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Anime Village

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Anime Village Empty Anime Village

Post  lololindsay Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:23 am

Yuki, 16.
Race;; Human.
She's been a happy child till this day, she had no clue too how to rise a child.
She has no family too tell her what she's doing right, and what she might be
doing wrong. She honestly thinks she's doing quite well all by herself, and
that she doesn't need any help doing so. And she's right, she is doing well
rising a child by her self. She might not be the richest girl in the world but
she gets by. She's a strong person and speaks her mind when she doesn't
agree with the situation. Just when you think you got her all figured out she
goes and changes your mind. If she's not doing something or moving around
she might literately go insane. She knows she's a mom now and will and say
ANYTHING too save her child's life.
Anime Village Girl1

Kikioshi, 5.
Race;; Human.
She's a very gullible child, she believes your every word. She can't tell the
difference between right and wrong. You might see her roaming the village
streets selling you silly little objects, she's tried selling a button and a little
vintage dancer. She's pure sweetness, she brings out the good in all living
things. She has mercy for even the little objects, even a grain of soil. She
for some reason can't stop saying the word,"Gaoo."
Anime Village Girl2

Rican, 21.
Race;; Human.
He's mischievous. Hes has a kind heart, but is full of himself. He'll do anything
too save his life, he's a millionaire and lives in the mountains away from the
"Scum." That's what he calls them anyway. No one has ever been inside his
mansion before, he builds robots and objects that help a everyday life of a
human being. Though he is very self conscious when it comes too showing
anyone his creations. You will barely ever see him roaming the village streets
without his companion. It's a little patched up rustic old robot stuffed animal
thing. He made it when he was just around six or seven. He's a genius with
a cold selfish heart.
Anime Village Guy2

Age unknown.
Race;; Anything you might imagine.
He's remained silent and hidden from the world for over 600 years. He has
no clue what true love is, he's not a romeo. No not all, he has no interest
in love until now. He can't live a daily life without the blood of a human.
Which makes it even more difficult too live his normal life. Hes been living
in the darkness for many years, he has no clue how too live his life now. Hes
just gaining back his own personal instinct too control his thirst for blood. He
is a cruel hearted beast and sometimes looses his control. He might put on a
mean, cruel persona. But really hes a joy, for some reason ever since hes come
to this place hes been getting a lot of death treats and love notes on his door
step. Hes always in town, so you will probably see him around.
Anime Village Guy1
you also think you fancy, huh? [moderator]

Posts : 168
Join date : 2010-09-12
Age : 28
Location : Everything bigger in TX yall.<3

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Anime Village Empty Re: Anime Village

Post  Melody Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:13 am

Name;; Romey
Age;; 12
Race;; Part Demon and Part Human
"Yes, I'm a boy. Get over it."
Romey is a boy. His Nii-Nii just insists that he dres as a girl.
Sayd he looks cuter. Boy clothes don't suit him as well as girl clothes do.
The clothes he's wearing now, their the new addition that his brother made.
Yes. His older brother makes his girl clothes for him. Knowing that hen they go out, that people will just call him a girl, he doesn't even bother to correct them anymore.
No matter how many times he tells them he's a boy, they just can't wrap it through their thick heads.
Anime Village L_faec2b93cfe536ceee3b75a2e7e1bc-2

Name;; Germany
Age;; 18
Race;; Full Demon
"You want to meet my little friend?"
Yes, he calls his gun his 'Little friend'.
A little hobby of his is dressing his little brother in girl's clothes.
He might not look it, but it's actually kind of fun for him. Honestly.
Although, there is a chance he won't tell you straight if you ask him.
When people call his litle brother a girl, he'll laugh and tell them he's a boy. Which them makes them like him even more. Who ever knew girls like boys who look more like girls?
Anime Village Gun-1

Name;; Chizune
Age;; 15
Race;; Human
" Want some cherries?~Chii"
Her favorite word is Chii.
She'll say it after mostly every sentence.
She's care free and acts more like a two year old than a fifteen year old.
She spends most of her time at the candy store, eating candy and talking to hte owner. If she's not htere, then she's probaby walking in the woods somewhere.
Anime Village Angelbeats

Name;; Chihiro
Age;; 16
Race;; Shinigami
"Why don't I tell you a story? A story of how I take your soul."
Chihiro is a shinigami and has been for a long time now.
She became one, becuase she kileld herself when she was human.
Her job is to take the souls of those who're about to die, or if it's their time to.
It's not a job she'd choose to have--especially when it's a child's soul she must take--but it's the price she has to pay. Unable to move on.
Anime Village 326876
alright, now keep going.

Posts : 556
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Atlantica

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