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A story. A story that you should read! xD

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A story. A story that you should read! xD Empty A story. A story that you should read! xD

Post  Guest Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:30 am

There is always a feeling in the pit of my stomach that says I'm going to puke, every time I hear the name "Tori". Doesn't make much sense, especially since everyone else that I know absolutely adores this chick, but I hate her. Honestly, it isn't out of jealously, no way in hell, there's just something that makes her so irritating. Perhaps it's just the way that she talks. All high-pitched, always happy, always so... loud. I always have to resist the urge to slap her whenever I hear it, and you best believe that it isn't easy. No, not at all.

She's too nice to everyone, even to people that aren't her friends. Normally, people in her position [popular kids] would just ignore us, the outcasts, the nerds, the goths, the emos, the freaks, whatever else that's below them. No, but Tori has to be loved by everyone, so she has to act kind towards us all, doesn't she? I'm not going to lie, when she first moved next door to me I was happy, excited even, just the thought of another kid my age that was living on my street. I didn't care who they were, I had someone to talk to, it was the only thing that concerned me.

Oh, but then everything changed once I met her. God, she talked me up a storm. Bombarded me with all these stupid questions in a possible attempt to get to know me better. And then she did the worst thing of all; tried to give me a makeover. Yes, that's right, she sat me down in front of her vanity and started putting makeup on me, started brushing my hair. What, am I five? Am I incapable of doing such things myself? I just stared at her at the moment, too shocked to think. If I had a grip on myself, I probably would have smacked her hand away, and would have ran right on out of that room.

Another thing, she's obsessed with pink. Is that non-normal for people that are popular? No, I guess not, but I think it's a little weird that almost everything she owns is pink. Her walls are pink, her ceiling is pink, her sheets, pillow-cases, blankets, carpet, and even more than half of her wardrobe is pink. It isn't like I've got a serious problem with the color, but it was just a little too much for me to handle. I, would never, in my life, walk around in something pink.

Perhaps as I grow older that thought will vanish, but right now I'm sticking to it. I really just don't like the color at all, it gives me a headache, it's too happy. See, the world isn't a happy place in all reality, now is it? Nope, not at all. And the color, to me, is just another way to mask the pain. A smile, some makeup, and some pink clothing, everything that a girl like Tori would need to wrap everyone around her finger, to make them believe that she's a perfect little Mary-Sue.

It's actually pretty sad how they've got that crammed inside their heads. That a girl can really be that perfect. That someone could live a completely care, drama, and stress-free life like she, apparently, does. Yes, she is pretty, she's got a natural tan. One that actually comes from the sun, not from a bottle or from a tanning bed. Shoulder-length blond hair, I'm not quite sure if it's naturally curly, or naturally straight, because almost every other day it's a different one of the two. Blue eyes; what a shocker. Pearly white teeth, I mean I've never seen someone have teeth that white, it's nearly blinding. A nice smile, too, it doesn't look like she's forcing it like most people's do. It looks so natural. She doesn't look like she's anorexic, and she isn't fat in the least. I would kill to look like her, well.. minus the blond, of course.

Though, I think people should really stop thinking that just because someone has perfect hair, that they have a perfect life. No, I'm sure that there is something that's wrong with the chick, I mean there has to be, she just obviously doesn't like talking about it. My friends don't believe it, not at all, though I've tried to tell them this billions of times, they just ignore my reasoning.

"I really doubt that, Katie." Marissa, she always thought that she knew better than everyone else. I really never did like her, but ever since Annie befriended her, she had become a part of our group, so to say. No one really objected to it at first, because well.. No one knew Marissa. Unfortunately for us, though, it only took a few days until we all realized that she wasn't the most fun person in the world. It was a little too late to tell Annie that, then. She was already inviting Marissa to go everywhere with us.

I guess the rest of them grew used to her, but I didn't. "You know what, Marissa?" I started, feeling my jaw clench. There was only so much of her I could take in a day, and I had enough of her crap. "I really don't care what you think." I stared right at her, and I really had to fight to avoid bursting out in laughter. I mean really, her face... All in-shock, yet angry. It looked like she was about to blow up in my face.

Annie shot me a look, silently begging me to be nice. I had discussed my problems with Marissa with everyone before, everyone agreed except Annie. She always told me to be nice, and eventually Marissa will be the same way. I really doubt that, Annie.

I could see Elissa and Jamie smirk out of the corner of my eye, and then Marissa jerked up from her seat on the couch and ran off. Probably, to the bathroom, but I wasn't sure, not even now am I completely sure where she went. With a smile of victory spreading across my face, I turned back to the others. "So..." I said, hoping that the awkward-ness of the situation would fade away with those words. Though, I knew more than anyone that they usually just worsened the situation.

"Katie, really? Couldn't you have just kept your mouth shut?" Annie asked, she actually sounded like she was upset with me. She sounded like.. My mother. Elissa and Jamie stopped giggling, and gave Annie the same exact face that I was giving her. A look of utter bewilderment. Did she really think that I was being that rude?

"Annie, you know that I don't li-" I wanted to finish that sentence, I really did, but she just had to interrupt me. I never got to explain myself when it came to Marissa anymore, and I felt that I wasn't even friends with Annie anymore. It seemed that if we couldn't be friends with Marissa, then she couldn't be friends with us.

"Yeah, yeah." She mumbled, standing up, her head was shaking back and forth and her brunette curls slapped her in the face with each move. "We all know that you don't like her, but you don't have to be rude." She insisted, running off in the direction Marissa had.

And then, to my surprise, Elissa and Jamie actually laughed. Yes, that's right, they burst out into a fit of hysterics as if this was some kind of joke. Rolling my eyes, and trying my best to ignore them, I looked away. They really did know how to turn a serious situation into something like this.

Marissa and Annie were in.. Well... Wherever they were, for quite a long time. Nearly a half an hour, probably just talking. They were the closest two in the group, they only talked about personal things with each other. No exceptions. Elissa and Jamie were almost the same way. They were practically sisters, and so of course they shared everything with each other. I really did feel left out when it came to things like this. I was the only one that didn't have someone to talk to. And sometimes, I would regret not being nice to Tori, I'm sure she would have understood some of my problems, maybe I would have even found out some of hers... "Oh... My... God.." I mumbled, an idea forming in my head.

Jamie looked at me, "What? Is there a bug somewhere?" Her eyes widened at the thought. Yes, she was terrified of bugs, they absolutely disgusted her, and I didn't blame her. I wasn't a big fan of them either, but I wouldn't scream at the sight of one.

"No, Jamie." I couldn't help but laugh. "I was just.. Thinking." I didn't know if I should tell them what I had been thinking of or not, really. I mean, did they really need to know? What would they care if I stopped hanging out with them for a while to hang out with Tori? They would be insanely jealous, they would probably want to hang out with the both of you. They would never shut up about her... Don't even let them find out. It was true, they would only pester me with all of their questions about her.

I just wanted to know more about the chick, whether she really was perfect or not, and if that meant I would have to spend some time with her, then so be it. I'm sure it wouldn't be too bad. If I could stand Marissa, then I could stand Tori, right? Wrong.

At least me and Marissa weren't hanging out alone together, there was always somebody with us. Tori, and I, hanging out, all alone.. That was just a nightmare of mine. Too much pink.. Too much happy.. Maybe once you know her problems you won't think of her as such a happy person.. "What were you thinking of?" Elissa asked, a devious smirk making the frown slowly fade from her face.

"Nothing." I answered, a little too quickly, it was probably the worst answer I could have given, why hadn't I said that I didn't want to talk about it? Well, maybe it would have been a better answer, but they still would have irritated me about it. It was then that Marissa and Annie reappeared in the living room, and it was then that I realized I had to leave. Not really, I just couldn't stand to be in Annie's house much longer.

Glancing at my watch in an attempt to make my excuse look real, I gasped. "Eff!" Oh yes, that's right, I don't swear. Not sure why, but I don't. Saying "Eff" in public may make me sound like a total idiot, but at least I don't sound like all the other ignorant teenagers that swear in almost every "eff"-ing sentence that come out of their mouths. "My mom is going to kill me, I was supposed to be home an hour ago!" I'm pretty terrible at lying, another reason why the plan didn't seem so fool-proof, and I'm sure that no one bought my act, but no one questioned it. So, I grabbed my back-pack and ran out of the house, hoping no one would stop me, and they didn't.

I was almost home when I realized that I really had no idea in hell where I was going. I had never walked home from Annie's before, it just had never come to that. Elissa's, Jamie's, or sometimes even Annie's mom brought us all home, but not today. Because I was "late". That's just what I get for lying isn't it.

"What do you get for lying?" I hadn't even realized that I was talking aloud until I heard them. I could feel my face start to scrunch up already; It was Tori.

"Nothing. I get..." I trailed off, shaking my head. "I, I get nothing." I shrugged a bit and continued walking, but then stopped. She should know the way home, right? She did live next door to me. "Wait, Tori, where the hell am I going? Am I even going in the right direction?" I asked, feeling like an idiot.

Tori laughed and shook her head, "Yes, I'm supposing you're heading home?" And there it was, the smile, and the high-pitched cheerfulness that always drove me insane. I nodded, trying as best I could not to blow up. This would be good; if I could act friendly towards her now, on our way home, then maybe it wouldn't be so weird if I randomly wanted to hang out with her.

The walk home was pretty quiet, which was very odd. I can't remember one single time where Tori hadn't talked her head off around me, but it was nice. It led me to believe that she was different around certain people, after all the only times we actually hung out, or should I say talked, to each other was around a bunch of other people. It was long, too. Longer than I expected, and possibly even longer since it was so unusually quiet. And when we finally ended up in front of our houses we simply muttered a goodbye and then walked inside.

It didn't make sense at all, and I didn't really want to spend any more time thinking about it. Though, the plan of mine just sounded better and better by the minute after that, I still wasn't too sure about it. What if Tori didn't care if we hung out? What if she just never ended up telling anyone what was going on? It didn't seem that she would, but then again, why should she? Especially with someone like me, someone that obviously doesn't like her in the least?

"It won't hurt to try, now will it?"


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A story. A story that you should read! xD Empty Re: A story. A story that you should read! xD

Post  Laura Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:19 am

You just hate people named "Tori", huh?

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Age : 27
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A story. A story that you should read! xD Empty Re: A story. A story that you should read! xD

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Mon Sep 13, 2010 10:28 am

I love it the Taylor <3
Except the Tori part.
Because almost all of my real life friends who aren't best friends call me Tori XD
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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A story. A story that you should read! xD Empty Re: A story. A story that you should read! xD

Post  Guest Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:32 am

Haha Laura, no. The plot that I posted is basically the plot of this story. Tori is just a random name.

And Vicky, lololol. :D


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A story. A story that you should read! xD Empty Re: A story. A story that you should read! xD

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:23 pm

Buwhahahahaha.No more hating on Tori!XD
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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A story. A story that you should read! xD Empty Re: A story. A story that you should read! xD

Post  Guest Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:58 am

I don't hate anyone named Tori! If I would have put the name of someone I disliked then I would have named her Gianna. But "Tori" is way too cool to be Gianna. I mean, Tori is psychotic in such an awesome way! :D


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A story. A story that you should read! xD Empty Re: A story. A story that you should read! xD

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:52 pm

you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

Posts : 10367
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 30
Location : Hogwarts

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A story. A story that you should read! xD Empty Re: A story. A story that you should read! xD

Post  Guest Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:30 am

I'm posting the next chapter... now.. just let me get it.


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A story. A story that you should read! xD Empty Re: A story. A story that you should read! xD

Post  Guest Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:31 am

Chapter two;

The next morning I had my answer; I was going to try this whole thing out. Surely, I could manage to spend a few hours of each day with Tori, right? I would probably just get used to her bubbly-self. To her high-pitched voice. To her over-excitement. Right? I wasn't completely sure about that part, but all I knew is that I would have to try.

I'm sure that this makes no sense to anyone excluding me, of course, but there's a logical reason as to why I need to know what's wrong with Tori. See, if I find out why she has to pretend to be happy, then whenever she tries to fool me, or anyone really, with one of those smiles, I won't buy it. I know it isn't real. And, in theory, it will bother me less.

What a piece of selfish crap, though, right? I can't stand the chick so I'm going to find out her secret? Then probably blab about it to the whole school. To every single person that I know. Well that all depends, I'd have to think about that. Popular or not, I don't think that Tori would be the kind of person that you would mess with. I mean, even if the secret does destroy her, would it be worth it?

The girl has never really done anything to me, she's only tried to be a friend. But she's so damn annoying!

In an attempt to keep my mind off of everything for a while, I walked downstairs. See, at that point in time I had been awake for around two hours, but my parents thought I was still fast asleep. No, I was too busy thinking about everything.

I just hoped that my parents had made breakfast; the only thing that could truly keep my mind off of Tori. Pancakes especially, those things were like heaven to me. There could be a tornado outside, but I would still take the risk of sitting at my kitchen table to eat them.

Unfortunately for me, however, my parents didn't make breakfast. They weren't even home. "Of course." I mumbled, ripping the note off of the fridge. Every single time they left the house they left me one of them, just so I would know where they went. I would be perfectly fine if I didn't know, that was the reason they had a cell phone. So I could call them in case I did need to know.

We went to the store to buy a few things, we should be back in a few hours. Remember to feed the dog when you wake up!
mom and dad.

They were usually more embarrassing when friends were staying over. It's like they went out on purpose then, just so they could leave me a note with "xoxo" all over it.

Walking over to the sink, I bent down and poured some dog food in Sprinkle's bowl. Yes, I named my dog Sprinkles. Don't judge me, I was five years old at the time, and right now I wish nothing more then to change the name. At least she isn't a big dog, though. I've seen Rottweilers with the name "Princess". In fact, the house to the left of mine has one of them. She also has a, very old, Golden Retriever named FiFi.

I crack a chuckle every time the old bat call them inside. Screaming; "Princess FiFi inside now!" She doesn't even take a break in between each of their names. Just slurs them together as if she only has one dog and it's name is Princess FiFi.

"Sprinkles!" I called out, my bare feet padded against the floor as I walked into the living room in search of my dog. She often liked to hide from us, and it didn't make a lot of sense. One of the worst parts, is that she learned how to army-crawl. Yes, that's right, so now she knows how to get under the couch, and all of our beds. It's nearly impossible to get her out from under their without lifting the thing up, and as you should know, it isn't easy.

I opened my mouth to say her name one more time when I heard the familiar sound of her collar jingling, and her nails hitting the hardwood floor. I heard her come to a halt somewhere behind me, and then heard her licking up the water Shrugging, I simply walked off and sat down on the couch.

It seemed that every time I got a moment of relaxation, something had to bother me. Take this moment for example. I shut my eyes, leaned back in the soft leather, and was about to doze off into sleep, and then- Ding-dong.

"gah!" I absolutely hated the sound of the door-bell. Not only was it irritating, and for some odd reason incredibly loud, it also caused my dog to bark. And let me tell you, she has just about the most annoying bark in the world. Two seconds of hearing it and I'm already forming a migraine.

Scooping the small poodle up in my arms, I scurried over to the door and hoped she would calm down before I answered it. She wasn't barking anymore; just growling. I shook my head at her, and jerked the door open, a little surprised to see Tori standing there.

Ever since the day she had moved in and that whole make-over scene had happened, she hadn't been to my house, nor had I been to hers. "Hey, Katie." She smiled, a big toothy grin.

I shut my eyes for a moment, trying to drown out the noise of my dog, and the noise of Tori's voice as she rambled on about why she was here. "Tori, do you mind if we talk outside?" I asked, cutting her off mid-sentence. "I'm sorry, I can't concentrate on anything right now, with my dog-" I shot the poor animal a look, as if it would understand what it was doing, and then turned back to Tori, "barking."

She nodded a little, and I set the dog on the ground and walked outside, closing the door loudly behind me. It wasn't like anyone was home to hear the noise, and I honestly didn't care.

"As I was saying, well... I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out. I mean, I've got nothing to do all weekend seeing that Amanda and Bailee are skipping town for a week. And, we've never hung out." She shrugged, and smiled at me again.

Resisting the urge to scream "NO!" And then think of some pathetic excuse, I kept telling myself that this was a good thing. Almost as if she was trying to help me figure out her secret. As if she knew about my plan all along, and she was just dying to tell someone. I nodded and looked down at my feet to avoid sight of that smile. "yeah, sure. That sounds great. Possibly your house, though?" I suggested, pointing a thumb back at my house and the still audible barks of my dog.

She nodded and laughed a little. "Sure, but you should probably change first."

I frowned, not understanding what she was talking about. I hadn't even realized I was still wearing my pajamas, it had never crossed my mind once. Mentally slapping myself in the face, I nodded and ran inside.

Wait, wasn't I supposed to hang out with Annie today? Just the two of us? Away from Marissa? Crap. I mentally slapped myself again. What was more important to me? This whole Tori business? Or possibly reviving a friendship of mine that has been alive since pre-school, and is slowly rotting away?

Definitely the friendship, choose the friendship! But I couldn't. Annie was pissing me off to an extreme lately, and it wasn't like Tori was ever going to knock on my door again with such a benefiting offer. "Eff. Eff. Eff." This time it wasn't a mental slap, it was a real one. Oh yes, right after I had changed my clothes, I really did slap myself, and quite hard I might add, in the face.

Picking up my phone, I dialed Annie's number. She should be here any minute, it was already past twelve-thirty [the time that she was originally supposed to be at my house]. "Answer your effing phone god damnit!" I bit my lip when it went to her voice mail and heard a beeping noise outside. It was her, it had to be.

I called Tori then; the only thing I could think to do. She answered right away, which was a surprise. I had never had a friend that would answer a phone that fast. They usually let it rang until the last ring before their voice mail. Wait, so now Tori's considered a friend of mine? "Hello!" She said.

"Yeah, Tori. I'm an idiot. Uh, I actually had plans to hang out with Annie today..." I mumbled, stepping out the front door. "So, maybe we could hang out afterwords? It'll only be for a few hours." Sandwiching the phone between my ear and my shoulder, I walked closer to Annie's truck. It was in pretty good shape, considering she shared it with her brother and he was a terrible driver, but I always hated to go anywhere in it.

"Yeah!" She answered, still cheerful as ever. "That would be great!" She hung up then, and I was glad she did. Hopefully Annie wouldn't question me on who I was talking to then.

I walked to the passenger side door, and opened it only to find Marissa. What a wonderful sight to see in the morning! "Uh, Annie. I think we need to talk." I said, glaring daggers at the both of them.

"About?" Annie asked, it was convincing too. She sounded like she was actually confused about what I was upset with.

"Alone." I said, glaring at Marissa again. She rolled her eyes, but hopped out of the truck and walked to the sidewalk. "Annie, what the hell?"


"You invited Marissa?" I said the word the way my mom would have said cancer, or pedophile, completely disgusted with her. "You said we were going to hang out alone" Stressing out every last syllable of the last word, just to help her grasp it better. "Alone, in my mind at least, means just the two of us."

"Well, yeah!" She said, shrugging modestly. "I know that, but you and Marissa aren't getting along well, and I don't like that. So, I thought, maybe we could all hang out and hopefully get rid of all the bad feelings?" She smiled, and I frowned.

Exhaling loudly, and rubbing the back of my neck, I had nothing else to do but to nod and agree with her. I couldn't disagree, because I really did want to hang out with Annie today. And Marissa or no Marissa, I was going to.

Eeeek. Late night writing<3
Anyways, the next chapter will be all about how she spends her day with Marissa, and the next half of it with Tori. Yay, how wonderful it must be for Katie! C:

Um, since I didn't re-read this at all, in fact I just typed it up really quickly, I'm sure someone has some errors that they can find within this. Thank you if you point those out, that would be lovely. (:


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A story. A story that you should read! xD Empty Re: A story. A story that you should read! xD

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