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Jessicas Story

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Jessicas Story Empty Jessicas Story

Post  Morgan Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:35 am

-Jessica's Story-

--Chapter One--

She was always depressed. She never showed it. Her best friend was her notebook and her pen. She took it everywhere. Documented everyday good or bad. I knew her well. Her name, Jessica Sue Maiden. Curly blonde hair, green eyes, and average height. I know all this because I am her sister. Twin sister. Julie Ann Maiden. Jessica killed herself about a month ago. Ive made it my job to tell her tale.

I took her notebook and copied the pages. One page at a time. Many copies and sent them to people who should know. Know the story of my sister. Thats what she deserved.

Entry One
If your reading this you know what I did. You saw my body and my pain. Maybe I was young, maybe I was wrong or was I? If youre reading this you might be the reason why. You might have been a person to help me kill myself.
Don't be upset. My death is a learning lesson. Your the student, Im the teacher. Im teaching the consequences of hurting someone.
Many people hurt me. Like today. That bitch. Miss Perfect. Miss 'I can do no wrong.' Ugh I hope you die.Ill see you in hell sometime, I know I will. Yeah thats right. Im talking about you miss Kristen. Kristen Marie Jones. You and your perfect hair, eyes, body. You make me sick!
So you thought it was funny, funny to take the one person that I loved away from me?! Your a lying slut! Someday he will hurt you. Yeah thats right, Dylan will hurt you. I know he will. You want to know how I know? Because I'm dead and know everything. Well Im not dead yet but soon I will.
I hope you get what you deserve. A one way ticket to hell.
Anyway enought for know
Jessica Sue
I Hate You

By now the page was sent. One I sent to Kristen. Some other to people who are yet to come. I know Jessica is watching me and laughing as she sees the reaction when Kristen reads this.

I walked into Jones Academy, the school I went to and Kristen's dad founded. Kristen was standing next to her locker telling and showing friends the letter she got. 'This is crazy! I want to know who sent this!" She said to Dylan, her boyfriend also known as the boy she stole from Jessica. "Julie! Did you see this?" She said handing me the paper.

"Nope never seen it before. Who ever sent it must want Jessica to still be here," I said walking away. This is perfect.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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Jessicas Story Empty Re: Jessicas Story

Post  Eden(: Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:37 am


Perfection to me. (:
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 25
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Jessicas Story Empty Re: Jessicas Story

Post  Fennec Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:20 am

Woaahh. This is awesome! Such a close second to my most favoritey favorite books ever!
liek hay gurl

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Jessicas Story Empty Re: Jessicas Story

Post  Morgan Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:45 am

--Chapter Two--

As the first note caused tons of drama I decided to cause some more. I printed out the next one. This time left my own personal note on the bottom. I only sent this one to Jarred. Jarred had been Jessica's secret crush since kindergarten. They had been best-friends since pre-school.
Entry Two
Love is a sin. Something horrible. I never thought I would be a victim of it. Love is only here to hurt you, to tear your heart apart bit by bit. I didn't think I would ever be able to take it, and I never did. Today I would like to say sorry to you Jarred. I've always loved you but you never seemed to love me back. I was going to ask you to prom, but she had asked you. I hated her and you knew that but you said yes anyway. You said yes because she was popular. You said yes Kristen.
I never got over it, and wont get over it as I lay six foot under the ground buried but dirt. I don't think you will ever forgive yourself. Something you will carry to the grave. I warn you now, death isn't as simple as it seems. Life is short, death is forever. Honestly that's where I want to be right now, dead. That's why I have a step by step check list of my suicide. Someday you will see it. Someday you will learn why I did it.
Jarred, I loved you. That's all I can say. It hurt me to see you with anyone but me and that's why I went out with Dylan. I was trying to get you jealous, but then I started liking him. I never stopped liking you.
When you read this I will be gone. There will be no taking it back, no sorries, no nights crying myself to sleep over you. Ill be dead and you will be the crying, the one wanting me back, but its impossible.
Anyway, Have fun reading this.
Jessica Sue Maiden
The note had been placed in Jarred's locker. The next day I watched as he read it. Tears swelled in his eyes but he blew them off as allergies. I knew he was heart broken. He seemed to love her back. Not many people came to the funeral, but Jarred was one of the first people to get there flowers in his hands. The last thing he did was place the flowers in her casket, kiss her softly, say sorry, then disappeared.

No one asked where he had gone, no one really cared. That day we lowered my sister in the ground. A day that will live in infamy.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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Jessicas Story Empty Re: Jessicas Story

Post  Roaringflames Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:34 am

This is good, couple of paragraphs, nice and good, I hope you continue it

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Jessicas Story Empty Re: Jessicas Story

Post  Andyyyy Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:05 am

I really liked this! I don't think this is the one you were talking about, but if you showed this to your friends and they said it was crap, then they truly are idiots. It's a really great story! I'd love to hear more, that is if you're planning on continuing. If not, I completely understand; sometimes you just lose interest in stories and gotta let 'em sit for a while. I do it all the time, but yeah. If you happen to write any more, I'd love to read it. (:
you've got the hang of it.

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