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Daybreak School For the Gifted.

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Daybreak School For the Gifted. Empty Daybreak School For the Gifted.

Post  Ambie Assassin Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:06 am

Dear Potential Student,
We here at Daybreak Charm School would like to inform you that you have been accepted to attend our esteemed establishment. We hope that you come and enjoy what we have to offer. As a reminder, be mindful as you arrive and try not to cause trouble. We would really love for you to be able to attend our end of the year cotillion. Congratulations on your acceptance and we hope to see you soon.
Yours Truly,
Anna Kliev, Founder and Principal of Daybreak Charm School
Welcome to Daybreak Charm School, where only the best of the most...unique are allowed to attend. When it comes to being unique at Daybreak, "unique" can have many different meanings. For instance, artistic ability, music abilities, and even special powers. Have your mind read, your fortune told, your arms broken, your body healed quicker than you can imagine, and so on. Girls go to classes and live in one building, while the boys attend the building across the street. Sometimes classes and races collide. How will your school year be? Will you make it to the end of the year cotillion?

Year Four: New Students, Humans Thirteen to Fourteen.
Year Three: Students Returning for Second Year, Humans Fifteen to Sixteen, Younger humans must be tested
Year Two: Students Returning for Third Year, Humans Seventeen to Eighteen, Younger humans must be tested
Year One: Graduating Students, Students Returning for Fourth Year, Humans Nineteen to Twenty-One, Younger Humans must be tested.

Available Classes: (All classes are for both Guys and Girls, unless stated otherwise.)
- Etiquette and Behavior.
- Dressing to the Occasion.
- Poise and Posture. (Girls and Guys, but separated.)
- Mathematics. (Age and Placement based.)
- Art.
- Dance. (Girls, mainly. Guys have classes separate classes.)
- Music.
- Physical Education. (Gurls and Guys, but separated.)
- Spell Binding. (Upperclassmen only.)
- Literature and Creative Writing.
- Modern Technology.
- Telepathic and Electrotelekinetic Control. (Upperclassmen only.)
- Foreign Language. (English, Italian, Japanese, German, etc.)

* If you find an after school activity that you're interested in, you're welcome to attend.
* Absolutely any race is acceptable, even made up ones. ^.^"
* No younger than thirteen and no older than twenty-one, please, if you're human.
* You're welcome to be a teacher, teacher's assistant, etc.
* If you see anything wrong with the plot or need understanding, let me know. ^3^"

Amber Lillian Valentine, Year Three.
Actual age unknown, appears to be in late teens.
Hybrid: The daughter of a witch and a god.
Abilities: Mind reading, Compulsion, Casting spells, Blood bending, Flight.
Bio: She just found out who and what her parents were not too long ago and she's still trying to figure out her life. Her father sent her to the school for her benefit - since she's very rough around the edges.
Personality: Reserved, Loyal, Loner, Creative, Thoughtful.
Enemies: Vampires, Lycans/Shapeshifters.
Daily Class Schedule: 1) Poise and Posture. 2) Music. 3) Mathematics. 4) Lunch Two. 5) Italian. 6) Dressing the Occasion.
Daybreak School For the Gifted. IMG_1213

Kai Aidan Alexander, Year Three.
Neko, Eighteen, Returning for a Second Year.
Bio: There's nothing very special about him except his ability to express creative like no one else can. He was accepted the year before due to his artistic ability and eye for art. He's a teacher's assistant for most of the art classes, as well.
Personality: Introvert, Creative, Expressive, Good Listener, Playful.
Enemies: Lycans/Shapeshifters, namely werewolves.
Daily Class Schedule: 1) Art, T.A. 2) Physical Education. 3) Lunch One. 4) Art, T.A. 5) Italian. 6) Literature and Creative Writing.
Daybreak School For the Gifted. KittyBoyy
Ambie Assassin
Ambie Assassin
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 6010
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 31
Location : Rockstarworld, Loserville, USA

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