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Ajsbdksmdj; I love you guys; Rant thingy; Yea.

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Ajsbdksmdj; I love you guys; Rant thingy; Yea. Empty Ajsbdksmdj; I love you guys; Rant thingy; Yea.

Post  Jenna Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:26 pm

So I'm going through stuff right now. (If you read Taylor's thread, then you'd know I was gonna post this.)
My classes are super easy, but I hate the people in them. In my science class, people will tell me that I'm going nowhere and that I should kill myself. Every. Single. Day. 
I really freaking hate that I'm scared to ask the guy I like out. But the thing is, I like three guys. So...I don't know. So I'd have to pick one of them before I asked that guy out. I'm screwed.
Okay this isn't going to be much longer, so bare with me. (Question-is that the right "bare"? Or should it be "bear"? I always get confused with that.)
I lost my best friend today. So now I have like, one close friend and we're not as close as we were over the summer. I hate that I can't keep friends. 
Don't go,"Just make new friends". 
I. Do. Not. Like. Change.
Plus, I don't make friends easily. I'm not sociable really. I'm just, ugh. I don't know anymore. 

It's whatever.
I'll make it through the year.

Oh and, I really do feel like you guys are my family. I'm not favouring people right now, but Vicky and Taylor really helped me this summer and it made me realize that you guys are my family. You're more so my family than my actual family. Does that make sense? Maybe, maybe not. I don't know. 
I love all of you. 
You're all beautiful and perfect despite what anyone says. 
Got that? 

I love you all. <3 
I'm great and you're jealous.

Posts : 1488
Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 25

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Ajsbdksmdj; I love you guys; Rant thingy; Yea. Empty Re: Ajsbdksmdj; I love you guys; Rant thingy; Yea.

Post  Taylor Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:20 pm

They're jackasses, Jenna. I mean, I know it's not easy to do, but the only thing you can do is ignore them, really. I've been called shit every day like that too, but nothing as bad as "kill yourself".
I'm bad with guys, too. I would NEVER be able to ask someone out. Maybe tell them I like them, but not flat-out, do you wanna go out with me. & try to think about it like.. Who's the guy you started liking the latest? Because, you obviously didn't like the first two, if you could like someone else... I don't know. That's how I'd go by it, but I don't know. I can never like two guys at the same time (then again, I can't really say anything, because still to this day, I've only liked one guy so.. >.> WHY DO I STILL LIKE HIM WLHKJER)
It's bear, I believe. I looked it up yesterday, because I always get it wrong too. xD When you're saying "bare" you're asking someone to get naked with you o.o
& I'm sorry about your friend, if you want to talk about the you can always message me. On here or facebook, whatever works. & I understand what you mean about not making friends. I'm really awkward, and just anti-social & if you don't talk to me first, we will never ever be good friends. Not even acquaintances. My friends are always telling me to suck it up & talk to people, but they're people who are like AMAZING at talking to new people, so they honestly don't know what I'm going through, and they seem to think that I'm just making it up because I want attention. Like these people who I'm friends with now, from middle school, they all talked to me first. They all put up an effort to be my friend, and that's why they're here.

& I'm glad I could be there, Jenna c: I love you too <3
alright, now keep going.

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Ajsbdksmdj; I love you guys; Rant thingy; Yea. Empty Re: Ajsbdksmdj; I love you guys; Rant thingy; Yea.

Post  Jenna Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:35 pm

Okay, I'm done with wasting my time crying. Last night I cried for a while, probably close to two hours, I woke up feeling like total shit, my little brother poured juice on me and I got blamed for it, I got yelled at, my grandma and cousin are on their way here now, so just fuck it. You know that song from All Time Low that's called "Weightless"? Yea, Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year.
I'm gonna start religiously living by that or something because it's kinda true.
The friend issue thing, I understand exactly how you feel because come first day of school, I knew basically no one. They had to start talking to me. I ate by myself, now I eat with these two girls, but it still feels like I'm by myself because they barely talk to me.
I dunno. This is a fucked up world and if you're the underdog I guess you just gotta make it through. It's total bullshit, but whatever.
I'm great and you're jealous.

Posts : 1488
Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 25

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Ajsbdksmdj; I love you guys; Rant thingy; Yea. Empty Re: Ajsbdksmdj; I love you guys; Rant thingy; Yea.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:06 am

I have one thing to say to these fuking people in your science class:BACK THE FUCK OFF MY BITCH(Yes,Jenna is my bitch:D)
And its bare.not bear...i think.I'm almost 95% positive
Anddddd here's my thing on the guy thing,i told one of my friends the exact same thing: Dont ask one of them out if you like two others.It would be like mentally cheating,that makes sense yeah?
AND You are part of my family dammit!no need for those other people.Jenna,we can have our own little family!LIKE PENGUINS!!!!...I love you (:
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Age : 30
Location : Hogwarts

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