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So, yeah, just a few things...

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Who is right in this situation?

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Total Votes : 4

So, yeah, just a few things... Empty So, yeah, just a few things...

Post  Morgan Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:28 am

I want to know, honestly should a 25 year old lay her hands on her 14 almost 15 year old little sister? She is an adult and her sister is a MINOR! She left marks on her arms, cussed her, and almost pushed her off a porch only because her sister was telling her what she needed to hear. Who is right? The little or big sister? Here is the full story.

So today my sister whom in 25 almost 26 had to get me from school. She lives two minutes away. I got out of school at 3:00 today and she was told to be in the bottom parking lot not the horse-shoe pick up. I walked down there and guess who wasn't there. My sister. I called my dad and he tried calling her. She left her phone at him. I called my step mom after waiting for 15 minutes for my sister and my step mom left work to get me. My dad called to see if I had been picked up and at 3:20 my sister pulled into the horse-shoe. I walked to her van and said "I had to call donna to tell her to get me because you were not here to get me." her remark. "Morgan, Im an ADULT you're a CHILD you have no right to talk to me like that!" I got in her van and texted my step mom to tell her I had been picked up. My sister started up the road and the whole time she is saying she is an adult. I say, "An adult who can't afford the 4 kids she already has. How are you gonna afford that one?" (She is pregnant again) She slammed on the brakes yelling "GET OUT!" I said gladly and opened the door to get out. She took off with the door open telling me to shut the damn door. "Shut the god damn door before I call the cops!" My friend Kacey saw everything to that point. She is my witness. She heard the yelling too. My sister drove by her house and got her phone texting while flying through town. I knew who she was texting, DADDY. We pulled up to my house, I got out and she took off. I yelled. "Hope daddy doesn't rescue the princess this time!" She was out of the car and on my front porch in seconds. She had her hand over the key and door and wouldn't let me inside. "What do you have to say to me?!" I replied. "Nothing! Other than I want nothing to do with you! Now let me in MY house." "You aren't my father! Your not my mother!" "Well who is your mother? The person you disowned for 5 years?!" She grabbed my arms, dug her nails into my skin (through my jacket drawing blood) and shoved me against the railing almost throwing me off. "Well who would want you!?" She yelled in my face. I shoved her away and said. "Wonder who the father is this time!" She stormed to her car and I laughed. "Yeah! Get in your car! Leave!" And I went inside, called my step mom, Kacey, and my dad. Told my mom today. Who is right? Im gonna put a poll and you can vote there, or here with your thoughts about the situation.
Thank you.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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So, yeah, just a few things... Empty Re: So, yeah, just a few things...

Post  babydoll16508 Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:25 am

Okay, so I think this situation was completely blown out of proportion! You were irritated, said some mean, hurtful things that may have been right, which from what I understand, they are, BUT at the same time, it wasn't your place. But then again, she DID start the fight. I know you care about your nieces and nephews and that you want them to be safe, but your sister is an adult, and though she is your sister, you do need to give her some respect. I mean, my sister is 25, and I've said some things to her before, but never to this extent because you really can't say anything....BUT at the same time, your sister was completely and totally out of line herself. What she said and did is just as wrong as what you said and did. She shouldn't have have touched you in anyway simply because she is not your parent and isn't substantially older than you. Not to mention, you ARE only 14. I mean, it would have been different and she was your mother and you had said something even near along those lines, then your mother would have had the right to beat your ass....or if you had said those things and she hadn't laid a hand on you or been harping at you, and told your parents and your parents disciplined you. But your sister had no right herself. Honestly, your sister knew she was late and was probably just angry that you told on her, and so she felt the need to start a fight, you not feeling like dealing with her B.S. wouldn't just let her bitch because, hey, she's your sister and she was in the wrong, not you. You did what you were supposed to do in that situation, call a parent! And then things just escalated from there. But, yes, I do agree, her treatment toward you was out of line.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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So, yeah, just a few things... Empty Re: So, yeah, just a few things...

Post  Taylor Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:19 pm

I think you sister took it way too far by physically hurting you. Was it right for you to say rude things to her? No, BUT she should understand that you're a teenager, and you don't mean most of what you say, and your raging hormones and irritation are not a good combination. As an adult, she should have not only understood that, but should have just acted mature and left the argument alone. I think you guys should just both apologize to each other, but I do think she's more in the wrong.
alright, now keep going.

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So, yeah, just a few things... Empty Re: So, yeah, just a few things...

Post  Morgan Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:30 pm

But what I said I meant every word. I don't like her and never had. My parents say Im more of an adult and more mature than she will ever think of being. I just wanted to see what people thought because she is going to try to sugar coat everything and make me look like I'm the bad one. She is also a slut who is trading sex for drugs and is pregnant for the 5th time and isn't working and neither is her "fiancé" so I want to know how they are supporting those kids. Anyway thanks for taking the time to read this.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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So, yeah, just a few things... Empty Re: So, yeah, just a few things...

Post  Taylor Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:34 pm

Well, either way, she should've still been the bigger person. But I know what you mean about her going to sugar coat everything. My aunt does the same thing (SHE'S LIKE FUCKING FIFTY?), god she's so immature, it's seriously ridiculous. But wow, that's a shame. People like that don't deserve to have kids.
But no problem, and I hope everything works out!
alright, now keep going.

Posts : 665
Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
Location : Chicago

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