets as he heard cries from the church and the bells ring. He continued walking and shook his head.
"They're just now burying him." He said to him self. He though of the boy that died four days ago. In his opnion a body should be bruned instead of burried.
man, you're doing good.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  zerofz1 Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:42 am

Zero was sitting up in a tree, he was waiting for someone to come up to him for a job as he looked upa t the clouds. A sheath hanging from his back with a sword in it.

Ember was in her room, she yawned as she looked out the window. She was still in her nightgown not wanting to change.

Ashley was busy cleaning the castle as she scrubbed the floor.
alright, now keep going.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Kobe. Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:01 am

Valentine walked out of his room and walked towards the Dining room. "It's almost time." He sighed as he watched the sun go down from the clear glass ceiling. Valentine had been predicting the attack of the intruders for quite sometime. "Vayne, tell the others to get prepared." He looked at Vayne who had been his servent.

Vayne bowed and nodded. "Yes, My King." He said as it burned his throat every time he Mentioned the Kings name. Vayne was secretly a Intruder sent by Vincent to gain their trust.

Ashe was in her room sitting at her Vanity brushing her hair. "It's grown since These past months." She smiled sweetly and slowly stood up. "I wonder where my Father is." She smiled. Ashe was the Princess, well one of the princesses, She had a sisters, but didn't pay too much mind to them.

Germany sighed and shook her head. "Oh no, They are finally attacking." She whimpered and sighed once more. "I can't interfear, I just have to let Nature take it's corse." She paced back and forth from the Heavens. Germany was a Goddess that watched over every Aspect of the world, she knew everything.

Vincent sat deep in the woods waiting for his children to come so he could give them the orders of what to do to the kingdom. Vincent was the one who sent Vayne to the Kingdom, mainly as a spy to see what they were capable of.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  zerofz1 Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:04 am

Zero sighed as he jumped down from the tree heading into the woods, he saw Vincent, he stood there watching him for a bit.

EMber walked out of her room as she started to walk down the halls of the castle. She was bored and then saw Ashe's room as she went over knocking on the door."Sis?"She called looking up at the big door.

Ashley was finishing cleaning the floor as she started to wehre she was suppsoed to dumb the used water.
alright, now keep going.

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- A Forbidden Love. Empty Re: - A Forbidden Love.

Post  Ladycici Wed Sep 29, 2010 6:12 am

"What is the meaning of tjis!!" Asha asked as she was hauled towards a dining room. She gritted her teeth as she was presented to a man.
"We found her. She's an intruder" the man said who dragged her in there.
"Are you people mad. I'm a princess. Take your filthy hands off of me." She said slapping the man who only tightened his grip.

"Vincent here. Vincent here." Jimi squawked and flapped his wings Nanet stood and looked on to the forest before she decided to go to Vincent. She had feelings for him which she thought was strange. She smiled when she finally saw him.

Hendrix watched as a wonded soldier was helped by. He shook his head so much death in such a small town. He said.
man, you're doing good.

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