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Happy Birthday to my hero. (long sob story about how he saved me)

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Happy Birthday to my hero. (long sob story about how he saved me) Empty Happy Birthday to my hero. (long sob story about how he saved me)

Post  Taylor Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:01 pm

Happy Birthday to my hero. (long sob story about how he saved me) Tumblr_m27v9gznh61qk6og7o1_500
Happy 35th (wow, I honestly cannot believe he's that old) birthday to the amazing Gerard Way! A lot of people make fun of me for liking My Chem, or for being inspired by this man, but none of them can ever really understand how much he saved me. How much he's still saving me. I started listening to My Chem in sixth grade, but I really got into them (watching interviews, knowing everyone in the band, knowing a bit about their history) it was seventh grade. In middle school I didn't really know who I was, at all. I thought this was a terrible thing and I was constantly trying to change myself, but that band taught me that it was okay to be different, okay to be who I was. I didn't have to change me to get friends. When I was in eighth grade I went through a really dark time and contemplated suicide a few times (don't want to get into details), and one of those times I watched an interview with Gerard. And I can't remember for the life of me what it was, but I remember that I started crying and I realized I was being stupid. I never though about killing or hurting myself for a long time after that. Now I'm struggling still with depression battles, but when I listen to MCR I feel better. I honestly do. They've helped me in so many ways, especially Gerard, and I can't thank him enough for that. I hope I can meet him one day and tell him how he's saved me. So, happy birthday is the beautiful, wonderful, man, and I hope he has a perfect day.

Woo, okay, now after that long personal babbling, let's go onto how I'm celebrating today: I'm going to be watching a bunch of their interviews, then Life On The Murder Scene, The Black Parade Is Dead!, and then Midnight Curfew. I also made a cake like four days ago for my mom's friend's birthday, so I'm going to stick a candle in the remaining part of it and sing like a moron.

Hope you all have a great day.
alright, now keep going.

Posts : 665
Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
Location : Chicago

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