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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Abby Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:02 am

Can you say 17?
How about Shapeshifter?
Bio: She was born in England, but moved to the village at the age of six. The village has been her world almost her entire life. She knows all the street names, where the best shops are, the secret entrance to the library, and can name almost every flower that grows in the park. She's very connected to nature, even is she doesn't realize it, and can't spend a day indoors. Her only animal form is a bunny, and as most people say she was cheated of her talent, she thinks bunnies are wonderful. You can almost always find her at the park or in her bakery.
One-on-One-with-Neaveh 2097191536_5e7dd763c9

Bio: Ever heard the story twilight? Were the werewolves are all nice and only eat animals? Yeah, He wants to rip their heads off. Just because he has a human here and there doesn't make him evil. He wants the greater good for everyone, so that makes him good. Right? He's been asking that for the last year. Maybe it's time for him to stop being the nice guy and suck it up. A human for dinner every night sounds tempting. Very tempting to him...
One-on-One-with-Neaveh AnimeGothGuy
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Morgan Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:03 am

Moms making me go I think. Ill add profiles tomarrow
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Abby Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:10 am

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Morgan Sat Nov 27, 2010 8:45 pm

One-on-One-with-Neaveh Untitled
Name~Ivy LeAnn Smith
Age~16 and Ive been this way forever
Race~ Some people say Angel, some say Fairy so I guess i'm both!
Bio~I love to fly high in the air, at night when people cant see me. I live by the shore and love dipping my feet in the water as the wind blows me. I adopted Violet. Her mother gave her up the day she was born, she didnt even give her a name. I found her and adopted her. Ive always wanted kids. She doesnt know she is adopted though so please dont tell her...

One-on-One-with-Neaveh 27329anime_girl_fav7639a
Name~Violet Lola Smith
Race~I dont really know what I am yet...? But I hope Im a fairy like my mommy!
Bio~Im verry small, and quiet.I love being by the ocean and I love my mommy.I love talking to people, once I get to know them. Im hyper and can be crazy.

One-on-One-with-Neaveh Cool-anime-guy--large-msg-120364465284
Bio~I try not to be mean, Im a nice person. Once the sun goes down, thats when I cant control myself. Sometimes I can if Im around someone I love.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Abby Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:33 pm

want me to start?
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Morgan Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:44 pm

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Abby Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:58 pm

Setting: Dusk, so 6:30ish. Friday. 11-17-10. Cold, 47 degrees and dropping. Almost the holidays!

Azalia finished a batch of cookies and set them in the window. It was almost closing time. She glanced at the clock, 6:27. She sighed, only three minutes. A cool breeze blew into the shop as someone walked in. They bought the cookies and left. Azalia giggled and shook her head. Now she had to stay late and make more for the next day. She turned the 'Open' sign to 'Closed' and took out the ingredients for M&M cookies, with red and green M&Ms for the holidays.

Jared closed his house door and it locked automatically. He turned to the forest pathway that led from his house to the village. He started to run toward the town. It was cold. He wished he had brought coat.

ooc: gtg
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Morgan Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:13 pm

er New]]Ivy smiled and sat on the park bench. It was dark but thats when her and Violet would come out to the park. She smiled and watched Violet climb onto the jungle gym and pretend she was flying. The park was empty. Once the sun went down, many people went home.

Violet smiled and looked over at Ivy. "Mommy! I wanna fly!" She said jumping off of the jungle gym and racingover to Ivy.

Ivy smiled. "Okay sweetheart," She said picking her up. her wings popped out and she got smaller. So did Violet. Ivy took off flying as Violet giggled.

Jakob shoved his hands deep into his pockets. He was starving. He looked into the Bakery window. There was one person inside and the sign said 'closed' He sighed and turned his back. He didnt feel like eating the nastey slop at his house. he wanted warm food.[/size]
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Abby Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:03 am

Azalia stuck the cookies in the oven and sat down on the couch. She opened a window so the smell of cookies didn't overpower her. The wind blew in and the temperature dropped. Azalia shivered and closed the window. The oven beeped and she carried the cookies to the window. She waved at the man standing outside.

Jared reached the edge of town and slowed down. He headed for any building around that had heat. He ducked inside the library.
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Morgan Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:10 am

Jakob smiled at the girl and knocked on the door wondering if maybe she would let him in

Ivy smiled as she felt the wind on her wings."Violet its getting late.We needto go tothe library before it closes. Do you have the books you need to take back?" She asked going back to normal size and landing on the ground with a soft thud.

Violet giggled. "yep! Come on!" She said running and pulling Ivy behind her
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Abby Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:38 am

Azalia sighed and opened the door slowly. "Yes," she asked a little impatiently. "I'm kind of on a schedule," she explained, trying to be politer.

Jared breathed in the deep smell of leather books. The library always smelled that way. He passed by the front desk and into the colorful children's section. The walls were lined with post boards that had amusing Christmas book names on them. He walked into the adult section and sat down in a big green comfy chair.
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Morgan Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:43 am

Jakob looked down. "Sorry, I was just wondering if you had any leftovers," He said feeling ashamed

Ivy smiled when they got to the library. "Violet, turn your books in and then go find some more. Ill be back to get you in your normal spot okay?" She asked

Violet nodded and ran to the front dest to turn in her books.

Ivy pull her hood on and walked to the adult section and look at all the books
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Abby Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:57 am

Azalia smiled sweetly and got a fresh cookie and handed it to him. "It's on the house," she stated looking over her shoulder for no real reason.

Jared sighed and got up to find a book. He looked around until he spotted Kissed By an Angel. He didn't really care what it was about, he just sat back down and flipped to page 1.
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Morgan Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:00 am

Jakob shook his head. "No I cant do that. Ill pay you for it, one way or another," he said

Neaveh sighed and found a book she wanted and sat down beside the man that was there. "Hi,"
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Abby Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:09 am

Azalia shook her head and laughed. "Oh come on. It's just one cookie. I mean I charge by the dozen. It would be less than a penny."

Jared smiled at the girl. "Hey."
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Morgan Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:13 am

Ivy smiled. "Youmust like it here. Ive seen you here almost everyday this week,"

Jakob shook his head. "Ill pay you the priceof a dozen for only one," He said
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Abby Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:23 am

Azalia shook her head. "No. Take the cookie. You look like you could use the food. Your face is pale white."

Jared shook his head. "Naw. One of my home windows is broken so it's not very warm there. I just come here for the warmth."
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Morgan Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:26 am

Ivy smiled. "My name is Ivy," She said offering her hand.

Jakob smiled. "Thank you," He said. "whats your name?" he asked
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Abby Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:35 am

Azalia walked into the store and sat down on the couch. She patted the seat next to her. "I'm Azalia, like the flower."

Jared took her hand. "Jared. I live out of town," he explained.
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Morgan Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:43 am

Jakob smiled. "Thats a pretty name," He said. "Mines jakob,"

Ivy nodded. "Hold on one second," She said getting up and getting Violet. She came and sat back down. "This is Violet,"

Violet smiled. "Hi strange man," She giggled
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Abby Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:49 am

Azalia nodded. "That's a pretty name too. Jakob. It's nice and simple. Most people look at me like I have two heads when I tell then my name."

Jared laughed. "Hi strange girl," he answered. He looked back up at Ivy. "Is she yours?"
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Morgan Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:51 am

Jakob looked at her."what do you mean?"

Ivy nodded. "Yep. This is Violet and Violet this is Jarred," She said

Violet smiled. "Hi Jarred! Im this many!" She said holding up six fingers
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Abby Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:57 am

Azalia shrugged. "Azalia isn't really a normal name. I used to be told it was because I wasn't normal, but really I think it was so I would stop complaining," she laughed.

Jared pretended to count her fingers. "Wow you're six!"
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Morgan Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:01 am

Ivy smiled.

Violet giggled. "Your smart!"

Jakob nodded. "I like the name," He said
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One-on-One-with-Neaveh Empty Re: One-on-One-with-Neaveh

Post  Abby Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:05 am

Azalia giggled. "How did we get on such a boring subject like names?"

Jared beamed at her obvious happiness. "Thank you. I be t you are too," he said.
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