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First day rant.

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First day rant. Empty First day rant.

Post  Taylor Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:42 am

Today was my first day at school so yeah I have a lot to rant about.

First period: I have photography, I actually didn't mind this class and the teacher is rad as hell and is into vintage and rockabilly. We have assigned seats though and I'm not sitting by anyone I know, besides this girl who hates me and told me to kill myself last year and drew/wrote nasty things about me.

Second: I have English. My teacher's REALLY old. She's making us do probably the dumbest get-to-know-me activity ever (we have to use literary terms to describe ourselves) and she collected the To Kill A Mockingbird essay today and everyone told me it wasn't going to be collected the first day, so I didn't print it out... I don't even think I can turn it in tomorrow and it's a HUGE part of our grade.

3a/b: Study hall they basically treat us like prisoners lol cool we can't talk or do anything it's the first day and they expect us to have things to work on wut.
Lunch was honestly the most awkward thing ever. Sat with C but S was invited to sit with us along with her annoying as fuck friend o m g, I didn't really talk at all, and then C invited sir-creeps to sit with us which made everything ten times worse cus he sat next to me (when there was NO room by me I might add) and tried talking to me the whole period.

4: Adv. Algebra honors. Teacher seems okay but everyone in the class is a complete moron. The girl next to me oh my god. Her name is Heide. She was complaining the entire time she's like "ms brasko dis book too heavy for me you see me? i'm a little girl dis book wayyy to heavy for me to be carryin around who u think i am" and the teachers like "well core algebra has a smaller book" and bitch is like "aight den i'ma transfer to that class" SERIOUSLY. and then the dumbass behind me asked for help on everything we had to do.

5: worst class. everything about Chemistry is god awful. We have stools instead of desks and lab benches, but there's no room to put your feet because there's no space under the benches/desks, it's the most uncomfortable hour ever. Plus it's horribly hot. The teacher pronounces everything so weird, and he's old and cranky (he even said he was omg) then after wiping sweat off my face the entire period he says "these desks have been here since '58 and they're filthy, so don't touch your face". O. also S is in this class, and we got assigned seats and I'm seated next to her.

really have nothing to say about 6. It wasn't that bad, but then again it's gym so I know it'll suck come next week.

Other random things that happened:
- Didn't see the guy I liked all day long. Last year I saw him after every single class and he gave me a hug after every single class c o o l.
- I see sir-creeps-a-lot A LOT through-out the day and he always tries to hug me ;~;
- My lunch is basically breakfast and it sucks yep.
- Every class has a seating chart.
- Everyone from last year who recognized me bothered me forever about my hair.
- I saw Tristan a.k.a squeaky kid after school and I was like omg hi tristan and then he's like GET AWAY FROM ME YOU GOT EVEN UGLIER.
alright, now keep going.

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Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
Location : Chicago

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First day rant. Empty Re: First day rant.

Post  Fennec Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:27 am

Wow, that sucks. At my school, we still have younger kids. We're 6-10 grade. So we have a few days before classes start and we can get to know everyone.

Could that Tristen by any chance be Tristen Tew?
liek hay gurl

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Age : 26
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First day rant. Empty Re: First day rant.

Post  Taylor Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:40 am

Today was the only day that we really got to sit down and do nothing. Tomorrow we're going right into doing work. But at my school the freshman had their first day yesterday.

And nope, Tristan Morais lol.
alright, now keep going.

Posts : 665
Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
Location : Chicago

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