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Fuck being forever alone. ._.

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Fuck being forever alone. ._. Empty Fuck being forever alone. ._.

Post  Jenna Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:15 pm

I NEED HELP! (That's not a surprise, lol.) 
I swear, I treat you guys like you're my counsellor. Pfffft, who needs friends when I have you guys? ;D 
I need help. 
Well, actually I just kind of want to complain. Lol. I'm sorry. 

I'm sick of being alone. And I don't wanna be alone on Valentine's Day. I've just been alone for so long. 
One of my problems is that I hate people. I HATE them! So I don't know why I'd wanna get in a relationship with a person, but you know, I'm weird. I just, I wanna be in a relationship. Not a short one either, a long one. I'm not scared of being alone; I just hate being alone. 
And I know what you guys are gonna say: "If you hate being single so much, change it!" But believe me, I've tried. I've talked to so many guys it isn't even funny. And whenever I start to like someone, I find out they actually hate me and I'm like,"WELL FUCK!"  (Geez, I need to stop cussing. ._.) 
And these are all the issues I encounter when I find someone who I'd wanna date: 
-They hate me.
-They live too far away.
-They hate me.
-They think I'm ugly.
-Im taller than them.
-They're like, 20.
-They hate me.
And did I mention they hate me? 

Oh but this one guy on Facebook did the date or pass game and said date to me, but that we didn't know each other. So I tried to talk to him and he just totally ignored me. I'm like,"You've gotta be fucking shitting me." 

So I'm done complaining.
Advice, I guess? Please don't go on and on about how I'm so pretty or whatever. Please don't. It bothers me when people do that. And please don't say,"Oh if you can't be happy by yourself, you can't be happy with someone." I know the saying and quite frankly, I think it's a piece of shit.

Bye. I love you guys. 
I'm gonna go to sleep now so I can go to school and then do the Cinnamon Challenge. My friends love me sooooo much. My own mother wants me to do it. 
Fuck my life. I hope I'm allergic to cinnamon. ._.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Fuck being forever alone. ._. Empty Re: Fuck being forever alone. ._.

Post  Taylor Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:51 am

I am with you completely on basically every fucking thing that you just said, it's like we're twins. But I am afraid of being alone forever, that's the only different thing.
I don't have advice, so I'm sorry about that. But I'm here if you just need to rant about this shit. I'm pretty much the only person I know who's never been in a relationship, or kissed someone. It's just really frustrating for me, my friends are pretty insensitive about the subject & think that it doesn't matter to me for some reason.
But that's off-topic, sorry lol.

But hey, at least a guy said date, no one's ever said date to me before, I never get good ratings from guys either. In fact, now I never like someone's status if it's something to do with looks or dating because I know I'm never going to get a high one. I get 7's, and that's the rate you give out when you don't want to be mean, but think they're ugly. ;-;
alright, now keep going.

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Fuck being forever alone. ._. Empty Re: Fuck being forever alone. ._.

Post  Mrs.Fred_Weasley Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:26 am

One-Being single doesn't make you weak;it only means you're strong enough to wait for what you deserve.
Two-Being alone and being lonely are two different things.You can be one without the other.
Anyways,I dont see what Valentines day means to you.In my opinion its guys and girls try and up each other and be like oh,i bought her chocolates and oh i bought her flowers and crap.Honestly,I hate Valentines day with a strong passion for personal and nonpersonal reasons.I mean,why does it have to be only one day out of the year you buy your girlfriend/boyfriend something representing your love for the other?Honestly,I dont think its such a big deal to be single on valentines day.Why make it a special holiday?The real holiday will be an anniversary,or the day you start dating...Not some day EVERYONE celebrates.
And honestly,being single isnt a bad thing,its freedom.I would enjoy it if I was you.Relatoionships are pretty hectic.Enjoy being single for now and hold off until you truly want to be with someone.
Words from the wise Vicky c:
you think you fancy, huh? [admin]

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Fuck being forever alone. ._. Empty Re: Fuck being forever alone. ._.

Post  Andyyyy Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:04 am

I've always, even as a kid who thought of a valentine as every kid who accepted candy from you in grade school, thought of it as a stupid, insignificant holiday. It hasn't changed at all, even know that I'm in a relationship, or that I have been in some during the holiday. We didn't treat the day as anything other than a normal holiday honestly, & I don't think I ever will really celebrate it.
I just think of it as one of those holiday's made to make you either feel horrible, or make you spend money on stupid things neither you nor your partner actually needs.

Being single can suck majorly, but I mean there's nothing you can really do about it. Just be yourself & hopefully someone will come along and change your life. That's all anyone can do really. I hate when people say "yeah, you're single, but you don't try". How can you not try? I mean honestly.
It's a lot easier said than done, I guess.
People will always say to do something, but most of the time, you can't. It doesn't just take one person to be in a relationship. You can't just talk to someone, or ask someone out even, and expect them to like you or anything.

& I'll be honest, most teens are more shallow than adults.
So at this age, yeah, looks kind of matter.
& the wait will be fucking horrible but eventually you're going to find someone. Everyone will.

Who knows? Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic. And I rambled way too much, but the point is: There's nothing that you can do & Valentine's day is really stupid.
you've got the hang of it.

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