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read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then.

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read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then. Empty read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then.

Post  Guest Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:36 am

Well, I have absolutely nothing to do, but clean my room, and that is just.. no. and, I won't even bother posting a thread with an actual plot because that'd just get ignored, and i'm not in the mood for it.

Anyways, I'm happy because tomorrow I'm going to a concert with mah friend Laura<3 :D
And, I don't see her a lot, so you know, prettyyyy coooool.

But, kind of sad at the same time. Because of.. err.. stuff..

Honestly, I haven't really been having any motivation when it comes to RPing anymore. Like, I still want to RP and stuff, but all the plots that I want to do either get closed before I get the chance to join, or just get ignored, and I'm getting bored of everything else. So, I think I'm going to take a break [probably a really long one] from RPing, and see what happens in a while or whatever.

Plus, I'm way too busy with all the homework I'm getting. Our LA teacher keeps giving us fucking essays almost every week, and we only get the weekend to do them. I like writing- LOVE it, in fact- but not when we have to write about a certain topic, then it's just stupid. And our math teacher... I won't even bother with explaining that shit.

So yeah, just a lot of stuff going on too, that I'd really rather not talk about because it's complicated and none of you need to know, and I'm not going to tell random people on the internet because that's... no....

So yeah, I'll be on here, but most likely I won't be joining/replying to any RPs. Or even posting at all... I don't know... I'm confused.. >.>

But yeah...


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read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then. Empty Re: read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then.

Post  Guest Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:49 am

lol, no one better ask why I'm leaving, now.
seriously, it's been up for like.. two hours? and no one has even looked at this. thanks, guys. I love you, too.
Whatevvvzzz, i got my Jersey Shore.. it's better than Rping.. and anyone on this website. [most of you anyways. xD]


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read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then. Empty Re: read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:46 am

On happier notes...What concert?
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then. Empty Re: read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then.

Post  Guest Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:48 am

PM me.
You count~
But people on here.. it's just..
I don't know.


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read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then. Empty Re: read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:53 am

Yeah I know what you mean.
I try not to be on here a lot...One because I do have a lot of hw.That I just don't feel like doing.
I also have a lot of cleaning...That I just don't feel like doing.
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Age : 30
Location : Hogwarts

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read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then. Empty Re: read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then.

Post  Abby Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:50 am

TaylorWaylor wrote:
But people on here.. it's just..
Oh I see how it is Taylor. xD
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then. Empty Re: read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then.

Post  Guest Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:41 pm

Not you in particular, almost everyone really. they ignore EVERY SINGLE THING I POST. I can't RP if no one's willing to RP with me.


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read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then. Empty Re: read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then.

Post  xPrincessZoex Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:25 am

=( Waaa....Don't leave. I like your plot lines...Most of them I would join but when everyone heres online it's like 2 in the morning to me. So I'm too tired to read a lot and get into an advanced plotline so I end up sticking to RPs I'm already in instead of joining new ones =(
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then. Empty Re: read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then.

Post  Guest Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:59 am

I'll still be on sometimes, and i've got my website...
It's the last link in my signature, and I think I pmed you it..?


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read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then. Empty Re: read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then.

Post  xPrincessZoex Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:19 am

Yeah sorry I did take a look but I was SUUUPPPER busy at the time. I shall join your website either later today or tomorrow ^~^
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 2873
Join date : 2010-09-12
Age : 30
Location : Scotland

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read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then. Empty Re: read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then.

Post  Guest Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:27 am

That's quite alright, and thank ya! ;D


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read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then. Empty Re: read this.. if you want, I guess. You probably won't though, so whatever. I just wasted so much time writing this, then.

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