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Not forever but for Always

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Not forever but for Always Empty Not forever but for Always

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:24 am

Julianna sat on her bed her mind contradicting itself,She had something wonderful yet her heart craved for another as if satisfaction was an unreachable goal.She brushed her pale blonde locks up into a bun on her head, today the prince was going to take her out to the castle gardens for a ride on one of his prized horses.Theyd been lovers for a while yet still he had not asked her father for her hand.But she was glad of his stalling for she was not sure if her heart truly belonged to him for there was indeed another he was a bit of a ruffian as you might say.His shaggy dark hair constantly falling in eyes bluer than that of a tranquil ocean.But still the Prince is who she was seeing, his eyes were like that of a fresh meadow and such a funny man he was to sit and joke about without a care in the world.How he ever fell in love with a commoner like her no one will ever Know.

Alexx closed the book on the chapter and kissed her sisters head.Shed been fighting cancer for a while and it seemed as though this treasured childhood book is all her older sister craved.Alexx was 16 now and she could still remember the times when it was her sister telling the story with such a fetish that you would think she was an excited little child, which at that time she was.Now she lay in a hospital bed only 29 not even married.Alexx stood and left the room where her sister now slept.Her sister was safe at least,but Alexx needed to leave before the staff discovered her.Alexx wasnt exactly what you would call normal.Her brain didnt function the same as others, it was stronger and capable of more things than most humans.not to mention she even looked different, she had extremely fair skin and hair and her eyes were bright shimmering ice. most of the people living on earth nowadays all had dark hair, eyes, and skin. So she easily stood out in a crowd.Ever since the earths regeneration people were different everyone was equal because everyone looked the same, talked the same, and thought in the same manner but for some reason Alexx was forced into the world of discrimination, when she was younger her own mother had shunned her calling her "demon spawn" and "Satan's child".Alexx hadnt meant to kill her mother, she didnt even know how she did it.One morning Alexx just thought and her mother put a bullet in her own head.Suicide they called it but Alexx knew it was her fault and there was no forgiving such a horrid thing as murder.So for now Alexx slept in sewers and tunnels, any where dark and secluded.As far from civilization as possible, she was traveling down the usual road when a man stepped from the shadows his body covered in a dark cloak, but what could not be hidden were his piercing blue eyes.

Tell me what you think and i might continue. . .. . i have the next bit written already but i thought that a short prologue such as this would be best, sorry if it was confusing . . .
WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2011-08-21
Age : 26
Location : The Planet Gallifrey

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Not forever but for Always Empty Re: Not forever but for Always

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:53 am

I like. :3 Write moreeeeeee~
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 1785
Join date : 2011-05-20
Age : 26
Location : Hufflepuff Common Room.

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